I am a liberal

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Aug 28, 2008
Sherrodsville, OH
So I have often told others that I am a "liberal" and gotten odd looks. So I looked it up just to be sure that I was speaking true.

adjective: liberal

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms.
"liberal citizenship laws"
synonyms: tolerant, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened; More
permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, indulgent, lenient
"the values of a liberal society"
antonyms: narrow-minded, bigoted
(in a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.

I am a liberal like it or not. I may not like you your values or even respect you them. However, so long as you do not use your values as justification to demand from me that which violates mine we can speak and debate the issue to your heart's content.

Some examples:

1. I do not believe homosexuality is right. Sorry, I don't see it as right and will never see it as proper. However, it doesn't affect me what you do behind closed doors and who you pursue to make your own is your business not mine. It does me and my family no harm, and you don't need my permission. There is no reason a gay person cannot do a job, so long as he/she abides by the rules of the workplace right?

2. I believe in God, Jesus, and angels. I don't attend a church and do most of my praying in times of need, thanks for strength, and in the woods where I am surrounded by things He created instead of a building built by man. My view, my belief. You do not need to share it. I have served beside Muslims and atheist's and while our debates have been lively, we accepted each others' belief systems and were good friends.

3. Last example is my adamant defense of the Second Amendment. I will not waiver in my support of our right to defend against oppression in any form. I do not want to require all be armed as that would be a violation of a liberal view as much as requiring no one to be.

A true liberal would never seek to end someone's right to be who they are unless they have already proven by deeds so grievous that they can not bear the responsibility of that right. It is contrary to a liberal to take a choice away.

There must of course be a caveat here that with free choice comes responsibility. If a choice I make leads to negative effects, I am responsible for the ramifications. If I refuse to work, I go hungry. If I commit a crime, I am prosecuted to the fullest. If I fail to take precautions for my own safety, I am responsible for my injuries.

What we call "liberals" today are perverse, twisted, and corrupted to be almost the opposite of what they should be. Freedom from responsibility for those choices by taking them away. They believe freedom is protection from society's punishment by taking away either the choice or the punishment. All are winners, all are free, but none are either in reality. These are not liberals. I do not know what to call them, but not that.

I am a liberal, a freedom loving, gun owning, God fearing liberal. And I am damn proud of it.
Completely off-topic. Firearms, folks.

Expect warnings or worse for continued discussion of off-topic "hot button" issues: religion, "social issues", etc.

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