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I will (may) never set foot in Bass Pro Shop again!

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I can't believe this politically correct BS at Bass Pro. I have purchased a lot of items from that Gurnee store, but I will take my business elsewhere if they don't allow the "evil black assault weapons". Geesh... :fire:
IIRC, there is a gun shop in Charlotte that often prohibits .223 round from being shot due to the fact that it is such a high velocity round. Also, lots of people like to shoot Wolf (heaven forbid) and it is said to be bad for the backstop...

(They do sell many assault style rifles in .223 though.)

USMCsilver, are you talking about Firepower Inc. by any chance? :confused:
often prohibits .223 round from being shot due to the fact that it is such a high velocity round

In the interest of science you someone needs to see if they allow 22-250 or 220 Swift. Just curious about consistency.;)
the Bass Pro Shop in Gurnee IL (about an hour north of Chicago)
Right there is another reason you found hostility to black rifles. Attitude in gunshops will usually reflect that of the citizens that live near it. You live in a state that requires a FOID registration card just to OWN a gun or buy ammo and is distinctly unfriendly to shooters (though not necessarily hunters). I doubt that this is a corporatewide policy for BassProShops, just one that reflects the feeling of a majority of Illinois gunowners.
I called the Grapevine store yesterday and spoke to a guy working at the range. His comments to me-which he made sure to tell me were not to be taken as representing BPS's corporate policy-are that shooting an AR15 at their range is perfectly okay. I told him that in this thread there was a quote by another BPS employee about the AR15's appearance, and he was amazed that someone would actually say that.

He suggested I call the store and get the email address of the store manager and range manager, and point them toward this thread. geegee
That would really suck for me because I bought my FAL knock-off for my deer rifle. It's plenty accurate for the job at the ranges I shoot at. With the "FAL" I don't have to worry about my Weatherby getting beat up when dragging through the woods.

So if they're pro-hunting, why can't I sight in my hunting rifle there to ensure minimum suffering on the part of the animal???

If they have a policy at ONE store that forbids a weapon based on its evil looks, then that warrants a NATIONWIDE boycott, not just local. In fact, the whole point is, to have influence from the outside (from places where common sense prevails) affect the anti-gun nonsense in places where common sense does not prevail, such as Gurnee, IL, unless it can be rectified by obtaining an apology and reversal of policy in a short time with simple local communication.
I got the same response from the Bass Pro Shop in Michigan several years ago.

I had heard they allowed rifles indoors...which in Michigan winters was a great idea.

Anything is ok as long as it is not an "assault weapon"

He specifically said Ar's and Ak's...but hedged and said "and other weapons like that"

They would let you shoot 300 Win MAg...but not 223 simply because it looked EVIL.

Any handgun...not matter how evil...was OK
Oh, you've just touched the iceburg with that place. Yes, they are complete idiots there, particularly on the range. Ok, let me see if I can remember my experiences....

Story one:

Clerk, "Hey you can't pick through the brass."
Me, "Why not, half of it's mine!"
Clerk, "Oh, well, ok but only take yours."
Me, "Why? What are you gonna do with the rest?"
Clerk, "I don't know but you can't have it, it's our policy."
Me,-clerk turns around, fill bag with .45 brass, clerk clueless as to anything.

Story two, different day:

Clerk, "Hey you can't shoot at that target."
Me, " Why?"
Clerk, "It looks like a person."
Me, "It's an IPSC target."
Clerk, "Still looks like a person."
Me, " It's two small boxes, one on top of another, do you see any eyes on it."
Clerk, "Doesn't matter."
Me, -tear off the "head" of IPSC target...., "Is that better?"
Clerk, "Yes."

Story Three, different day:

Clerk, "I gotta take the trigger lock off."
Me, "OK,"
Clerk, Takes lock off and slams like shut on a semi custom 1911A1.
Me, " Don't do that again to my gun, it's got a match trigger job and you'll mess it up."
Clerk,"I'ev spend 10 years in teh Army, I know all about 1911's, this won't do anything to it, don't worry about it."
Me, "It's my gun, I spent alotta money on it. If you slam the slide shut on it again after I asked you not to I'm gonna pistol whip you with it. "
Clerk looks crosseyed and offended.

I usually ask that they leave the action open after they have checked the chamber.

After they got rid of most of their handguns due to political pressure I don't shop their anymore. Try the Outdoorsman in Winthrop Harbor. Much nicer group of people there.
often prohibits .223 round from being shot due to the fact that it is such a high velocity round

In the interest of science you someone needs to see if they allow 22-250 or 220 Swift. Just curious about consistency.

If indeed you are referring to Firepower in Matthews, NC you are correct. It is a 50 foot pistol range and they don't allow rifle calibers. Only handguns, or rifles in Handgun calibers. Exception of .22 LR and .22 Magnum. Shotguns with slugs, but for entirely different reasons, they got tired of replacing the ceiling tiles when people tried hip firing their shotguns.
Oh, you've just touched the iceburg with that place. Yes, they are complete idiots there, particularly on the range. Ok, let me see if I can remember my experiences....
Funny stuff! :D I forgot about the two times I've yaken one of my customers shooting. He's a retired Army Colonel (flew helicopters 3 tours in Viet Nam :eek: ), and each time we were at the front of the store having our pistols checked, the conversation went something like this"
Clerk: "How many clips you have today?"
Colonel: "I have three magazines."
Clerk (to me): "How many clips do you have?"
Colonel: "He has quite a few more magazines than me." Then to me:
"Tell him how many magazines you brought..." :rolleyes:

The clerk never got it, but I was kind of tickled by the whole thing. geegee
Sounds like they need more sportsmen and less Marketing School grads making their "rules". They also need to ask themselves why do they sell "evil rifle" accessories in all of their catalogs.:confused: They have forgotten who their bread and butter patrons are, and someone needs to remind them that policies like that only stengthen the Gun Haters who make bad LAWS !!!!! They are pooping in their own mess kit.:banghead:
Well, I kept a couple of clerks busy for a little while at the Nashville BPS today. Have you ever had a drink in your watch hand and someone asks you what time it is? No, I didn't do that, just wondering if any of you had done that. My fox paws was when the guy handed me a flat pack of 100 Large Rifle primers after I had asked for Lg Pistol. I tipped the pack up to read the edge and... Man, those paks slide apart easy! OOPS! All 100. Turned out he didn't have any Lg Pistol ones or LSWC bullets so I left without buying anything. He was nice about it though. I was :eek:
...and now for something completely different...

I am sympathetic with the viewpoints listed here from a standpoint of rights. I also share the opinion that biases against rifles based on appearance are stupid. In addition, I have no personal connection to Bass Pro Shops. However...

It is a private company, and they get to set the range rules however they want. What follows is mostly hypothetical, because the examples given seem to indicate a clear bias against "evil" rifles, but Bass Pro Shops could set a policy of allowing only "the types of arms we sell" in their range and they would not be violating your rights.

Understand that, although they sell firearms, BPS is not primarily a gun store. They are a hunting/fishing/outdoor recreation store. They can tailor their services to support their purpose however they interpret that. This means that they get to decide that if your rifle doesn't fit their interpretation of a hunting rifle they can say it's not suitable for their range. They are built to serve hunters, not military arms enthusiasts, and if somebody is on the range shooting military arms, they're taking up range time that could be used by a hunter (notwithstanding the argument that your military-style rifle may be perfectly suitable for some hunting purposes).

To provide an analogy, if I am a pistol enthusiast (let's say particularly semi-autos), I may open a range only for semi-auto shooters. No revolvers, and certainly no rifles or shotguns, even if the range could accommodate such arms. If you want to shoot another style of arms, you'll be taking up range space that could be used by someone in my target market, and I can choose to refuse to allow you to shoot. It's my right and my business.

I'm not suggesting that the policy of some BPSs is founded on this argument, and if it is it should be clearly posted and explained (I'm not even arguing that it's a GOOD policy). I'm not arguing that people shouldn't write the company to try to change the policy, because I think that's a positive action and it would be good for more people to be exposed to the peaceable use of "evil" rifles, compared to the standard media presentation. I am simply arguing that it's misguided to say that a private company's policies is an infringement of your rights. Their company, their policies, even when those are frustrating to some customers (or just plain stupid).
BPS isn't violating anyones rights. They are pissing off some customers of the worst kind. If enough people tell them that their policy sucks (in the right way) we may get them to change it. If not, screw them. In the words of the midget from the third Mad Maxx movie: "Embargo on!"

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