I'm breaking up with .223 *sniff*

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Have I got some girls to introduce you to.

There's the Canadian .303 who likes to peep, the Japanese tumbler, the necked Swede, and the blonde Austrian rimmer to name just a few. And the little Romanian contortionist who's taken to wearing this swinging black plastic getup on her butt -- too much.
Duke, did you just use the word "rimmer" to... you know, my mind is too dirty, and I can make a reference out of anything. I don't even know what to say about the Romanian contortionist....
Who would have thought it possible???

A kinky thread involving guns and ammo. I have lived to see it all. Now I'm going to go take a cold, cold shower...
Luckily I hooked up with all of them in the salad years so they all bought the bulk of their food back then. 5.45x39 was always a little too risque for me though - figured she was the type to come and go. On the other hand, her slightly fatter sister will be with me for a long time. Her tall ugly mother doesn't eat very quickly and slaps me around too much for me to want many dates anyway.
8mm is sweet but I don't take her out much cuz she makes a mess and gets really ugly if I don't take her home right away and clean up.
5.56 got her stomach stapled by Spikes Tactical. 308 is so hot I got jealous and locked her in the closet for safe keeping. Meanwhile, her older sisters from the CMP are almost as nice and like Greek.

OK it's late and this could go on and on so good night.
I might go back to my high school sweetheart .177. Sure, she's nothing but hot air, but at least I don't have to wash the lead out of my mouth out after we kiss. Or that nasty discharge and residue when I touch the right spots. And hell, even though .177's cheap, at least she doesn't leave her casings behind all over the floor when we're done.

I've got my 8mm German girl robust and hard hitting, she doesn't quit, could wear through a few men when she's on a roll.

Just remember, loving a gal that doesn't love you back, hurts so much, just like dating a German chick.:evil:

I'll stick with the girls next door, the .223, and my first, the .22LR.
You guys must be pervs because I have no idea what a rimmer is.

Anyway I am breaking up with 223 also, just got my Savage 308 and am no longer interested in a ground squirrel round. it is well known in the ammo industry that 223 is not even a varmint round for serious varmint work.
Im just starting to see 5.56's little sister and her name is .22Lr; and thanks to CMMG, she can wear her big sister's clothes. Our luvin' sessions last much longer, are more often, and it's fun to practice with her, so when I do see her older sister again, my 'technique' is that much better. :D

Now, those sisters have a sexy cousin named .308, and she's a real beauty. She's the one I take to those very speical occasions where making a strong impression really matters. Sure, it costs a bit more money to bring her along, but it's a nice treat to spend time with her, and the 'impression' she leaves behind wherever she goes is unforgettable.

When you're a free man, associating with different 'ladies' is certainly acceptable, even encouraged. For if we stop knowing these ladies of liberty, we shall certainly become enslaved.
Guero4179: "You guys must be pervs because I have no idea what a rimmer is."

Steyr 8x56R. She's a real Mannlicher.
"Heck, I think my .223 is cheap. I run around with 45-70 more than any other. Now that's a whole lot of Rosie"

Ohhhh, boy, you take that back!!

.45-70 is big, sure, but slender and smooth talkin' like a 40 year old woman from the Georgia back country, one of the most beautiful things I've encountered in life.

While Rosie is just a run of the mill fat obnoxious loudmouth - find them waddling and yelling on any city downtown street - the kind of woman to make a man run back into the Georgia woods and never come out - reminds me more of a dud grenade than a rifle round.
I took nude pics of all of mine the other day...it was almost as fun as taking them out to play. Some of them even posed together...those were the really hot moments.
Now that's a whole lot of Rosie

Wikipedia.com said:
"Whole Lotta Rosie" is a song by Australian hard rock band AC/DC.

The song is about an obese woman, Rosie, with whom the singer has had sexual relations. In addition to pointing out the woman's obesity, the singer finds her to be one of the most talented lovers he's ever experienced.

...one of the most talented lovers he's ever experienced.
Remember with most, if not all the 5.45x39 stuff it's Berdan primed. Good luck finding any primers.

Buy right once, and reload for way cheaper. It looks like you could buy 1 case of the 5.56, reload it twice and be better off than if you bought 3 cases of the Russian.
buy La Machine and cook her all the different yummy flavors you both long for.....

easilly done for $100/M....

and all the time you spend in the kitchen together will deepen your relationship....

But I LOVE my money

careful.... such is the root of all evil and true love will evade you for ever more.
I can't believe I've ignored this thread until now. It hung around long enough that I thought I'd read it...now my side hurts.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia.com
"Whole Lotta Rosie" is a song by Australian hard rock band AC/DC.

The song is about an obese woman, Rosie, with whom the singer has had sexual relations. In addition to pointing out the woman's obesity, the singer finds her to be one of the most talented lovers he's ever experienced.

Yep, that's my Sharps. She's loud, she smokes a lot, and she's dirty. But I love her.
I vote best reply to this thread is from :"Duke of Doubt" above, with the following:

"Steyr 8x56R. She's a real Mannlicher."

PS: Liquor? I don't even KNOW her!
Hey, my .223 is a real hot momma. :D I'll feed her whatever she wants as long as she stays hot. She's so hot after I get her going that sometimes she causes accidental discharges...:uhoh:
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