How to confirm someone CCW's

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May 1, 2006
Puyallup Washington
So I was at work last night and we got a call to go down and take a report of someone skipping out on paying at the parking garage by driving through the gate. During the conversation I was talking to the parking attendant and he was explaining what needed to be replaced to fix the gate. One of the parts he referenced were some pins. He described the pins as "About as long as a .38round not quite as long as a .357".
Although I see this man every day when I do my business checks and as I patrol the garage, I had never spoken about guns to him before. He would have no reason to believe that I was a shooter. After I finished speaking with him it dawned on me that this man ALWAYS wheres a sport jacket and is the only parking attendant to do so. I think it would be very cool confirm another shooter but don't want to embarrass him by flat out asking him.

Any suggestions?
Not everyone who knows about guns has a CCW. In fact, there are many, many shooters who don't and wouldn't even consider. By the same token, there are many shooters who CCW but don't ever mention it.

But really, it's not hard. "Hey, you described those pins as the size of some cartridges, do you shoot too?"

Then again, unless you are looking for a range buddy, I'm not sure why it would matter.
Besides, he obviously knows some pretty specific information about ammunition, so he has already volunteered a good bit of insight.

Maybe he was testing the waters with you?
I envy people with dial calipers for eyes.

I've got 1K Starline .357 and a fair pile of empty .38 at the house but I could no more tell if a pin was between those two measurements than the man in the moon.

.22CB cap and .416 Rigby, maybe.
Don't ask someone if they concealed carry, it's rude, like asking someone how much they weigh. His description of the pins lets you know he knows something about shooting, you say he always wears a sport coat, then you can just reasonably conclude he carries a gun. There is no real need to ask him to confirm it though, it's really a personal question in my opinion, I don't like for people to ask me if I carry, I refuse to confirm or deny that question.

Now, confirming whether or not he shoots, that's simple, "The otherday you described some pins as cartridge lengths, do you shoot a lot of .38 or .357?" It'll probably strike up a conversation without being embarassing, just don't question him too much in front of your co-workers.

He described the pins as "About as long as a .38round not quite as long as a .357".

"Well there's your problem! Put in some '06 pins and this won't happen again!" *chuckle* "You a shooter?"

If he dances around the question you can throw in "I prefer *insert caliber here* myself, for a carry gun anyway"

I wouldn't flat out ask someone if they carry. If he is a shooter and you start talking guns it'll probably come up eventually anyway, then he can decide whether to offer up that info or not (besides, if that's a no-no where he works or if his co-workers don't know and they are around he won't tell you anyway).
His description of the pins lets you know he knows something about shooting, you say he always wears a sport coat, then you can just reasonably conclude he carries a gun.

Really? I know lots of people who wear sport coats and know something about guns who don't carry. Hell, I even know a couple of guys who know about guns and wear vests all the time that don't carry.
By wearing a sportscoat, it might be required of the company he works for.....
If you really want to know if he carries, strike up a conversation with him when doing your checks, opening with the reference to 38spl and 357 cartridges.
He broached the subject; respond with a like comment; might just strike a long time relationship.
I am constantly amazed at how many people I meet on the road who have a CCW. Most of them dont carry often, but the sheer numbers really do impress me.
I know a mess of people with CCW'S, a large majority of them don't carry.
Why bother?

I wonder if they think they are going to have a couple of hours warning to run home and get a gun when needed.
Pull a knife on him and see if he shows you his gun. If so, just say, "Hey, just kidding, man."
Isn't it obvious he is a shooter? Show me a non shooter who describes anything with a firearm reference.
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