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IF you see an ak in california call it in

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When I asked her what she meant by checking them out, she said they would dispatch an officer to the address and see if the person had the "proper paperwork" for the weapon.
well I don't live in california but I think I can safely say good luck with that.
Kali is a lost cause. Let it drop into the ocean as soon as all the good people get out. AZ has a lot of sand and is gun friendly. It'd make a great coastal state.
Were hardly a lost cause there are alot of us still fighting for our rights
Dont forget that even in San Fransicko 42% voted against the handgun ban
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Sorry. I should have ended my above post with a :D.

I know it ain't you guy's fault that your politicians are idiots. I'm sure all you CA gunnies didn't vote for the bad ones. I just get so sick of hearing all the anti gun BS coming from CA and infecting the rest of the country. I know CA gun owners have it bad and that your fight is a hard, constant, uphill battle w/o much chance of victory. That's why you should all move to AZ before the Big One hits. :D
maybe those of you in CA should call them if you see a cop with a gun. Afterall the ad says you get $1K if you see a gun and report it. You could also call and say you see a gun in a car and give the license plate. Just don't specify its a cop car.
guns kill people........ And my wife masterbated to get pregnant....

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Too funny!:D
I agree that Kali is a lost cause otherwise what has happened to them wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Well, since Kali cannot break off and fall into the ocean. lol
I can offer one other solution, but since this is the internet, I will leave you with a grin and let you figure the solution out.:D
I just called the number and was told I and all of the hundreds of others calling, (good job guys), were harassing the police department:D :p :rolleyes:

What a joke. Tomorrow I'm calling the City attorney's office and the state attorney general. I urge you to call too. Especially if you don't live there I don't.

California State Attorney General:
VOICE 1-800-952-5225
(Toll-free in CA) or
(916) 322-3360
TDY 1-800-952-5548
(Toll-free in CA) or
(916) 324-5564
FAX (916) 323-5341

City of East Palo Alto
Michael S. Lawson
Telephone: 650-853-5921
Fax: 650-853-5923
Email: [email protected]
You guys in CA should really consider letting a friend or family member call and report that you own a gun. When they come to check it out let them take one of your lower end weapons. When said friend or family member collects the reward take it and upgrade your arsenal. At the very least I would call that number and bug the piss out of them.
rhinov said:
You guys in CA should really consider letting a friend or family member call and report that you own a gun. When they come to check it out let them take one of your lower end weapons. When said friend or family member collects the reward take it and upgrade your arsenal. At the very least I would call that number and bug the piss out of them.
That could get a little tricky. If people could make it work, though, I would laugh my a** off.
I cant get through

I will try again tomorrow.
I plan on telling them that there are machine guns here in NV and how do I get my money?
"I like money"
Hey! they didn't specify what State you have to live in....right?:evil:
Maybe you should make a second phone call after you prank the LAPD.

That call would be to IKEA, and let their corporate headquarters know that you will not spend a dime with anything they are connected with because this sign.

You did it with Zumbo, do it again.:scrutiny:
80 million gun owners.

430,000 felony crimes committed with guns per year (fed stat
includes multiple crimes by same offender with same gun so less
than 430,000 felony gun users).

Most gunowners are not criminals.

So if you call in on "people with guns" do you get a reward
for reporting noncriminal gun owners? I think you deserve a
civil rights suit.
can we vote to remove NY+CA from the union

Can't speak for NY, but CA is a lost cause. A perpetual source of infection for the rest of the nation.

And before some Dudly Do-Right starts whining, "That's not very High Road", (in my best nasal voice imitation), I lived in California till about a year ago.
I have a right to say what I want.

I saw my second amendment rights continually stripped away. I was there when they outlawed "assault rifles." I was there when that two-faced governor outlawed the Barret 50. I was there when they passed that lying "drop safety" law re handguns, thus drying up the supply of venerable handguns such as the P&R Smiths.

And to the above protestors, again in my best whining nasal imitation, who insist that 42% in San Fran voted against the handgun ban, all I can say is, "so what?"

You people consistently vote into office social and fiscal liberals. You vote people like Arnold, and Feinswine, and Pelosi, yet when these lying thieves infringe upon your gun rights, you wring your hands and say, "what can we do about it?"

You have to vote conservatives into office. A true conservative is going to be against the things kalifornians are for. Socialist social policies. Gay marriage. Illegal immigration.

You need conservatives re guns. But to have conservatives re guns, you're going to have to go conservative. Period. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

We had a chance when Tom McClintock ran for governor. He was a conservative politician. Instead, kalifornians demonstrated what kind of idiots we were when we elected Shwartzenegger. (Yes, I know that's misspelled, but I don't even care enough about that liar to spell it right.)

We were more impressed by this Rino's star power than his integrity. Now we see he's never had much of either.

In the end, we all get what we ask for.
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