How to buy a gun...

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There are probably scores of people on this board who could give a history of Missouri's concealed carry laws better than I could. I'll give a brief bit about what I know.

The way the law is written, it appears to just be a permit system, where only qualified people may purchase a handgun. The law permits the Sheriff's Deparments to hold onto the information they gain from the permit process, and share it with other law enforcement agencies.

So, it is sort of a back door registration.

People in Missouri (nobody I know, just overheard at gun shows) talk about handguns being "on paper" or "off paper", and use that phrase interchangeably with "registered" or "not registered".
You could move here from out of state, posessing a gun, and it would be "off paper". The Missouri gov't would not know you had it.

If you run into legal problems with that gun, like a traffic stop, good luck getting it back.

As always, I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, consult your attorney.

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