Immigration Bill Could Outlaw Gun Shops

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Dec 3, 2005
Bel Air, Maryland
Immigration Bill Could Outlaw Gun Shops
Gun Owners of America
E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102,
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First, there was the McCarthy-Dingell bill. The folks on Capitol Hill have been telling you we need HR 297, a bill to greatly expand the Brady Law. They say it will stop future Virginia Tech shootings. And, oh yes, there's one more thing: they want you to believe the McCarthy-Dingell gun control bill isn't really gun control. Now, they want to bring you an anti-gun immigration amnesty bill. Already you're hearing it's not really an amnesty bill. (Yeah, right.) So don't be surprised if they tell you it's not an anti-gun bill either. Forget, for a moment, the fact that the immigration package negotiated in the Senate could grant amnesty to up to a hundred million illegal aliens who have flaunted our laws. Forget, for a moment, that it would pull the rug out from under the growing number of states that have vetoed the anti-gun National ID bill passed by Congress in 2005. Forget, for a moment, that the bill will strengthen existing laws by requiring all legal Americans (like you) to own a National ID card before you can get a job. In addition to all these things, the bill could, in the hands of an anti-gun administration, result in the closing of every major gun store in America. GUN CONTROL IN THE IMMIGRATION BILL Senator Ted Kennedy and the anti-gun zealots who wrote the bill just couldn't resist the temptation to get their hands on our guns. They have included language that GOA has been able to defeat in the past. When Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced these anti-gun provisions in 1998, the GOA grassroots were able to convince seven senator cosponsors to pull their names from Hatch's bill. At the time, The Hill newspaper credited GOA with having "generated a significant number of postcards" into Senate offices. "The defecting [seven] senators, echoing the concerns of the GOA, are apprehensive about the violation of Second Amendment rights," reported The Hill. The current language in the amnesty bill is only slightly different from Hatch's original language almost 10 years ago, but it would essentially do the same thing -- threaten every gun store in America. In Section 205, for example, all it takes for the employees of a gun shop (of five or more persons) to become a "criminal gang" is: * For them to commit two or more violations of ANY federal felony gun offense -- which includes virtually all gun offenses, including paperwork violations; and * For the anti-gunners to find that violating gun laws was a "primary purpose" of the group. So let's say your local gun store sells two or three firearms to Mayor Bloomberg's thuggish agents under New York City's extraterritorial "sting" operations. Your gun shop is now a "criminal gang." This provision could even be used against a family of five who drives by two schools on the way to a movie with a gun in the glove compartment. Certainly under a Hillary administration, it would not be surprising to see them treat this infraction as a "felony" under the weird language of Gun Free School Zones Act. Thus, you and your family would become a "criminal gang." OTHER PROBLEMS IN THE IMMIGRATION BILL There is still no official immigration bill -- that is, the working draft does not have an official senate number. The draft was concocted by senators who put it together behind closed doors, all the while bypassing the normal committee process. While this unofficial draft has been "the buzz" around the country this past week, several things have been overlooked. One thing, to be sure, is the threat to gun owners' rights mentioned above. But also ignored is the fact that the negotiating draft imposes draconian penalties for those who live in states that have the audacity to veto the National ID card (which passed as part of the REAL ID Act of 2005). If you live in a state such as Montana, Maine, Idaho, etc. which has passed legislation opposing the government's efforts to turn your driver's license into a National ID card, YOU COULD BE DENIED EMPLOYMENT OF ANY SORT. Gun Owners was already concerned about this law -- which has yet to be implemented -- because of the threat it poses to gun owners' privacy. But now the immigration bill will go even further by requiring all present and future private sector employees to be screened by the Electronic Employee Verification System (EEVS). And in Section 1(a)(4)(i) of the draft legislation, the bill allows for EEVS approval of your continued employment only if your private employer meets "strict standards for identification documents that must be presented in the hiring process, including the use of secure documentation that contains a photograph, biometrics and/or complies with the requirements [of the] REAL ID Act...." Hence, no National ID card... no job. ACTION: Please use the letter below to contact your Senator. You can use the pre-written message below and send it as an e-mail by visiting the GOA Legislative Action Center at (where phone and fax numbers are also available).
-----Pre-written letter-----
Dear Senator:
Why does the Congress seem bent on pushing gun control every chance it gets? First, there was the McCarthy-Dingell bill in the House (HR 297) that would greatly expand the Brady Law. We don't need more gun control as a response to Virginia Tech shootings. We need to repeal the gun free zones that turn people into mandatory victims! Now, the Senate wants to sneak gun control past us in the form of an immigration bill. The Senate immigration package is a horrid piece of legislation in such a wide variety of respects. But, in addition to everything else, section 205 could, in the hands of an anti-gun administration, PUT EVERY MAJOR GUN SHOP OUT OF BUSINESS. All it would take is for the shop to commit two felony paperwork violations -- and an anti-gun administration willing to find that this was a "primary purpose." Similarly, a family driving to church or to the movies -- with a gun in the glove compartment -- could be a "criminal gang" if it passed two schools, and an anti-gun administration determined that protecting his family was one of the father's "primary purposes." Again, I urge you to OPPOSE the immigration package as long as this anti-gun language remains in the bill.
Yes, please do format it a little better, and maybe highlight a few points.

I think Rush said that this bill is some 364 pages long of slapped together BS. Anything, including severe gun restrictions, could be in it. Not one single congresscritter will read it, though. They will vote however they want, and many have already agreed to vote for it (thanks traitors!). It is probably next to impossible to read, knowing Congress and how they write bills that are incomphrehensible.

The Senate is out of control, but the house might stop it. God, let's hope so. If not, it may spell the doom of this nation (and worse, it will not be a quick death, but slow strangulation like Europe).
That's too much to read. Could you rephrase it into a 4 sentence paragraph?
I managed to read it, but it was difficult. How about breaking it up with a few paragraphs, at least. No offence, and I am not the grammar police, but as-is it is a tough read.
I think the message is a good one...I THINK!

Please have the courtesy to use good writing techniques, such as paragraphs, to make the reading a little easier to get through. There is a lot of country covered in the original post, but it is meaningless if it cannot be read with any comprehension because of the format it is in.
First, there was the McCarthy-Dingell bill. The folks on Capitol Hill have been telling you we need HR 297, a bill to greatly expand the Brady Law. They say it will stop future Virginia Tech shootings. And, oh yes, there's one more thing: they want you to believe the McCarthy-Dingell gun control bill isn't really gun control. Now, they want to bring you an anti-gun immigration amnesty bill. Already you're hearing it's not really an amnesty bill. (Yeah, right.) So don't be surprised if they tell you it's not an anti-gun bill either. Forget, for a moment, the fact that the immigration package negotiated in the Senate could grant amnesty to up to a hundred million illegal aliens who have flaunted our laws. Forget, for a moment, that it would pull the rug out from under the growing number of states that have vetoed the anti-gun National ID bill passed by Congress in 2005. Forget, for a moment, that the bill will strengthen existing laws by requiring all legal Americans (like you) to own a National ID card before you can get a job.

addition to all these things, the bill could, in the hands of an anti-gun administration, result in the closing of every major gun store in America. GUN CONTROL IN THE IMMIGRATION BILL Senator Ted Kennedy and the anti-gun zealots who wrote the bill just couldn't resist the temptation to get their hands on our guns. They have included language that GOA has been able to defeat in the past. The current language in the amnesty bill is only slightly different from Hatch's original language almost 10 years ago, but it would essentially do the same thing -- threaten every gun store in America. In Section 205, for example, all it takes for the employees of a gun shop (of five or more persons) to become a "criminal gang" is: * For them to commit two or more violations of ANY federal felony gun offense -- which includes virtually all gun offenses, including paperwork violations; and * For the anti-gunners to find that violating gun laws was a "primary purpose" of the group.

So let's say your local gun store sells two or three firearms to Mayor Bloomberg's thuggish agents under New York City's extraterritorial "sting" operations. Your gun shop is now a "criminal gang." This provision could even be used against a family of five who drives by two schools on the way to a movie with a gun in the glove compartment. Certainly under a Hillary administration, it would not be surprising to see them treat this infraction as a "felony" under the weird language of Gun Free School Zones Act. Thus, you and your family would become a "criminal gang."

But also ignored is the fact that the negotiating draft imposes draconian penalties for those who live in states that have the audacity to veto the National ID card (which passed as part of the REAL ID Act of 2005). If you live in a state such as Montana, Maine, Idaho, etc. which has passed legislation opposing the government's efforts to turn your driver's license into a National ID card, YOU COULD BE DENIED EMPLOYMENT OF ANY SORT. Gun Owners was already concerned about this law -- which has yet to be implemented -- because of the threat it poses to gun owners' privacy.

But now the immigration bill will go even further by requiring all present and future private sector employees to be screened by the Electronic Employee Verification System (EEVS). And in Section 1(a)(4)(i) of the draft legislation, the bill allows for EEVS approval of your continued employment only if your private employer meets "strict standards for identification documents that must be presented in the hiring process, including the use of secure documentation that contains a photograph, biometrics and/or complies with the requirements [of the] REAL ID Act...." Hence, no National ID card... no job.
The immigration bill isn't "a joke" it's TREASONOUS.


Everyone - EVERYONE - should email, call, write, fax or otherwise communicate with your Senators and Representative about this bill. It WILL be the nail in the coffin of this nation, and the anti-gun provisions are merely a very narrow layer of icing on top of a towering, multi-layered cake. It doesn't matter who your reps are - contact them. They all have their staffs count communications, and if there's one thing these treasonous crooks are good at, it is counting. Make them understand that their jobs are on the line.
I'm a bit mifffed at the quality of work emanating from the goa lately. You would think with all that money coming in they could tighten up their prose a bit.

It basically boils down to:
-they define "criminal street gang" in such a way as to potentially include gun stores and families with gun owners that commit technical violations of ATF regs or the various strict liability felonies like the gun free school zones act.
-it brings back the national ID card
-it requires employers to use national ID

These measures are obviously directed at the illegals and their gangs, but almost certain to be wielded against the low hanging fruit of gun owners and gun dealers. Anything related to non violent gun crimes is going to provide fodder for the ATF, an agency that despite the rhetoric does not actually fight crime- they regulate a legal industry.

The bill is a mess because probably 2/3rds of the bill consists of bribes and concessions intended to get senators to vote for it. There is a real chance of us being able to kill the bill in the house. I suspect there is a real deep well of opposition there in both parties. Don't forget how conservative a lot of the dems there are.
These measures are obviously directed at the illegals and their gangs, but almost certain to be wielded against the low hanging fruit of gun owners and gun dealers
The majority of "gun control" was directed at blacks, most whites never thought they'd use those laws against them. That didn't turn out so well.

They all have their staffs count communications, and if there's one thing these treasonous crooks are good at, it is counting. Make them understand that their jobs are on the line.
They all have their staffs count communications, and if there's one thing these treasonous crooks are good at, it is counting. Make them understand that their lives are on the line.
Hence, no National ID card... no job.

Seems to me there was something in a book written quite a while ago about that...what was it...something about trumpets, seals, and horsemen.
Everyone - EVERYONE - should email, call, write, fax or otherwise communicate with your Senators and Representative about this bill.

Well, one of my senators is one of the main traitors, ahem excuse me, sponsors of the bill. Thanks, Lindsey Graham!
SnakeEater said:
They all have their staffs count communications, and if there's one thing these treasonous crooks are good at, it is counting. Make them understand that their lives are on the line.
Was it your intent to make this sound like a threat on the lives of our Congresscritters?
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) spoke on this in the house Tues night. He said if this bill passes, you have in all respects declared war on the American Citizen.

Gotta love that passion for 45 minutes.

Have a great Kenpo day

He said if this bill passes, you have in all respects declared war on the American Citizen.

Some might argue the war was declared with '65 Immigration Reform Act. This new bill is the coup de grace.

Interesting times ahead.
Well, one of my senators is one of the main traitors, ahem excuse me, sponsors of the bill. Thanks, Lindsey Graham!

Only five Democrats are sponsors of S.1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act bill currently being debated. Are you referring to something else?
Lindsey Graham is a RINO, Realgun. Unless I am mistaken, Graham is a sponsor of the bill.

But he was booed the last time he showed up for an event in SC, so I don't think he has a chance of being reelected. Small comfort.
-they define "criminal street gang" in such a way as to potentially include gun stores and families with gun owners that commit technical violations of ATF regs or the various strict liability felonies like the gun free school zones act.

There's also equally loose wording in the Patriot Act and other 'laws' defining terrorists and terrorism as openly as possible. That gun shop? That family? Yeah, they're likely already considered terrorists due to their affinity for firearms and "radical political views" (or would be, but for lack of man power).

Not that this isn't equally heinous.

Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) spoke on this in the house Tues night. He said if this bill passes, you have in all respects declared war on the American Citizen.

I suspect it'll be phased in gradually, so people don't notice. Maybe over 10 years. By the time they start implementing the really draconian parts, they'll be able to say "hey, it's not like you didn't have the opportunity to find out about this law! It's been on the books for 10 some years and nobody has bothered to complain* about it."

If it goes through in one fell swoop, I fear it will bring civil war: you've got states which are openly passing bills in "rebellion" against it, and you've got a very large percentage of the population (1-2% is large in this scenario) who will not comply with it whatsoever, and many more who will flaunt the law whenever possible. It Will Not Be Good, folks. :(

* except all those who will, and will be ignored or shut down, of course.
Hence, no National ID card... no job.

I wonder how many people this will turn to IRA-style behavior as a result of this - and I wonder if the National ID card might not be denied to certain "dissidents" as a means of making them more readily accepting targets.
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