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I have!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jan 18, 2011
Between Orlampa!
The best and most wonderful woman in the world!!! I just thought I should tell you guys that. Why? because last week we went to the range, I hadn't been in awhile so I was overdue. She had the day off so we tried to make a date out of it and , well, it didn't go so good. We showed up at the rifle range and all is well. Were shooting my mosin and ak at the hundred yard target. Then this kid shows up with his ar15. No problem it's good to see new shooters, the problem is that there was an entire empty shooting line and he set up just to the left of me. Yea! you guessed it, his bass was popping me in the head while i'm trying to shoot my mosin. After 5 rounds I look over at him and suggest that there plenty of open spots maybe he should spread out a bit. He says hes good. Now I'm <deleted> :fire: I said ok , well I noticed his target at the 50 yard mark and it was nice and shiny no holes what so ever. he tries again and the same thing, nothing, then he gets mad and guys over to the pistol range. Thank God now I can shoot. well we finished rifles in the next 20 min. So We get up and pack it in and decide to go to the pistol range.

Low and behold this kid is the only person on the pistol range. Shooting his....AR15.... on the pistol range, which isn't allowed, and the farthest target is 25 yards. Whatever at least hes a little ways away. I ask him if he could go cold so we could set up out targets, very politely, I may be scary looking but I try to treat people how I want to be treated. He said no, then laughed like why did you even ask, of course I won't.

I Lost it. I don't mean like dang it lost it, I walked over to him and told him straight to his face, while he had this smirk like what are you gonna do to me look, that I knew the owner and I would kick his <deleted> for being a piece of <deleted> and trying to be a smart <deleted>, then I looked down at his target at the 15 yard line and it looked like he hit the target 4 times since he'd been there and there was about 200 rounds worth of brass on the ground and I didn't see any other targets with him, so I told him how great a shot he was and maybe if he wasn't such a little <deleted> he could learn a thing or 2. Then I asked him if he would mind going cold so we could set up and I added please at the end, He gulped and said sure. I set up at the 25 yard line about 4 targets away, took out my 1911 and put 8 straight rounds in the 9 and 10 circle. he got up and left. I sat down to calm down and let my fiance shoot for awhile.

Sorry but this is why she's awesome! she turned to me and said she was about done and asked if I wanted to shoot some. I said yea and got up, While I was shooting over the next half hour she had diligently picked up almost ever piece of brass on the range. Without telling me. So we go home and she tells me to get a shower, While I'm scrubba dub dubin she cleans my mosin and 1911 for me, so I get out of the shower with clean guns then she tells me about the brass and I couldn't believe it. She is by far the sweetest woman in the world and I love her to death! I just wanted to share with you guys how great it is when you have someone that enjoys your hobbies with you.

I know this is long but have any of ya'll had an experience like that. where you had a tough day shooting and your wife or gf made it better for you?
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What does she want?

I know this is long but have any of ya'll had an experience like that. where you had a tough day shooting and your wife or gf made it better for you?

Yup, many times over the past 30 years of being married to my wife. She's a jewel.
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My girlfriend wrote the Four rules (you know which ones...) in a notebook for my ADD friend with mild aspergers who was my ride to the range. She wrote them big. In sharpie.

That helped me make sure that he understood this wasn't a time to dick around.

His groups were pretty bad at first due to his medication. Poor kid.
I don't mean like dang it lost it, I walked over to him and told him straight to his face, while he had this smirk like what are you gonna do to me look, that I knew the owner and I would kick his <deleted> for being a piece

Threatening to assault a kid, or anybody for that matter, armed with a gun while at a range is foolish in so many ways. If you knew the owner then why not just inform him of the issue?
Once I read the word "shower" I thought that story was going in an entirely different direction...
I've been divorced or separated since Nov 1996. My ex was never that giving or even remotely polite. I couldn't count how many times I had to apologize to her during our thirteen years together even if I had a thousand hands and feet. :rolleyes: She never once apologized to me until after the divorce. That one apology was quite a shock to hear. :)

So... the answer to your question is no. :(

The divorce made me happy though!! :D
Threatening to assault a kid, or anybody for that matter, armed with a gun while at a range is foolish in so many ways. If you knew the owner then why not just inform him of the issue?

Based on his accuracy, I'd be more afraid to be 10 yards away from the guy threatening him.
Threatening to assault a kid, or anybody for that matter, armed with a gun while at a range is foolish in so many ways. If you knew the owner then why not just inform him of the issue?
While I have never threatened anyone at a range or shooting area, I have most assuredly "gone off" on idiots with guns at said places.
Yea, I know I shouldn't have lost it but a guy can only take so much, anyway I found out she wants. Quote, " I want an xd in the 3.8in variant with a chrome slide, thanks baby!"
Lucky me right!
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