Immigration Bill Could Outlaw Gun Shops

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Lindsey Graham is a RINO, Realgun. Unless I am mistaken, Graham is a sponsor of the bill.

But he was booed the last time he showed up for an event in SC, so I don't think he has a chance of being reelected. Small comfort. - Avenger29

The Congressional record does not show Graham as a sponsor. Give it up. He did say he participated in or consulted on defining the bill, but that was as a member of the formally defunct but still fraternal "Gang of 14".

Would you rather have Kennedy's old Democratic buddy, Fritz Hollings, back? Graham has provided support for gun owners, so if you want to dump Graham, be careful what you wish for.

I usually agree with Graham, certainly with DeMint, usually with Bush, so maybe I am a RINO too. Gotta find some pejorative. I would like to see Graham have a tough campaign to remind him that he works for SC. He seems very taken with the lights and power in Washington, but I do enjoy SC being influential as a result. It just better be an influence that SC supports.

I think Graham and the rest are being underestimated. The bill had to include something for everyone, knowing that fruit would be dropped from the tree in the end. It allows the Senate to debate all the points and decide what parts they want to keep. It was a bipartisan effort and also included the WH, so you just have to know that there will be things in the initial draft that one side or the other won't like.
Everyone - EVERYONE - should email, call, write, fax or otherwise communicate with your Senators and Representative about this bill....

....and please include the level of patronage for your Senator and Representative
consisting of A) campaign contribution and B) the promise of post public
service private sector employment for them. Keep in mind that A+B offered
by you must exceed the A+B that they have already received from the people
behind this bill.
"The majority of "gun control" was directed at blacks, most whites never thought they'd use those laws against them. That didn't turn out so well.

Exactly! I still don't think that message has been learned. If one's could only see for self the gross violations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in the inner cities.
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