Instagram scam - Benchmade autos and others...


Oct 15, 2010
south Florida
For the past week or so there's been a scam ad on Instagram for Benchmade and other quality auto knives. Showing real photos of Claymore and other models with a low enough price point for sale that most will spot as not very likely... When comments are logged that it's a scam (some of the comments from victims...).. They simply post new threads with the same scam photos...

I have no idea if Instagram has taken any action but thought to warn folks here to look out for them if they're using Instagram... I use that site to display my small business as a full time fishing guide and lure maker so I'm there at least once a day most weeks if I'm not booked and out on the water..
There are scam websites as well. The proliferation of Counterfeit knives is booming across the net.

I love a deal as much as the next guy, but I only buy quality named knives from actual dealers or trusted members on forums.