i lost my knife sharpener...

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...not the really nice ones...:D

Give me a shout if you need help. If you'd like to buy equipment, I can point you in the right direction.
i've tried many different systems, and although i likes my electric sharpener, it's expencive to replace. i was thinking mabe a manual sharpener, you know, the type were you place the blade inside the groove and draw the sharpener along the blade.

Being an Eagle Scout you should know this.
For darn sure if you are OA.
[I just felt like tossing out an acronym like everyone else does around here *grin]
Yes, I am OA btw...*snicker*

1. You got kids? How about Nieces and/or Nephews?

2. Get the kids to sharpen your knives after you teach them freehand sharpening using a Norton and/or diamond stones, and dry strop.

*smart huh?*

"Be Prepared" is not just for Scouts ya know, and we are supposed to pass forward.
I mean how many knives did you sharpen in Scouting for Scoutmasters and others?

Problems ain't no thang, who has another one?

been voted OA like 5 time, never got around to doing the Ordeal. and what luck! my 10 year old niece is staying with us until saturday! never though of using child labor.....GENIUS!!!
what luck! my 10 year old niece is staying with us until saturday! never though of using child labor.....GENIUS!!!

It is called Mentoring you big dummy! *grin*

Humm, I made Life, ( then life stuff got in the way) was OA, (its sorta both neat and sucky to get tapped first) and I was the first one back...
It ain't everyday I get to correct a Eagle Scout.


Oh young ladies are neat! They sit in your lap and their hands on your hands and learn to freehand.
At my age a 40 year lady is a "young lady" , and I am an "Adopted Uncle" to some of these.
I sorta like this role I have a lot. Being single, and Freehander, is great!

I bet them Doo-dad folks never hear "moOm! Its my turn to sit in Uncle 'teves lap!"

Freehand 1
Doo-dad 0

it's really funny because she lived in chicago, and just moved to Anarbor, MI. two of the most gun-unfriendly places. two years ago, i got her a rifle and taught her how to shoot. i introduced her to pistol yesterday. oh the stories she will tell when she starts school! :D
Boy Scouts is how I get my axe sharpened. I have my knife which I sharpen but then there is another knife that gets sharpened as needed when someone needs to fulfill a requirement. It is good to be the Scoutmaster
I bet the tourist or steve took your doo-dad...

Honestly though, you say you have good sharpening skills...I can't believe you don't just want to do it the right way with stones.

Maybe you should look into getting a blade that isn't stainless. It takes all of 30 seconds to put a shaving edge on my knife...
i have a mix of stainless and carbon steel blades. my problem is that THERE ARE SOOO MANY OF THEM!!! plus, it takes awhile to hand stone a 18 inch machete and a 36 inch cutlass. plus 2 axes and a hatchet.

Honestly though, you say you have good sharpening skills...I can't believe you don't just want to do it the right way with stones.

because im lazier than a three toed sloth. at least durring summer vacation.
I bet the tourist or steve took your doo-dad...

Nah, we wouldn't do that!

Chico and I have a thang going on.

Basically we are on the same page, making folks think, investigate and verify for themselves.

This ain't no cookie-cutter deal we gots going on either. We ain't gonna spoon fed ya, you gotta grab the spoon yourself.

It is all good, one is supposed investigate, verify, and keep on trucking down the road with learning new stuff, and passing forward the old ways.

Oh heck phooey!

Excuse me, it seems Chico is trying to figure out how to attach a seat to his Edge Pro, and done stuck hisself to the thing with glue.
Something about a lady client coming over and wanting to learn how to sharpen...


Personally I find it easier just to sit next to a lady on the sofa, with the A.G.Russel "V" sharpener and show how to use that doo-dad.

She had some surgery on her weak hand, and freehand sharping was sorta difficult, so she got a doo-dad.

Are you referring to a grinding wheel? Don't ruin your knives' temper by using an electric sharpener like that (at least that is what I have heard--I don't know that for fact). Those different grit diamond "stones" with the holes will sharpen most blades quickly. I found a cheap one at Harbor Freight Tools with a choice of 4 grits. It seems to work fairly well for the price, but I've never compared it to the expensive DMT brand.
When I approach sharpening--and that includes studying history and modern innovations--I steal now more than I did as a child.

Yes, I own Edge Pro products. Two, full size, full scope "Pro" models and every stone Ben Dale sells. In fact, I have helped Ben create new products he now sells.

I also study Japanese books on samurai sword history and their methods of polishing. I have some of their stones for that sharpening regimen.

I steal from bikers who create show bikes. I use two varieties of their pastes.

And I invent things, all sorts of things. Metal brackets, shims, brass rods, over-size steels for large knives, glass, and hides to name a few.

If I caught sm with a laser, a stone and a grin I'd track him down and steal his backpack.

The edge is the manner in which a tinker is judged, and it's the only manner.
If I caught sm with a laser, a stone and a grin I'd track him down and steal his backpack.

You sitting down? *grin*.
I do use a laser and stone. *cool*

Did I ever mention I used to collect corks from bottles of spirits?
There are some really works of art in regard to corks, just as there are in wooden cigar boxes and cigar wraps.
I really like the looks of the cork in that bottle of tequila you shared.

I don't drink, and they just don't use corks for Dr. Pepper...*frump*

Ah yes, there is a Art & Science in using a laser, and stone.

To prevent "misty" or "slurry" in a barn, maintenance shed, pole barn,etc, one uses a laser pointer until the Feral Cat raises a burr. The burr comes just after the "cat dance".

One only needs to raise one burr.
This is akin to Eastern sharpening whereas Western Sharpening requires one to raise two burrs.

When the one burr has raised on the Feral Cat , one waits until the FC is outside with a safe backstop and shoots the FC.
Then one can continue using the stone they were using.

Sharpening Skills is sharpening skills.

sm, if you gaze at the background picture of the gloves I use when riding, you'll see some of the stones I use that were drying after a cleaning.

No lasers, though, dang...
SM and Tourist have inspired me........

After reading this thread I remembered that I have several knives that "needed attention".

My CRKT Crawford Falcon that rides around in the side pocket of my laptop bag everyday has not had it's edge addressed in awhile. Specifically not since I was under the house running some network cable and had to use it for some impromptu drilling. Actually to enlarge a hole I'd drilled too small. (The drill was in the house, I was under the house, it was only a little bit too small, and I was lazy).

Also my Leatherman C301 (actually both of them) needed attention. I'd peeled and sliced a peach this morning at work (fresh off the tree in my backyard) and it performed a little worse than expected. It's seen too much use and not enough attention.

And while I was at it my cheap chinese 13.00 fixed blade from Walmart that I find myself hunting with more often than not (It's so damn sharp and handy I can't help using it. I know it's cheap and chinese, but the darn thing works!) was a little worse for wear. It's been sitting atop a shelf over the kitchen sink since last deer season.

Well, out comes the gerber steel and the homemade dry strop and some elbow grease. I now have a bare spot on the inside of my left leg from "testing".


Now where did I leave that Buck fixed blade???
He does know I sharpen for living only, doesn't he?

Good night, man. If you can't go shopping for tequila and find women of your own, I doubt my involvement will be much help.
He does know I sharpen for living only, doesn't he?

A little secret...there will always be those that don't know, and always be those that know more about a business they are not in. *yep*

I do not sharpen for a living.
I do have girls bring me a cup of coffee, homemade baked goods and even sit in my lap to assist them with knife stuff and sharpening free hand.

Free-Hand - 2
Doo-Dad - 0

Hey Chico!
Maybe we can get take this show on the road.
I have this real hankering to hear a live band in a Roadhouse where the band is behind the cage.

You can set up at one end of the bar, I am going to sit on Harley up near the cage and do free hand.

You are checked out on ducking pool cues, long neck beer bottles while you sharpen a knife - right?
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