I have retired my bow in shame. :(

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I've watched that video 3 times and find it more unbelievable each time. That guy should be on the Impossible Shots TV show.
I've been talking to a few friends in the traditional archery community, one of whom is pen-pals with this guy. It's all apparently legit, though some of these took 50+ attempts and he's only showing the ones where he succeeded. He also concealed a few things for unclear reasons. One is that it's not the same bow or technique in all the shots. Long range, slow shots, or ones require high penetration are done with moderate to high draw-weight and a more traditional string grip. His super-rapid fire shots use a very low pound bow (20-30#), extra wide nocks (like 1" wide) he made himself and a strange grip he apparently invented that is a mix of three-under and a vertical pinch. I should also mention that some of his "historical" research is not very solid. Yes, Asian and Arabic cultures used short reflexed bows, shot off the right side of the limb (if you're a righty), and held arrows in the string hand. But they didn't shoot with his special grip or do most of these crazy moves.

Of course none of this detracts from the fact that the man is a hell of a good shot and quite creative.
That guy is the equivalent of Bob Munden with a bow and arrow. That is truly an amazing feat to accomplish, he should be on some TV show.:eek:
Never saw anything like THAT before.

I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him.
Ok, I want to know what the law is about machine bows. Surely someone has to write some sort of law?....
Good....god. And I thought the guy who shoots aspirin out of the air was a master. This guy is ridiculous. In a good way.

I can only dream of being able to shoot like that. Gonna have to show my brother this. He's good, but nowhere near that.
Ok, I want to know what the law is about machine bows. Surely someone has to write some sort of law?....

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thought this video would give an anti - gun politician nervous prostration followed by conniption fits. First time I saw it I thought - what if you had a squad size group with this level of training sneaking around in the dark, raising heck and causing accidents?

It brings to mind that before the bow was a fun activity at a city kid summer camp it was a weapon of war.
50+ attempts and strange, homegrown techniques or not, that's still some very impressive shooting that had to have taken lots and lots of practice. Not to mention a healthy dose of crazy to try shooting oncoming arrows out of the air.
This video makes me wonder what archers were truly capable of before firearms, when their archery skills depended on providing food and security.
At an annual living history event that we do for the schools I am the "Bow and arrow guy", showing examples of bows from various tribes and regions. Part of my demo is shooting a plains tribe style bow vs a muzzleloader and why, after the first shot, the bow had advantages.
My best has been 4 arrows in 15 seconds all into the torso sized target bag at 20 yards. Not bad for a fat 60 year OF but not nearly as good as that fella in the video...
At an annual living history event that we do for the schools I am the "Bow and arrow guy", showing examples of bows from various tribes and regions. Part of my demo is shooting a plains tribe style bow vs a muzzleloader and why, after the first shot, the bow had advantages.
My best has been 4 arrows in 15 seconds all into the torso sized target bag at 20 yards. Not bad for a fat 60 year OF but not nearly as good as that fella in the video...

I've seen plenty of evidence that the Ottoman Turks continued to deploy archers in war into the 18the century even though they were also renowned for their guns and cannons. Guns could punch through armor and took little skill, but the bow's accuracy and rate of fire made them still relevant.

I'm a big trad archery enthusiast myself and I can loose about 7-8 arrows in 30 seconds from a hip-quiver using a three-finger release, and hit a 40cm wide target with all shots at 20 yards. My shooting buddy (also a retired US Marine) can loose 13 and land them in an even smaller circle. Mind, we're shooting wood bows with no sights or any special accessories. I can only imagine what an archer that spend years training daily would be capable of.
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