I should not be allowed near gunshows or stores unsupervised

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All told, I spent nearly $1400. The wife just shook her head and laughed at me, because I would not buy her the Sig Mosquito she wanted. (I told her I had spent enough for one weekend)

Are you insane?! Wifey wants gun and you say no?! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

That thing in your head is your brain. USE IT! :rolleyes: :neener:

You better surprise her in a day or so with that Sig or all of us here at THR are going to go to your house and beat you with a foam bat.... 1 foam bat doesn't hurt.... but 75,025 of them does.
Lol this is a good thread. And yeah I would get her the Sig. My wife gave me a hard time recently after a gun show purchase. I said look at least I'm not addicted to strippers and I get to bring the gun home.
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