I tawt I taw a putty tat....

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1) hire an old lady housekeeper with a umbrella, or broom.
2) babysit a friend's BIG dog.
3) if porch is out in the country - umm...165 grainer from an '06 works. Why do you think they call them "sick days". ;) " yeah had a case of the "red mist" hit me yesterday..."

I'm right partial to option 3 if the porch is out in the country - if not, see option 2. :)
The aspirin when in a high dose is toxic in cats. It also lasts a long time in their bloodstream so they can be poisoned easily if not careful. Not a very humane way to remove the problem cat. Use a trap or weapon to quickly dispose of a feral pet. If the cat is a pet it is a good way to pay a hefty fine and possible do a bit of time.
Rat poison (warfarin) is good for many types of vermin. Just make sure no dogs will get into it, because it will kill them too. Put it on a high table. You may even start by putting cat food out for a few days. When you see he's regularly eating it, switch to the poison. He'll gobble it down and bye bye kitty.
This is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. :rolleyes: First off, if your worried about a cat peeing on your front porch you need to find something better to do with your time, cats dont exactly leave lakes. Second, is it really that hard to spray some repellant around or something? Third, why is this in hunting? Finally, how do you know its a cat if you have never even seen it?
Excuse me...

In all due respect - this thread ain't dumb.

Now the mall ninja with extra ceramic plates story is D-U-M-B . Do a search.

Feral Cats, have HIV, and other nasty diseases they can infect with. Granted we don't know if english kanigit, has other pets, or perhaps - he may have small kids or neighbors with pets.

Heckuva lot more sense than some mall ninja duct-taping extra ceramic plates ( funny as hell to read tho' :p ).

I was serious. I mean why wait till the critter is on the Porch? If one is out in the country...

I have done and will continue to be responsible and eradicate Feral Cats, rabid racoons, dogs and whatever. An '06 from a model 70 off the porch at 70 seventy steps works. Not only did I eradicate any disease, I got to practice my rifle skills, and well like the man said ...

buzzards gotta eat too

Oh - the easiest way to get a rabid skunk to "settle down" in a wire cage type trap...so he don;t tear up the trap, and you don't get bit....480 Ruger and .454 Casull work...

It was practice handgun skills day and both traps had a rabid skunk..yeah the loads the guys worked up - worked...

Play Misty for Me...

mathyoo, please don't take this wrong but you obviously have not had the problem. The brass kickplate on our front door was half green from the urine induced corrosion before a single head shot at 60 yards took him out humanely. The odor was overwhelming for about two months until he was dispatched.Many of these suggestions, as it has been pointed out, are dangerous to other animals and to you good standing in the community.I do favor the .22 LR and patience for the right time and shot placement.
Yes, this is not dumb at all. I had a similar problem with a feral tom spraying on some carpeting in my garage. The smell was eye-watering. Not only did I have to burn the carpet, I eventually had to scrub the floor and then power wash it. (tom went bye-bye to kitty hell after a couple of these episodes, sans head).

I don't recommend the connibear, especially a 220. Ummm, somebody told me this, but apparently they are capable of dispatching up to a medium sized dog if it gets it around it's head/neck.

I have a raccoon-sized Hav-no-Hart live trap that I use now. Cats are pretty dumb in general and most of them will go in. The bait? Why canned cat food of course. Sardines work well too.
mathyoo- catpiss stinks to high heaven, and it don't take a lake to make the odor.

for my own cat problems, i use polish sausages and a live trap if i won't be around followed up w/ a 300 win mag, and if i will be around i use polish sausages and a 300 win mag.
Dallas TV 10:00 news tonight just included a story about Arlington man trapping 'em in his yard (within city limts). In interview, he said he was sick and tired of smelling the piss (and yea Art, their Grandma did not censor the word ;) ).

City Animal control officers had told him that if he caught 'em, they were "his". Supposedly, he had already caught 4. And hauled 'em off and "dropped off in a rural area" ... :rolleyes:
As to the cat piss, I actually took a pressure sprayer to the front door and siding before cleaning up the drive for our yard sale.

As to the cats, right now I'm exploring options.
I'm in the city so no fire arms. (Too bad, my m39 could use a yawn and a stretch)
There are three regular offenders, two of them normally get greeted by my paintball gun. The third really nasty one gets a shot in the butt from the pellet gun at one pump. :evil:
I'm pretty sure they all live within a two block radius.

Today we kicked off our family's big spring garage sale. One of them came into the yard and my grammaw approached it and started the whole "shoo kitty" routine. One of the shoppers immediately perked her head up and, ah , "informed" us that we were to leave her "well mannered and polite" cat alone. :scrutiny: I cleaned it up and turned down the volume level, just for Art's Grammaw.
A 220 Connibear will most certainly kill dogs and injure curious children. They should be used with due care. They cost less than live traps and don’t require dealing with a living, biting animal.

Ya might think about asking city animal control to loan ya a live trap or three. Then let them (and the owners) "deal" with the issue when ya catch one. (or if ya opt to buy one, here, they sell for around $60 at feed stores).

While I've caught (and released) some neighbors' cats in box traps put out for coons and skunks, I've never caught the same cat twice, so I think they get wiser quickly.

Too, you might improve the odds a little by covering up all of the wire cage except for the fall-down door. I've not seen a cat yet that did not think it needed to check out the inside of any new "box" on its "turf". :)
sm- one thing i will never be accused of is bordering on the edge of using too light of a gun for the task at hand. i don't care if its deer hunting or cat-killing. to dispatch cats, the lightest guns i've used were a 7 rem mag for one, and a 12 gauge for another.

i do not know if it is fortunate or not however, that i have not needed to 'shoot again'...? i have learned that in the case of a 300 win mag spitting relatively lightly constructed 150's at peak velocity, it takes a mighty fine shot to hit something w/ a second shot!!!
Shoot again...

Comes from Ruark. He just knew the shot was good. He climbed down from the blind, and no "cat". The PH had said to alway shoot twice - especially a critter with the ablilty to do serious harm , kill you and then eat you. :)

The hair stands on end when you know there is a "cat" out there somewhere, and it is dark...you are now the "prey" in his environment....
You could try a "havahart" trap baited with...whatever you have.
If that doesn't work, .22lr with hollowpoints?
Cat Burglar?
Down in southern Illinois where I hunt, the park we camp at had problems with feral cats. So one of the rangers took to hunting them down with a .22. The local bunnyhuggers got upset and insited that he use a Hav-A-Heart traps on the feral cats. He didn't know what the big fuss was about, since he would just take the traps over to the lake and drop them in there for a couple of minutes before going to empty them in the dumpster. :D
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