I Finally Got Bloody

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Jul 8, 2012
Central Florida
Bow season opened 2 weeks ago and I missed a spike in velvet the first morning. I've hunted every other day since then and finally scored yesterday morning.

She spotted me, stood there and watched me constantly while I took the bow off the hook, pivoted around and shot her.
She only went 30 yards. I think the face mask kept her from identifying what I was.


The arrow exited through the left lung.


I'd heard that Florida deer run small, is she a typical example? Not trying to be snarky either, but is she bigger than a large German Shepherd? I'm up here in Montana & mostly hunt mulies.

congrats. I made a nearly straight down shot on a doe a week ago at sunset and hit one lung. I tracked for 2+ hours, found blood, but ultimately the trail went dry and into a mass of brush and thorns. I am still upset that I lost that one.

It was an honest question, I really did wonder how big it was. The dog comparison was to give me an idea against a known animal. Sorry if I fluffed feathers, I'm out.

Peninsular Florida deer run small except for a few areas where they have transplanted northern deer genes.
A typical 3.5 yo buck here weighs about 130-140 lbs. and the does are 85- 110 lbs.

This was a 3.5 yo doe.
Mulies are bigger than whitetail in the first place. Northern whitetail tend to run bigger than southern whitetail, but just like yankees, they don't do as well in the heat. :D

You must not have been to IL much, lol. We get all the heat and humidity, plus get snow dumped in us every winter. On the plus side we have big corn fed deer and we get to put our governors in jail every 8 years or so!
Mmm....peppercorn rolled teriyaki tenderloin.....I'm enjoying my first successful year dove hunting too much to bow hunt yet. Too hot here still, and the ticks are still quite plentiful
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