I'm bored

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I always liked to build black powder kits, usually revolvers and the occasional Hawken rifle during the winter months.
Go volunteer at a local elementary school helping kids learn to read. The better they can read, the better they can decide for themselves, the better the odds they won't be totally brainwashed against things like guns
View shooting videos. Hickock45 is a favorite of mine. Gives you the feeling that you're there on the range with him in person. Shoots oddball things like my sons and I used to do. Yeah, watermelons, too.

Thanks for some great suggestions guys. I got out today and shoveled last nights snow, and tomorrow I'll visit my local range and use up some of that ammo. I am also going to look into a BP kit. Not sure which rifle yet, but maybe something from the civil war era.

Thanks all....
Take up fly tying and then consequently fly fishing. It's another winter time killer that at least puts the mind outdoors and warm even if the body is inside and cold.
Today, 07:03 PM #33

Start making holsters

Combine...start crocheting holsters. Grannies worldwide would feel honored to carry their tiny autos in them.
Go through some good literature you enjoy or always wanted to...put firearms on the back burner and not only will you enjoy the good reading you will be that much more fired up for shooting when all the snow melts. Melville/Moby Dick? Steinbeck/East of Eden? Hemmingway/A Farewell to Arms?
People who suggested getting away

from guns and shooting a bit are the best ideas in my opinion. Stop with the guns and shooting and go spend time with family or reading something unrelated to guns like someone else suggested. I think of the advice I have seen multiple times..."There is no one on his death bed who wishes he had spent more time at the office." Conversely, how many people on their death bed have thought, "I wish I had spent more time with my wife (or children, or siblings, or elderly parents, or people at church, or the poor, or the needy, or someone hurting). I think you get the idea. And, also practice this...Moderation in all things. I am terrible about that myself so that is why I am aware of it.
I'm with ya on that Moe!

If you don't really have a family then create one through Church, or volunteering at hospitals or local youth centers. Life is really about people and you can refuel your emotional, ethical and social gas tank, which will only yield the best of results for all involved in your life. For everything there is a season. :D
Work on the house. I put up some new lighting fixtures, the eighth one in this house. Involved cutting the wall, re-routing and removing junction boxes, re framing a few walls and ceilings, and a lot of spackling. That will keep you busy and make the little woman happy aside from adding value to your home.
I also found that you can cut a temperpedic mattress down from a king to a queen, with a regular saw, "sharp saw". I had a spare and only the master bedroom had a king, so I cut it and it saved some bucks.
It doesn't always have to be guns to keep you busy, but I got this great idea for a false wall, while doing this, to store my AR, and 12 gauge, in plain sight. You would never see it, and in an emergency, you just push the wall, "on a push pull hinge" and there they are. I just have to line it with plastic sheeting.
De-Bore-ing Yourself

Make some "Custom Made Holsters" for you, and maybe your friends. If you get good enough, and are so inclined, sell some on the side, and have some extra "Boo-let" shooting money.

Don't know how to do leather (maybe nylon, canvas, etc.) working ? Go to a Tandy Leather Store (or online). They have plenty of books, patterns, tools, and materials.

Want to be really challenged ? Get inventive. Do your own thing. Use newspaper for tracing patterns around your guns. Gather unwanted leather around the house (shoes, boots, broken belts, unused leather pants, unwanted or broken purses)(better check with your wife first). Get leather working books at the library.

Your local cobbler can give you an estimate of what he'll charge to sew it together, if you don't feel confident enough, at first.

What's it going to hurt? Heck, give it a try. You might do better than you think ! :)
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Some really good ideas. I read, as some suggested, mostly history. Revolutionary war, civil war, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Nam (hmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern here!).

Guess I'll fire up the 'old pot and cast some more today. I hear the lubrisizer calling too....
First advice would be coyote hunting. They all need to die.

Suggestion #2- pick up a bottle of Desaronno. Serve over ice with young bride, make love. Repeat as necessary. :cool:
Gun Master suggested:
Make some "Custom Made Holsters" for you, and maybe your friends. If you get good enough, and are so inclined, sell some on the side, and have some extra "Boo-let" shooting money.

Good idea ! I made this one many years ago out of one of those 1-pound "Farmer's Scrap Leather Packs" from the ranch supply place.

It was raining for a week, hands itched to do something manual besides holding a shovel to muck out the stalls. Goal was to make a holster out of 100 percent (not 99.999%) leather.

Worked out pretty good, I actually used it afield for many years, as you can tell from its slightly banged-up appearance.



Terry, 230RN
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De-Bore-ing Yourself # 2

I also thought the posts in #39 & 40 were good. Hopefully they would promote and practice John 3:16. Churches are an excellent source of helping others and one's self.

You might be able to persuade them to sponsor a holster, belt, rifle sling, etc. / leather working class in a safe and wholesome environment.:)
mugsie - I feel your pain brother.

My empty brass is down to 8 boxes of handgun brass in various calibers
(no more than 2 of any cal)

And about 160 pcs of 223 brass
(if I could only find some Varget)

Let's just say that if the zombies hit tomorrow, I have enough loaded ammo to last several years.

This winter's been REALLY, REALLY, REALLY cold.
I live in a small town & the nearest indoor range is is 50 miles away. :banghead:

Gotta find me a rich widow so I can afford to be a snow bird :D
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