Howard Dean's DNC Issue Survey

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Jan 2, 2004
Houston, Tx
I recieved Howard Dean's DNC Issue survey, probably because I've been voting in Democratic primaries to vote against Ken Benson's attempts at higher office (who as a freshman in the House cast the deciding vote for Clinton's AWB!).

What was interesting, is that among the usual questions about abortion, gay rights, protectionism, health care and social security, there was absolutely no mention of gun control or gun rights.

The Dems know gun control is a losing issue for them and seriously appear to be hiding this long running plank of the Democratic Party Platform from potential "swing" voters.

Our job is to not let them hide their position! There appear to be some pro-gun Dems on the national scene now, Webb & Richardson come to mind iimmediately, we need to support these "new" dems as much as possibe to help secure our rights and not let the DNC hide the gun control issue.

OTOH there is no shortage of "pro-gun" Republicans who only support us only until the first floor vote, we need to root these out too, unfortunately it seems most of them are running for president now :(

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