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Apr 27, 2003
Frisco... unfortunately...
A message from our friend MicroBalrog:

Friends! As those who know me [or even read my editorials and blogposts] know, even though I am not an American, I care about gun rights and freedom. I believe, America is going to be the death knell of the global gun control movement, and if we can kill gun control in America, it will eventually collapse in every major democracy.

And now, for action. This year, the House of Representatives and the Senate is composed of a more pro-gun body than ever. This means we have a real shot at passing HR-1703 - Second Amendment Protection Act 2005. It is a bill whose main target is to eliminate the sporting purpose requirement from Federal law, eliminating such things as the import ban and the ATF-introduced ban on certain shotguns in one 'fell swoop', further securing the argument that 'the guns are not for hunting' in law.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the bill is now in the Comittees on the Judiciary and Ways and Means. If we want it to go through, we must write to the committee heads. Remember - when a Congressman is a head of a committee, every US Citizens can call them, and write and FAX, too, not just people from their district.

http://judiciary.house.gov/CommitteeMember.aspx?id=1 <- this is the contact information of Hon. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr, [R-Wis]. He is the chairman of the Committee on the judiciary.

http://billthomas.house.gov/Contact.asp <- contacting Bill Thomas, chairman of the committee of Ways and Means.

I can't write to them, since I am not a US citizen. You can, however. Put some fire on them through phone, fax, or mail, tell them to push HR-1703 through.
Thomas has a B- GOA rating, and Sensenbrenner's got an A. We can get them to do it! Write, call, FAX, pester them night and day.

Obviously, you need to write your Representatives. But moreover, you need to contact America's biggest gun right lobby - the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action, and ask them to help you - let them push for H.R. 1703. You may contact them here:


Also, you may call them on the Grassroots Hotline - 800-392-8683 .

Don't just call once. Pester them with phonecalls. Don't hesitate to call again, and again, and again. If you're an NRA member, you're paying their salary anyhow. They work for you. Make sure they do their job. Remember, they depend on your membership fees and donations to continue functioning

Does it seem hard? Does it seem unlikely? You know what? It was harder for Colonel Travis, and it was harder for Paul Revere, and it was way harder for the people who fought at Lexington and Concord and New-Orleans. But they knew they were fighting the good fight, so they didn't give up and they kept it up.

You have it easier. You have no excuses.
I can't write to them, since I am not a US citizen.

Yes, you can. If you're here legally, you have as much right to write to our elected misrepresentatives as full-fledged citizens.

I believe, America is going to be the death knell of the global gun control movement, and if we can kill gun control in America, it will eventually collapse in every major democracy.

I hope you're right. I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen, but I sincerely hope you're right.
He's in Israel. You can read his excellent articles in Concealed Carry Magazine. I think the initiative is worth supporting. Put the other side ont he defensive for a change.
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