I was wondering???


Sep 1, 2021
Nor. Cal.
I use Nu Finish in Crushed Walnut Shell Media in a RCBS Vibrator Cleaner and I am wondering if the Nu Finish seals the primers of loaded ammo? I am vibrator cleaning some tarnished ammo and using Nu Finish in the Walnut Media. I am thinking that the Nu Finish also seals the primer area of a loaded round, is my assumption correct or should I use a primer sealer? I know it is not necessary to seal factory ammo but I am wondering about this Nu Finish as a primer sealer of loaded ammo.
There would /should never be enough waxy stuff to seal anything. Put a cap full in and vibrate 10 minutes before adding your brass. Wipe brass with a paper towel when you take it out and don't touch it with your bare hands after cleaning. It'll stay shiney a lot longer .
I use walnut and nu finish , it's does great but I do wash and dry my dirtiest cases first .
The classic sealer for non-military cartridges is plain old finger nail polish you steal from the wife. Any kind of varnish, wood sealer, etc. that Home Depot sells will also work after the primer is fully seated.

If you are really concerned about getting cartridges wet, one magazine load in a vacuum sealer bag would work quite well. Make as many bags as you think will be needed, and open right before you need to load your rifle.
I have been using the cheapest Nail Polish I could get at the 99Cent store or Dollar Tree. Works great, I also use Markron which is a little thinner but a heck of a lot more expensive. After 3-4 hours in the vibrator cleaner with Nu Finish I clean the primer ends with Acetone and seal the primers with Nail Polish but I can use Markron. Thanks for all the input.