Illinois cc

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You are missing one important detail: The bill passed through committee, not the full house. Encouraging though, that the bill passed 11-1.
So simultaneously my "beloved" current home state is trying;

1. to require 1 million in unobtainable liability insurance in order to keep my FOID card, which I must keep to keep my guns,

2. to allow CCW

From the state that brought you such wonders as Rowdy Rod Blagojevich, Roland "This time I'm being honest with you" Burris and "messiah" Obama.

The hits just keep on coming.

So only people who can self-insure for 1 million will have FOID cards and they will also be able to CCW.
anti-gun organizations

You know I have often thought that if I were a criminal I would be sure to join all of the anti-gun organizations. They would be helping me in my "occupation" by eliminating the resistance. I would also sent an organization that succeeds in getting an anti-gun law passed a letter of deep appreciation and a monetary donation. I sincerely hope that the criminals do not read this!!! stay safe
51 of 118 house members are from Cook County (although a few are suburban Republicans).

The Senate has 58 seats, 24 of which are in Cook County.

The House will be easier, but still tough. I'm not sure about the Senate and the Governor.

I am a neighbor from Indiana and wish you all the best. As I understand it the Sherriff"s Association in your state is backing the legislation in your state this time around and it seems like that would help. It also seems that there may be just the opposite reaction nationwide to Obama restrictions on firearms. It seems to me that the gunowners who have been silent so long are starting to make their presence felt. At least I hope so. Good luck with the passage of the rights you already have!!! stay safe
Unfortunately our new senate president is more anti-gun than the old one. Cullerton is a co-sponsor of the annual AWB bill. If he calls a CC bill in the senate, we won't notice because we'll be too busy riding our snowmobiles through hell.

Oh yeah- Is anyone planning on going to IGOLD, esp. leaving from C/U?
Mike Madigan will have to allow the bill to be called to be voted on the floor in the House.

Then Mayor Daley's latest Meat Puppet, John Cullerton, has to do the same thing in the Senate.

It is very unlikely to happen with both of them having a long history of gun control support.

Even with the disorder and panic lately in Cook County, Daley remains totally rigid about allowing guns in "his" state.

Until Fitzgerald finally arraigns him, or he chokes on a Polish at the "Taste", he will use all his political capital to block any efforts to pass it.
most likely. but it is at least very encouraging that it passed the committee on such a wide margin. hopefully some other senator/rep will force a vote on it and then it passes
I believe the legislation passed once before, but Blago vetoed it.

Here is some more information:

New Concealed Carry Legislation

Illinois lawmakers are again considering legislation that would allow people to carry concealed firearms. Similar bills have been voted down in the past but local law-makers say the political dynamics have changed in Illinois.

It's in our constitution under the 2nd amendment

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

For some, this means carrying a concealed weapon is our right as Americans-- but the majority of Illinois lawmakers have always disagreed with that.

"Every legislation we try to do this and we're going to keep trying to do this until we get it done" says Representative John Bradley.

Bradley has co-sponsored four concealed carry bills.
He says none have passed because of Chicago's dislike of guns and that's where 65% of the votes are-- but now he says some things have changed.

"In the past we've had an unsupportive governor" says Bradley.

Former Governor Rod Blagojevich threatened to veto a concealed carry bill if it ever crossed his desk.
It's not clear how new Governor Pat Quinn will react but some say he could be swayed by a recent endorsement.

"One of the largest law enforcement associations in the state come out in favor of this" says Bradley.

The Illinois Sheriff's Association supports the latest carry concealed legislation.
To get a permit-- you'd have to be 21 or older, have no criminal record and have no substance abuse or mental problems.
You'd also have to go thru firearms training.
Bradley says these regulations just make sense.

"It's not going to be like the wild west" says Bradley.

Last election-- 14 counties in Illinois had the concealed carry referendum on their ballot 10 of those voted in favor of it.
Illinois and Wisconsin are the only 2 states without a concealed carry law but Representative Bradley thinks that should change.

"Illinois needs to quit being the odd ball and get in line with the constitution and the rest of the states" says Bradley.

By: Christen Craig
[email protected]
Nope, ccw legislation has never reached Blago's desk. It was RINO governor Jim Edgar who vetoed the only ccw bill ever to make it through both houses of the Illinois legislature.
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