I hate public ranges sometimes!

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Jul 18, 2003
I was at San Gabriel Valley Gun Club this morning on the rifle range. Unfortunately, a group of three elderly gentlemen set up right next to me. Two of them had a slight clue about guns. One did not. He was right next to me. The idiot was shooting a semi auto handgun and did not have the slightest idea how it worked. He would leave it on the bench loaded pointed towards others. He would wave it around trying to get the round out of the chamber. I was polite at first and tried to explain range safety and show him where the mag release was. Later, after the cluelessness continued, I was in his face two other times, profanity included. I told the rangemaster. He just laughed. They could tell I was so pissed. The dork just sat there until I left. I finally left wanting to keep my life. His buddies couldn't seem to get it and step in. I am amazed at the blank look that was constantly on this guys face.

We all have the right to keep and bear arms. But, some people do not have the mental skills to be around guns.
After the last incident where someone covered me with his muzzle, (along with too many flakey characters at the ranges,) I started carrying an extra gun to the range. There was just something about me having just run my gun dry and some gentleman or lady acting inappropriately that set me on edge. I seem to be better at communicating the importance of the four basic rules of gun safety while holding something from S & W or Kimber in, say, .45 or .44.
Sadly dave - this shows not just a complacent and apathetic approach to firearms and safety - but - also a despicable lack of manners. One is infinitely more dangerous than the other but IMO neither is in the least excusable.

I am (frequently) ashamed of my fellow homo sapiens :mad:
I am (frequently) ashamed of my fellow homo sapiens

Some people have made me pro-nuclear. I think we should nuke the whole planet and start from scratch with the cockroaches. :evil:
If the Range master laughed at you when you pointed out a safety problem, then you should go to who ever is the senior range master and report him. I wouldn't stand for an idiot for a RSO.
I was thinking about the rangemaster thing. I am not being mean. But, I would be surprized if he has a high school education. He is missing teeth and the whole thing. I wouldn't think this is a high paying job. No excuse though. Just an observation. He probably sees this type of thing every single day. I can't even count how many times I have heard the main rangemaster SCREAM at people not to touch their guns on the bench during a cease fire when people are downrange setting up targets at all public ranges. Geesh.

Just for fun, the next time you are at a public indoor range, when you are at your shooting station, look straight up. You will see holes in the ceiling where people have shot the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of scary, huh?
Sounds like leaving was the right thing to do, dave. Much better than choking him out, and that option has crossed my mind a couple of times. :uhoh: :D

I would call and write the owner/manager of the range. Weave "civil liability exposure" into the conversation about six times. Hopefully they will clean up their act before their lack of supervision gets someone hurt.
I wouldn't stand for an idiot for a RSO.
Asking a lot, aren't you?

One way to get their attention is to demand a refund because you've had to cut your shooting trip short due to their incompentence in providing a safe place to shoot. They always pay more attention when there is money involved.

I swear this sounds like one of my local ranges, Alpine. (I know it's not, I can read.)
That would never happen at the NRA range! The R.O.s are on top of everything, and somewhat strict... I feel safe shooting there :). Hell, it's even the patrons (us) responsibility to call a "cease fire" in case of an idiot endangering themselves or others.
dave was the range officer the old guy with the straw hat and glasses that likes to pick up brass instead of doing his job?
The mention of "old guys" at the range reminds me of one time I was shooting and there were a couple of senior shooters in the next lane. I don't even remember what they were shooting, might have been a handgun of some sort. What struck me is that one was shooting one round at a time, and after each shot the other (looking through a spotting scope) would call out where it hit.

Nothing odd about that... except their target was out about 15 yards. :what:

Now, I can picture in my mind that one was an old shooter whose eyesight was fading but still wanted to get out and perforate some paper. I can fully respect that and have no qualms. I was a little nervous that both of them were apparently somewhat vision impaired.

In retrospect, I don't remember that they were unsafe, so it's probably no big deal - not like the original post - but it did strike me as funny at the time.
Sounds like the old timer and the range officer both need a tuning up of some sort. Lack of good gun safety is never a funny thing, especially when the gun is being pointed at you. I have seen it too many times even with shooters who have been shooting for years. Scary....
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