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I haven't told my wife, yet, and I'm afraid to.

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it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission......:)
The keys here:

Youre wife's OK with it.
YOU are happy about it.
You had the money.
It has found an owner that will care for it properly.
While my personal revolver thriumph doesn't carry the same mystique as yours: I know all about your butterflies in the 'ol stomach, and the fact you didn't sleep well the first night you brought it home from the time I found my *personal version* of revolver holy grails.

You can believe it now, it's home, you own it. Yes you spent too much, but would have spent more if needed.

Go take a nap.
Comfortably 'numb' though, obviously...

"I agonized over it for about 20 minutes..."
Sounds like a true gun nut. :D
Congratulations. It's a hell of an investment if nothing else. Plus braggin' rights.
Ramen Noodles, the official diet of college students and gun junkies everywhere!

Did you tell you wife that you were going to sell two others? If not, DON'T! I fear the regret you'd feel for selling them would more than overshawdow what little "buyer's remorse" you may be experiencing right now from your latest purchase.

Every gun guy or gal has their Holy Grail they are searching for. Mine is either a S&W K-22 Masterpiece or K-22 Combat Masterpiece. Doesn't have to be mint, as I plan to shoot it A LOT! I've just set aside my first $20 today ... ahhh, the anticipation is setting in!

SP, Enjoy your RM, she is a beauty!
I can just hear Saxon saying to Mrs. Saxon...

"Honey, you can shoot me with this gun, but please don't grab it by the barrel and then club me with the butt of it. The blood stains and hair strands on the grips will detract from the value...." :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :D

Seriously, though, that is one sweet S&W. Probably won't ever be one of those in Foggy's Artillery Locker....so can I enjoy it vicariously through your pics & descriptions???
Jad1110- The Combat Masterpieces from the early 1950s aren't too hard to find. I acquired a matching set in .38 and .22 last year for a pretty reasonable investment. The guns are shooter grade at around 80-85% and I paid $135 for the .38 and $265 for the .22 (they always bring more).

The .22 was shipped in Oct. of 1951 to Honolulu, HI, and the .38 went to Missoula, MT, in Nov. of 1952. Like all of my old guns I wish they could talk.

My pair of CMs.
Hey... it's only money... you can always get more.

But what are the chances of finding another specimen like that one!

Great find and a super investement!
Very Nice

Nice gun...don't sell any other guns to absorb the cost unless you have kids or other such important obligations. As for the wife, I would keep my mouth shut and hide the bank statement.;)
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