In light of recent events and what we can learn from them

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Jan 10, 2006
My heart goes out to the families of those who were murdered in Tuscon recently.

However, what is important is what we can learn from such a horrible tragedy.

This is why I want you all to read about a similar event.

To me, there are similar lessons to be learned from both tragedies. The lessons about quick and decisive action are obvious.

This incident has been overlooked IMO in terms of deadly shootings
I am sorry. I fail to see the similarity between the two events. Just because you have a gun involve does not make the events the same. The S&T would completely different.
Two very different sets of circumstances. One involved a pistol, the other a rifle. One involved a person with known mental health issues, one did not. One was directed primarily at a public official, the other targeted no specific person.

In neither case does it appear that 'quick and decidive action' was a possibility for those caught in the crossfire.
Koz, perhaps you could summarize what you see as the lessons to be gleaned from the Port Arthur shooting.

It isn't clear what "obvious" clear and decisive actions you would suggest bystanders and potential victims should take.


In the Tuscon shooting, it seems those standing nearby reacted in almost the best possible way we could hope the general public to act. Rather than being lambs to the slaughter, several jumped the shooter and disabled him from continuing his attack. One armed citizen reacted as well -- making extremely wise decisions about how to engage and whether (or not, thankfully) to use his firearm.

As the S&T aspects of that shooting are already under discussion in a separate thread, let's limit this thread to the P.A. shooting and what you feel should have happened.
A- Don't attend political rallies.
B- There are mentally ill loose amongst us.
C- The Westboro Baptist Church is obviously a safe haven for the mentally ill.
D- All Of The Above.

You Choose.................
I'd say there is a fair amount of similarity.

The weapon is different, but the emphasis on the 30 round clip is readily apparent, as is the subsequent knee jerk reaction to restrict ownership of arms. Likewise, the guy was a nut and chose a populated area for his spree; the fact being that tuscon had political figures was merely incidental to this fact based on the information.

As far as what to learn...

  • The 30 round clip was of little relevance. The Port Arthur perp reloaded several times without opposition. Presumably the Tuscon perp would have done the same.
  • On the topic of opposition, there was none. Zero. At every stage, the PA perp was almost completely unopposed which in turn inflated the body count far beyond any clip he could have carried.
  • As an aside, this is where Tuscon differs sharply from the PA incident. Ordinairy citizens, not police, actively resisted and ended that situation. 9/11 also proved that active resistance will limit casualties and passive behavior only further inflates them in situations where the perp is commited to creating casualties.
  • Corallary; An armed populous offering the same resistance may have further reduced the body count my incapacitating the perp faster and without need to close melee range in a struggle.

    May, assuming that populous isn't overly burdened by restrictive regulations or actively/passively discouraged from ownership, thus creating a sufficient density of the population to respond to random encounters. Tucson likewise occured in a gun prohibited area. Other factors, such as profieciency, must be considered.
  • In the interest of fairness, both firearms were aquired through legal means...

  • ...And both individuals appeared to be mentally disturbed. The rest of the sane populous is being treated the same as the insane, and punished for the crimes of a few. This fact is even more pronounced in Australia, which doesn't have the same concentration/statistics of firearms as the US.
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