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I'd like to re-barrel a ROA with a Bobby Hoyt Gain twist barrel


Dec 28, 2008
As the title said. I'd like to re-barrel one of my already customized Ruger Old Army revolvers with a Bobby Hoyt Progressive or gain twist barrel. Hopefully, an octagon profile. The issue is I can't seem to find anyone to do it. Bobby Hoyt is impossible to get in contact with and so is Charlie Hahn. I can't find anyone else who might be able to do this.

If anyone can throw me a bone here and give me a lead on a gunsmith, I would be most appreciative.
Ask Ian: Progressive Twist (Gain Twist) in Small Arms?

From Jamie on Utreon:
“I know naval gatling guns like the 20mm CIWS uses gain twist rifling, but are or were there any commercial or military small arms that used gain twist rifling?”

Yes, there have been some significant uses of progressive (gain) twist rifling on military and civilian small arms. These include:

Colt percussion revolvers (1848, 1849, 1851, 1860, 1861 models)
Custom barrels for Sharps, Stevens, and other rifles by Harry Pope
Carcano Model 1891 rifles and carbines
S&W .460 XVR revolvers

There are certainly others, but those are some of the most significant.


Also, video;

Ian mentioned "progressive twist" and "progressive depth" as two different things.
Ian mentioned "progressive twist" and "progressive depth" as two different things.

They are as I explained earlier. I just got the progressive twist backwards. Most people do think Gain twist and progressive twist are the same. They are not.
I think the Springfield rifle muskets have progressive depth rifling.

Lots of users of gain twist. There is one maker who will incorporate as little as half an inch of "gain" so as to keep the barrel tight on the bullet.
They are as I explained earlier. I just got the progressive twist backwards. Most people do think Gain twist and progressive twist are the same. They are not.

While gain twist and progressive twist styles may be a bit different, they are synonymous. Progressive (gain) twist and progressive depth are different.
Best time to call Bobby Hoyt is right after 8:00AM EST. Once he starts up the machines in his shop he doesn't hear the phone, or just won't answer as he is already working.
I think the Springfield rifle muskets have progressive depth rifling.
Modern repros, possibly; I don't know. But original Springfields did not have progressive depth rifling. The P1853 Enfields the Confederacy imported did, which may be why they were more accurate than the Springfields.
And any revolver smith worth his salt can install and set up the barrel…
And any revolver smith worth his salt can install and set up the barrel…

Yep and with a shorter barrel it can be reamed out with one shot too. Relining of barrels is recommend for original guns whose historic barrel is shot out and the owner wants it restored to shooter status. You keep the markings and restore the accuracy.

BTW, re: gain twist I recall there was an article by the Bevel Brothers in Muzzle Blasts Magazine and the conclusion was there was no difference. The British Whitworth had a 1:20" as did the Kerr, bu tthe Kerr had a gain twist.

If you do go through with it, how about a before and after test and write-up? If you do it with a lot of photographs, you may submit it for publication in Muzzle Blasts.
Yep and with a shorter barrel it can be reamed out with one shot too. Relining of barrels is recommend for original guns whose historic barrel is shot out and the owner wants it restored to shooter status. You keep the markings and restore the accuracy.

BTW, re: gain twist I recall there was an article by the Bevel Brothers in Muzzle Blasts Magazine and the conclusion was there was no difference. The British Whitworth had a 1:20" as did the Kerr, bu tthe Kerr had a gain twist.

If you do go through with it, how about a before and after test and write-up? If you do it with a lot of photographs, you may submit it for publication in Muzzle Blasts.
Bobby claims increased velocity (not really a concern for target shooters) but I’ve never heard him claim increased accuracy even though his .44 caliber barrels must be used primarily for that purpose.
woodnbow - now that would be something to write about. Barrel shouild be slugged and contrasted to factory barrel. I recall Pythons were once .001 narrower for higher velocity or greater accuracy.
The Hege Remingtons were known for their accuracy and they had a gain twist. Of course the Lothar Walther barrels didn't hurt anything.