I just paid for my new Enfield

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Sep 6, 2003
Queensland, Australia.
I just transferred my $300AUD for this beauty. It's a made up rifle, none of the parts were ever on the same gun together, what with most of the parts being unissued. The action is a 1916 No 1. Mk III Lithgow.


I already have quite a few 'historic' Enfields in my safe, with a 1928 No. 1 Mk III Lithgow in good condition with matching numbers and so on, but I wanted a really accurate piece for entering in the Service Rifle competition. This one is built from scratch by a real Enfield enthusiast and from all accounts has EXACT headspace and shoots like a dream.

I can't wait! :D

I guess now would be a good time for people to start posting pictures of Enfields?


  • no1mkiii.jpg
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That IS a beauty! Congratulations, 37.

I wish I would have picked one up....I think it was the early '90s..... when you couldn't go into a gun store around here that didn't have a few on the rack, selling dirt cheap. Heck, they were even selling them in some dept. stores. Of course they weren't nearly as pretty as your's.
That's a clean machine. Even got the magazine cut off. Saweeeeet.
Tell us how she shoots.
What a beautiful "smelley"! I have a 1942 Lithgow No. 1, Mk III* that shoots great, but it doesn't look near that good. I love those smellies!!
They are wonderful pieces of history that are very well made and shoot great! What more does a man want in a rifle?

Jim Hall
carpettbaggerr: 300 AUD is 210 USD, give or take a few cents.

More than worth it if you ask me, considering far worse condition Enfields around these parts can cost from 325AUD to 550AUD.
Good on 'ya, Digger!

NICE rifle!

Hey, what can you hunt with it? Are kangaroos protected, or just some species? Still got imported water buffalo? Any deer?

Lone Star
Lone Star: This rifle will be used primarily on paper and piggies. Kangaroos are generally protected but in certain areas you can get a special license (some places are literally swarming with them) though for that you'd want a .223 or something. My cousin has one of those licenses and has offered to take me along on a roo hunt which I'm certainly looking forward to.

Feral cats and dogs make a bit of an appearance and it's fine to shoot them, same with rabbits. As for deer, there's a few different types down south but up here it's mainly pigs. Sometimes I just like taking my other rifles (Couple of Enfields, Stirling .22, Mauser etc.) out to a property and blasting barrels, bottles and cans full of water rather than proper hunting.
thumbtack: Some people do. I've never had roo before, I hear it's quite tough meat though. I wouldn't mind trying some but it's certainly not commonly eaten.

SMLE: Wouldn't be Lewis (Vulch from gunboards.com), would it? I live further north, in Townsville.
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