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I'm now officially bummed out,,,

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Sep 28, 2012
Stillwater, Oklahoma
I'm now officially bummed out,,,
I went to The Evil Pawn Shop yesterday,,,
I wanted to confirm my order of a new S&W 317 Kit Gun.

It seems that the distributor made an inventory error,,,
Originally he said he had one in stock and could ship it by Wednesday,,,
Now he said he made a mistake and has a 317 but not the 3" kit gun version.

Hey, poop happens,,,
I'm not angry at the distributor,,,
But I am bummed after being all excited. :(

Nothing is worse than making the decision to buy a gun,,,
Making the order based on it's current availability,,,
Then finding out it's not going to happen.

I guess it's back to scouring the on-line dealers,,,
If anyone knows where one is in stock,,,
I would appreciate letting me know.


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You might be down about this falling through for you right now... but I would venture to say the unavailability may have done you a grand favor.

I own one, and it is a neat pistol what with the light weight and all but I had problems that had to be addressed. I got them straightened out, but it was a journey to be sure. Do a search on this board for a blow-by-blow account, if you want.

And this was BEFORE the Great Panic; I think I got mine in 2010. I shudder to think what the QC and corresponding likelihood for getting a lemon would be right now (even though they'll probably make it right if needed).

Not sure why you want it, but it is a pretty penny to pay for the novelty of the super light weight and it is hard to shoot besides. That being said, I know how it feels once you have got your heart set on something.

If you want it bad enough, I'm sure you'll get it eventually - like that Charter you finally picked up. :)

Cheers, and good luck.
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