I think my house may have been cased yesterday

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I suggest before being able to afford a safe, get a couple big cable locks for motorcycles, the padded coated kind, Lock all the longuns and handguns thru the trigger gaurds together, and too something too big to get out the door. Then have a couple "go to" handguns hidden on places only you know where they are......I have a couple ideas for that, and carry one at all times if legal in your area. I have a gun safe, but before I had to buy one, I kept my guns behind a false wall I built in the bedroom that not even three of my freinds could find after I got the safe and invited them to try to find my "safewall"
She seemed to do everything right....... and still got killed by a very determined, phychotic, ex-boyfriend.

ADT and the other alarm systems are not designed to stop the "determined." They are designed to stop the local neighborhood sneak thief or opportunist.
There are wireless camera's that run off a router and broadcast to a website, so that even if they destroy the computer the act is caught on a hard drive far away. There is also a program that I tested a couple of weeks ago, it worked quite well. You and set it up on as many pc's as you want and use the exhisting web cams to monitor motion. Any motion starts the recording, on and off premisis, also an alarm can be set to go off. I can dig it up if ned be, this type of program is pretty available thru private companys, but I liked this because it was basically little to no charge. I always believe that you need a good alarm system a large dog at the minimum, along with several weapons placed throughout the home. I am a bit more security concious, because I had a Home invasion in the 70's, before the name home invasion was coined. I had posted this in a prior post. I worry more about a team coming in when my loved ones are at home. That should be a primary concern. But if you need help on the pc program, pm me and I will try to find the site I downloaded it from.
ADT and the other alarm systems are not designed to stop the "determined." They are designed to stop the local neighborhood sneak thief or opportunist.

Those systems are not designed to STOP someone determined. They ARE designed to ALERT YOU TO THEIR PRESENCE, so that you can use other means to stop them (like a 12 gauge). The ADT system failed completely, it sounds like.
There is also a program that I tested a couple of weeks ago, it worked quite well. You and set it up on as many pc's as you want and use the exhisting web cams to monitor motion. Any motion starts the recording, on and off premisis, also an alarm can be set to go off.

I have evaluated a bunch of these software packages. My favorite is:

Those systems are not designed to STOP someone determined. They ARE designed to ALERT YOU TO THEIR PRESENCE,

While nice in theory, and quite often working well in practice, don't count on it when it comes to your family's safety.

There are a dozen ways to get around one, and the pros know them.
There is no stopping a determined person from breaking into your home. Most people don't live in a fort, and you have to leave to go to work in most cases. Lots of opportunity for a determined person.

Gun safe is the best protection overall. The biggest problem with safes is where to place them.
That used to be called "setting a booby trap." And it was a federal offense. Unfortunately, I almost found out the hard way.

I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV. I did, however, take two law classes in college. Setting traps is highly illegal. Rationale is that they are totally non-discriminatory. Neighbor's kid could be out looking for their dog and get killed. REALLY bad and highly illegal idea, though sometimes I would like to.
There is no stopping a determined person from breaking into your home.

True, but you can make it very difficult. Very good locks, a quality (and, in my opinion, independently installed) alarm system, and a quality safe would be very difficult for all but the most professional thieves to get around.

The job of all these things is to slow down a thief. The more time they have to spend defeating each element (locks, alarm, safe) the more discouraged they will be.

And, of course, a few big dogs helps a LOT!
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