How to Greatly! Improve your AK Wire Folder Stock

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Aug 10, 2007
I have been working with a Romanian wire folder for the past week to see if I could improve upon some of its weaknesses: cheek weld, comfort and LOP. Many use the Para cord wrap, which improves it some, but doesn’t quite do it for me. I have always said someone should come up with a slip on sleeve for these stocks. I tried several different things before I came up with this idea and thought I would share it with everyone.

Vinyl Tubing: I used ½” ID, 3/4" OD, 1/8” thick clear vinyl plumbing tubing as a sleeve. I cut it to size and sliced it lengthwise. Then I used some thin foam to pack the tubing on the cheek weld side. This pulls the tubing sleeve to one side and makes it thicker on the side you need it and thinner on the side that is going to fold against the receiver. That way the stock will lock up when is in the folded position and you get a better cheek weld. I then used electrical tape to wrap it tight. I tried duct tape but it was too thick. Thinner type tape works best. There are many color choices available when it comes to tape but I chose basic black. There are many different size tubing available so chose what size works best for you.

Recoil Pad: I also decided to make a recoil pad for it to add to the length of pull and widen the narrow butt. For this I used an old inner tube and rubber adhesive to keep it from unraveling and hold it tight. I cut a long strip to size washed and cleaned it well and put rubber adhesive between the layers as I wrapped it tight around the butt. I then wrapped it with electrical tape. The end result was 1 3/8” width and increase of about 3/8" in LOP, 13.5” overall. You can get old inner tubes at your local tire change places for free.

The end result from these modifications is a cheek weld just as good as a standard stock or better. I am sure some of you can up with some improvements. If you have any new ideas please post them.

The pictures suck because the sensor is going out on my camera and it needs replacing. The tubing sleeve gives a nice durable look and feel to the stock, an excellent cheek weld and is great in cold weather. I like it.




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I greatly improved mine like this:

Gave me 2" more on my LOP also, which is great for a tall man like myself (6'8")--although I have to say that I like the looks of the original wire folder better.
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