Idea for our side

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Jan 25, 2012
Panama City Florida
I was at work talking to a few co-workers today and the "vote of the day" became the topic of conversation.

I had the idea that we could "poison pill" the bill by adding in language that would rescind the NFA of 1934, GCA of 1968 and by proxy the machine gun manufacture ban of 1986. The thought I had would be that if the NFA and GCA were gone then we would get a MAJOR victory in that we would disable the FFL system so that we could go to any hardware store/wal-mart/etc. and get a firearm with only a simple phone call check.

If the other side decided that was too much of a loss then they would have to table the bill and try again another time. This would also be a win for us, as we would make them spend more time/money/resources to try again next year.

Does anyone see any weakness in my plan? Upon first investigation this would be a win/win for us no matter how it came out.
The problem is practical. Dems hold the majority in the Senate, and absolutely control which amendments will and won't be heard or voted on.
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