Idiot caught by his own game camera.....

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Aug 1, 2009
The following came from the Florida FWC Law Enforcement Weekly Action Report. Happened in Escambia County, near Pensacola. Might want to avoid that area as there's something in the water that can make you stupid.

Lieutenant Dan Hahr was checking the water level at Quintett Landing when he observed a car parked near the boundary of the management area. After deciding to locate the vehicle driver, Lieutenant Hahr observed a hunter exiting the woods. After checking the man’s hunting license, Lieutenant Hahr asked the man to show him where he was hunting. The man showed him a tree stand about 20 yards away. There was corn scattered within 10 feet of the tree, but the hunter denied knowledge of the bait. There was a game camera attached to a tree, so Lieutenant Hahr seized it as evidence. The camera had numerous photos of the hunter examining the baited area and scattering bait on the ground. The man was charged with hunting over bait in a wildlife management area.

And tell me you would not have loved to see the idiots face when the FWC officer showed him his picture on his own camera.........Priceless!
The camera was helpful I'm sure but just across the state line in Alabama it doesn't matter who put the bait out or if the hunter knew about it,it is still a violation and you will be charged.
I quit watching TV hunting shows that use baiting mainly because I can't use the uber effective product that they are hawking since it is illegal here. Baiting doves or deer can cost you your hunting privileges.
Do you mean that the Sheriff of Nottingham finally caught one of the Merry Men?

So many hunting laws are written by politicians that know nothing of which they vote. why would it matter that you bait a deer, if you only allowed "X" number of deer per season? Limiting the number makes a hell of a lot more sense than limiting the means.
it is not meant to limit harvest. It is to prevent the spread of "chronic waste disease"

And maybe to be a bit more sporting than shooting fish in a barrel, at their trained feeding time:cool:
In Florida where this took place bait on private land is OK but on Public land is illegal.

The problem with bait on Public land is that it creates a mentality of entitelment to the baited area by the person placing the bait. On Public land no hunter "owns" a spot as can be the case on private land.
Who needs to bait when the harvested corn fields are FULL of discarded corn.

Officer: Did you bait the deer?!

Farmer: No I just harvested my field.

Officer: Did you have knowledge that they wuz korn on dah groun'?!

Farmer: Yeaup.

Officer: Then you left it for the deer?!

Farmer: Yeaup.

Officer: Did you hope it would bring in deer to shoot?!

Farmer: Yeaup.

Officer: So you baited 'em?!

Farmer: Nope, I wuz farmin?!

Officer: So you planted korn in hopes a bringin' in deer?!

Farmer: Yeaup.

Officer: That good 'nough. Conspiracy to bait. Now git jur az in jail.

Farmer: Maybe we has to outlaw farmin'?!

Some laws are stupid.
The following came from the Florida FWC Law Enforcement Weekly Action Report. Happened in Escambia County, near Pensacola. Might want to avoid that area as there's something in the water that can make you stupid.

Anyway, I dont feel one bit sorry for the guy. I hope he gets what he deserves.

And, for those of you that are about to jump on the "well it shouldnt be illegal, so leave the guy alone" bandwagon.....dont. Its against the law, he deserves what he gets. Dont like the laws, fight to get them changed, but follow it until it is changed.
I think it got me too when we lived there. Know where the old suggar mill is on the highway near Santa Rosa Sound? Lived right up the road from there. Went to Scenic Hights Elem........... Small world............
I guess that's why food plots are so popular in those states - they outlaw other types of baiting.

I'm curious to know how it works though, that putting out bait encourages the spread of CWD? Not doubing, just curious.
Bait is not illegal on private land so long as the stations are in continuous use for a certian number of days before hunting starts.

It's on PUBLIC land that it's illegal. For turkeys it's ALWAYS illegal.

Part of the thought on public land is that a man setting bait will decide that the place is HIS. That sort of thought is OK on private land where everyone knows where everyone elses feeder is and makes aggreements and allowences for them.

On public land, where it's possible that some hunters will venture out only a couple of times a year and therefor may not know where someone has bait and may therefor stumble in on the bait and the hunter, it is a problem. You just can not have a "my spot" mentality on public land.

As for CWD, none in FL........yet..................
CWD can be transferred through saliva. Therefore, if you elect to feed deer, it is better to use a broadcast type feeder as opposed to a trough or tube feeder.
I think it got me too when we lived there. Know where the old suggar mill is on the highway near Santa Rosa Sound? Lived right up the road from there. Went to Scenic Hights Elem........... Small world............

I am a newcomer, just got here in July. In the Navy, and teaching at the NAS.
The FWC guy was enforcing the rules of the Florida hunting game. No different than a Zebra in an NFL game.

Anybody who doesn't like Florida's laws, either lobby for a change in the law or hunt somewhere else.
The FWC guy was enforcing the rules of the Florida hunting game. No different than a Zebra in an NFL game.

Anybody who doesn't like Florida's laws, either lobby for a change in the law or hunt somewhere else.

That is what I was going to get at, but I wanted to give him a chance to respond.
I giggled at that one there, Jorg. I watch the show Locked Up Abroad for the same reason I read these sort of threads. To be amused at people who don't think things through very hard(or at all) and get punished for it. Also, what not to do and where(though typically, smuggling is a bad idea anywhere :p )
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