How would You Re-act

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That is a perfectly reasonable reaction. In fact, I would argue it would be irresponsible to simply answer the door and hope for the best.

At around 10:30pm the doorbell rang, we were not expecting anybody,

This is a red flag. :uhoh: I am not a hermit, but I do not like when people show up at my door after dark randomly. If its a neighbor with some legitimate reason, ok, but some stranger showing up- I don't like that.

they started to knock loudly and shout "anybody Home"? "open up"

Was this guy drunk or something? You don't bang on a person's door at 10:30 (or any time of day) and demand they "open up." :fire: At this point I wouldn't of even helped him out if he was that brazen and rude about it. Was the guy from NJ or something? :confused:

Overall, a stranger shows up loud and aggressive at your door at night- and you reacted properly. Sounds like if you were unarmed he was going to try to bully you into assistance.
You almost got taken out.
A slow leak, huh? And they couldn't drive on a slow leak? 3 men pounding on your front door to inquire about calling for a tow? Whether or not they had violent intentions, they were morons, and morons can be dangerous. You did well to be armed. No overreaction at all.

I would totally advise against ever going outside and around like that again. It is a common thing for criminals to pound on the front door, and then go around to the other side, and you don't know if they could've started around to finish the job from the other side. You are safer and in a better tactical position when you are inside and they are outside. Much better to have three bad guys where you know they are. (In a narrow doorway after they break in.)

Other than that, zero body count. It's a good day.

And I need neighbors like you and yours.

-Sans Authoritas
You did fine. Nobody got shot and you were ready if he had been a threat. Maybe you taught him some manners in the process. A flat tire does not give one the right to pound the door and make demands.
Giving your 'midnight caller' the benefit of the doubt, he truly was in need of road side assistance, that still is no excuse for stupid, rude, boorish behavior.

And I really don't feel qualified to comment on your actions. I don't know you, or your neighborhood, I don't know the level of your training, or that of your really wonderful neighbors. The only real contribution I have to offer, is to say, I have found myself, going out the back, to check out things that went bump in the night also. And you found yourself in a situation that far surpassed bumps in the night. About the only other thing is, I hope you plan an elaborate BBQ as a thank you to your 'back-ups.'

With that out of the way. What kind of idiot, seeking help, approaches someones home in that manner? Even the most complacent amongst us, must realize an unexpected night caller will push the homeowners threat detection level up a few notches. It just amazes me that anyone could be that stupid. Several years ago I blew a steering tire, on a tractor trailer, in a rural area of Pa.. It was an upper, upper, middle class area (not a farm community), and I needed to beg assistance. I must admit it was a rather daunting experience. It wasn't night, but it was that odd early morning hour, husbands off to work, schools buses finished their rounds, in an isolated affluent community, and I, scruffy, unkempt, with a definite 'rough customer' appearance need to approach these homes and ask for help. I was not in fear of my own safety, my concern was more of causing alarm to the housewives I needed to interact with. I fully expected to be greeted with suspicion and caution, so I had written out all the information needed for someone to place my call for help for me. No need to invite me in, they could place the call for me, without needing to even let me in.

The first 2 homes were unoccupied, and the lack of any obvious deterrents amazed me. The third home, car in the drive, the sound of children playing, just signs that the lady of the house was in. I rang the bell, stepped back from the door(to provide a buffer zone for the home owner), and was greeted like an expected guest, which startled me more then an armed greeting would have. I explained my situation, asked her to place my call, and declined her invitation to come in(that would just have blown me completely out of my comfort zone). She made the call while I waited on her porch, the service people had all the information they needed and dispatched assistance, I thanked her and walked back to my truck. Baffled that the whole time she was making my call the only barrier between me and her and her young children was a flimsy screen door.

I guess I'm trying to say, people are oblivious.To 'assault' someone's door with a (supposed)request for assistance, strikes me as just as hazardous to one's wellbeing, as the total lack of situational awareness displayed by my good Samaritan.
There are myriad variables that determine whether your reaction was appropriate or not, and there's no way we could account for all of them.

The fact that two of your neighbors--who do know the variables--also thought that responding armed was appropriate ought to answer any question you have as to what was reasonable.
M-1. [he had heard the call over his police scanner and had come over to check on my mother] the police arrived 3-5 mins latter.
Turns out their car had a flat and they had no spare, an wanted to call for a tow.
have been wondering did i over respond?

OK, if their car just got a flat and they had no spare, there was no reason to get rude and loud and frightening the residents.
Your neighbors are awesome.

Too bad I live in a college town where bad things happen every night, however, people never take the necessary precautions to preserve their own lives and way of life.
Yours was a clever reaction, and turned out to be fine. You were right in the fact that some sort of reaction was required based on the strangers' rude behavior with unknown intentions. I might have stayed in the house and yelled through the door, but you know your mom's house (inside and out) better than almost anyone.

I'm also looking to move, if any property opens up in your neighborhood, feel free to PM me.
3-4 muldoons beating on my door at 10:30 in the eve wouldn't go over so well with me either doc.

I wouldn't open the door for them, and would surely arm myself and inquire what the hell they were doing from inside the house.

If they are up to no good and break in, than they would suffer the consequences of their action, if not, the issue would be resolved from within the walls of my home.
I find it interesting that they pounded so hard on the door that you had to replace the glass on the window.

I believe, once the rest of the details came out, that these guys were up to no good. There is no reason for their behavior other than either stupidity or criminal intent.

So, are you going to replace the door with one that has no glass in it? It's a common recommendation in home evaluations to have a SOLID door with reinforced frame installed.

Are they going to pay you for the damage?
Rangermedic -- No, you did not over-react.

To the poster who said "open the door a crack" -- that's a great way to get the door shoved in your face and your posterior handed to you on a platter. Quite frankly, that's about the worst possible advice for a situation such as described.

Rangermedic said:
i would have helped them if they gave me a chance instead of becoming upset "that know one answered the door soon enough".
Where is it written in the rules that a resident has to answer the door at all? They had no right to get upset. You might have fallen asleep on the couch with the telly on after a hard day's work. None of their business. If nobody answered the door at your house ... there were apparently other houses nearby.

I agree with those who have opined that these guys were up to no good. Easy enough to let some air out of a tire so you can claim "flat tire" in the event the police happen upon the scene. It's surprising how low the pressure can go in a modern radial tire and still be driveable, at least at moderate speeds for moderate distance.
I think your reaction was good.
The neighbors that came out made it even better.
I don't really buy the flat tire story--it sounds like a quick CYA on their part.
But with the reception that they got--I don't think you'll see them in your neighborhood again. I'll bet they're still trying to clean out their shorts.
Good job sir--you may have convinced some small time thugs to change their ways and if they were truely innocent but just being stupid--I bet they're a little bit smarter now
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