Interesting local ...uh... housebreaker

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Jan 27, 2004
I live in a fairly rural and heavily wooded area. Tonight we got a call from our neighbor, whose house I can barely see through the trees, saying that they have figured out that someone has been entering their house during the day while they're gone and making himself at home. The trespasser has taken showers, cooked food, smoked, watched television, and who knows what else. He has taken small items like dishes and silverware. Unbeknownst to me, my neighbors have apparently lived for 17 years in this house without locking the doors. I guess they do now.

As it happens I am home sick, so I will go out periodically during the day and glass the area, cell phone in hand. I may or may not be armed. I have never heard of anything quite like this, at least around here. Go figure.

If you hide in their house and wait for him is that baiting? lol

Before I did anything I'd probably notify the police of what's been happening.
CA? Cali?/ speedfreaks. crazy speedfreaks or some other crazy drug addict. theyll do jsut about anything.

speedfreaks have this whole idiot "i only steal if i dont know them or they leave it unlocked" mentality, like some shred of deceny keeps the mfrom going all the
way. so "borrowing" your house is totally cool.........

id bet 5 to 1 anyone that desperate is unarmed, id set a trap of some sort.
catch and jail (not quite cath and release)
Ten to one people start saying that you should immediately execute anyone you catch. ;)
While I think that entering someones home without permission should be a hanging offense I don't think I would execute the offender. I would have someone drive my car/truck off in the morning and wait, armed of course, and with a pocket full of zip ties and a phone. When I heard someone enter I would call 911 quietly, and see if it was safe to try to apprehend him/them. 911 would get the cavalry rolling and if I could apprehend them I would, otherwise I would lay low and let the law handle it.

You can bet your ___ I would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

When I was young, about 10, a similar thing happened to my parents, they never locked the house at all until the late 90's. Dad just left a note on the door telling them what would happen if they did it again and as far as we know they never entered again. Today I would not be so kind....
Yeah, and he'll still be using it when the owners come back...

i dunno man, thats a risky proposition depending on what the carpeting is like!!

i guess it is safer than ground up sleepnig pills though. heheh
Now me, I'd be laying a trap for the SOB. How about a nice, fresh, chocolate mousse in the fridge - made with ExLax?

When I was in high school I had a locker that you could partially open, despite there being a lock on it. Someone was getting into my lunch while I was in class. I got sick of this and made up a special batch of exlax cookies. Sure enough, one of my prankster friends had to go home early that day. I told him the cuuse and he actually thought it was pretty funny.
Mask up,
Lie in wait.
Capture, hogtie, strip and leave him in the town square at 3am. with a description of his crimes written across his forehead in Magic Marker, the indeliable kind.

Wasn't worried about him getting off.
Wanted to demonstrate how to make sure the little idiot pays some price for his foolishness.

After the papers got ahold of it, he would leave town in shame and not be a problem anymore.

When I was in my residency one of the patients made brownies for another doc and I was fortunate enough not to be offered any. He and several other residents got violently ill. Veterinary strength laxatives. The guy ended up going to jail.

Well, back in the Old West and in Alaska, it was customary to leave cabins unlocked in case some traveler needed shelter.

If you used a cabin in those circumstances, you were supposed to leave something to pay for food eaten, and/or cut up some stove wood for the owner.

How difficult is it to just lock your door ... :confused:

edit PS: You don't suppose the "trespasser" had blonde curls ???? :D
Maybe your neighbor's house was "just right" :p
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