How to respond to your doctor if s/he asks you about gun ownersip?

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No need to get confrontational or to lie to the doc or anyone else asking.

Simple answer. "In light of recent events, I can't answer that question. If I say No, I might become a victim. If I say Yes, I might become a victim. I don't know who will have access to my answers. Therefore, I would risk putting my family and I in future danger by answering truthfully."

End of story.
It's never been an issue for me.
I've been friends with my GP doctor and my hematologist for a long time. We talk about guitars, guns, books, etc....all sorts of things that we share common interests in.
If you own a gun, be careful about saying no on any form. The feds can then get you for lying. That's just part of all the new rules that are coming our way. You buy a new gun at a store, and lie on the app. form, they can get you for perjury. I would just leave the doctor's form blank.
Shultzhaus said:
The feds can then get you for lying.
And exactly what law would you be in violation for "lying" to them? What are these "new rules" you speak of? Exactly "how" are they going to "get you" for doing so? I mean, if you know they will, you must know the how and why behind it, right? Otherwise, without basis for such comments, you are simply adding the fear many people are feeling. I'm not saying your comment is without basis, but WHAT basis is what I'm concerned with......
I always leave it blank, like I do my SSN. There is no legal obligation to supply the information for either. If the doctor won't see me because I leave it blank, then I go find a different doctor. Most doctors and offices are so busy, it wouldn't be worth their time to fight you on it.

The only time this may be an issue is if you are going in to receive anti-psychotic or mind-altering substances for anxiety, suicide, depression , etc. In which case there may be some challenges.
"Mr. Foggy, do you own guns?"

"Doc, are you familiar with the term *Boundary Violation*? "
I stopped going to doctors when they all decided to stop treating patients who suffer from chronic pain. They all seem to be working for the DEA now. I haven't found one doctor in over 3 years who will even give you an appointment if you suffer from chronic pain.
If you own a gun, be careful about saying no on any form. The feds can then get you for lying. That's just part of all the new rules that are coming our way. You buy a new gun at a store, and lie on the app. form, they can get you for perjury.

I too am curious about your source on this. Just because it's illegal to lie on a 4473 does not = lying to a doctor is illegal. That's like saying "Just because I can't lie while delivering sworn testimony in court means that I can't lie while talking to my city's solid waste manager."

As to the original question, the answer is no. If the guy has hunting pictures on the walls of his exam room, then the answer might be that I used to hunt but no longer do.
I've seen most of the Drs I have been to and my Dentist at gunshows, at the range and swapped shooting stories with them. No big deal.
This isn't quite as big of a problem here in AZ. In fact, the director of the Emergency Department where I work says that when he interviews potential doctors or PAs, he asks "Do you like guns?" and "Do you like scotch?" He says he refuses to hire anyone who doesn't answer affirmatively to both questions.
I came across that in an office one time. I thought about it and did not reply. I was more concerned that the office personnel does not need to know my business. "No" would be the appropriate answer if an answer is required.
My Dr. knows that I own a gun already; We've been shooting together several times. I'm not sure, but everything is so fuzzy from the accident. You should never try transporting all of your firearms at once across the deepest spot at Flaming Gorge Reservoir in a float tube. It's amazing how much damage one misplaced bayonet can do in a situation like that.

If you own a gun, be careful about saying no on any form. The feds can then get you for lying.

Yeah, you can take off the tin foil hat. People lie to doctors all the time. Depending on the question it might be stupid to lie, but hardly illegal. If they're asking about gun ownership it's neither stupid not illegal to lie.
Somehow the subject came up at a recent visit of mine to my M.D."s office.
Seems one of the Nurses is a trap/skeet shooter and I offered to alter a buttstock on one of her shotguns and she was delighted.
No fee of course.
She shot Thursday night I'm anxious to hear the results.
Tell he or she you got a BB gun.... and if you own one then you are not lying, then you also don't look like you are hiding anything either. ;)
I'm guessing that if you answer affirmatively, then some box gets checked on your medical record... like if someone admits to smoking.

About the smoking comment. A few of my coworkers who are not regular smokers go out back and smoke a cigar on Fridays at 4:30. One of them told me a tale of telling his doctor that he smokes a cigar on Fridays. He thought nothing of it... until another of his doctors at a DIFFERENT practice said, "So, you are a smoker?". Once that gets onto your medical record, it NEVER comes off. It affects your health insurance and life insurance rates... forever. I suspect that if you answer affirmatively about guns, it will get on your permanent medical record and never go away. SO DON'T ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT GUNS TO YOUR DOCTOR, AND ADVISE EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD NOT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS IF POSED BY DOCTORS.

If you own a gun, be careful about saying no on any form. The feds can then get you for lying.

The feds can't "get you" for lying to your doctor... what kind of BS is that?
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