Interesting statistical chart---Obama & firearms.....

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Aw don`t knock the guy. He`s brought this "...bitter American clinging to his bible ,his guns, his antipathy..." A LOT of hope as in : I hope this guy doesn`t get his hands on all my change, my dollar bills, my property, my guns, my medical care, my incandescent light bulbs..............................
Obama didn't do a thing to affect gun sales. We, the gun community, went on an irrational fear driven buying spree, running up prices and making guns and ammo scarce, in fear of a gun ban that was never even attempted. Gun Salesman of the year is all of us who participated in the run and all the vendors who price gouged. But hey, misassigned credit to him is anything but new.
You wanna see a gun ban get put on the fast track, just let our current President get reelected.

IMHO, he's held off up to now because he needs to get a second term. Once he's in for four more years and is no longer eligible to run for the office, there will be no reason for him and his supporters to wait any longer.

Eric Holder has already admitted that's where the administration wants to go.
It's all a cleverly subversive plot to create a guns and ammo shortage. They don't want us, the citizens, to be able to buy guns, so they'll trick us into buying them all up so the shelves are empty, so there won't be any available when the manufacturers' supplies get low ... because we bought all of them..., and then we won't be able to buy them.

Yup...when you've bought up so many guns that the dealers are out of guns ... and you can't buy more guns because you already bought the guns...oh, how you'll shake your fist at Obama!

(...Yes, that was a serious like of reasoning posted here at THR during the last 'panic.' The mind wobbles. :D)
I submit that the "gun owners are all paranoid lunatics" narrative is incorrect, and one that the mass media has doggedly foisted onto the public because they really dislike the actual truth:

Americans are finally opting to exercise their second amendment rights almost as often and with as much enthusiasm as they reserve for the exercise of their first amendment rights.

After all, who gets a hunting permit, attends a shooting competition, gets a concealed carry permit, or spends the money to attend the SHOT Show because they're paranoid about Obama?

No one, that's who.

For the first time in decades, Americans are embracing one of their civil liberties with open enthusiasm, and the mainstream media is so utterly frightened by it that they're compelled to project that fear and paranoia on everyday Americans.
Ha... I love all the people that forget congress makes laws. Still, I would be lying if I said my collection had not exponentially grown in the past 4 years. 3 guns became ??? well at least 6 times that, but I am most certainly not done yet. Of course that likely would have happened anyways, it's not like they are more pretty and fun because of a panic.
Sam- To paraphrase a line from The Cruel Sea- For times when the mind WOBBLES there is gin! Dunno, never tried it my mind never wobbles but at times it just shuts down- taking a nap helps.

So far I haven`t seen any mention of tin foil hats on this thread ......but I got to thinking: ya know the tin foil hat `s just a bit obvious & may expose the wearer to ridicule.
Perhaps the times call for a stealth tin foil hat. IIRC,"tin foil" is actually made from aluminum.Maybe what`s needed is a lightweight, durable, baseball cap made out of aluminum that been covered & lined with cloth
But a plain, undecorated cap is likely to arouse unwanted attention and suspicion. So in order to make it look completely harmless, we put a smiley face on it. yep, that`s the ticket, dontcha ya think?
I don't think this has anything to do with O. I think it was the economy that was due to fail which left people wanting their guns before the prices skyrocketed.
Just to be fair, I don't trust Congress any more than I trust the President.......
I will second that.
After all, who gets a hunting permit, attends a shooting competition, gets a concealed carry permit, or spends the money to attend the SHOT Show because they're paranoid about Obama?

The panic certainly introduced many to guns whose interest only grew from there but the panic was either a result over the election or an incredible coincidence full of people only claiming to be worried about another assault weapons ban. And while those activities have increased there are huge numbers of purchases made that were never used for such.

For the first time in decades, Americans are embracing one of their civil liberties with open enthusiasm, and the mainstream media is so utterly frightened by it that they're compelled to project that fear and paranoia on everyday Americans.

Aside from maybe MSNBC i have witnessed no such thing.
I don't think this has anything to do with O. I think it was the economy that was due to fail which left people wanting their guns before the prices skyrocketed.
In my neck of the woods, there is no doubt that much of the buying in late 2008 was due to fear. But a funny thing happened about six months later...

Americans are finally opting to exercise their second amendment rights almost as often and with as much enthusiasm as they reserve for the exercise of their first amendment rights.
This happened.

My local ranges today are STILL packed on weekends, running long waiting lines to get a lane and shoot. That's not a mark of a scared buyer's market - that's indicative of the fact that there are simply more folk genuinely interested in shooting today than in recent past.
If the poll numbers leading up to this fall's election portray it anywhere near to being a close race...

...I don't think we can even imagine what panic buying/gun hysteria even looks like in comparison to what might be in store. It will flat-out blow away what I saw January 2009.
I have purchased more handguns in the last few years than any other time inn my life; four in last week alone. It had nothing to do with Obama.

It also had nothing to do with Zombies, the Mayan calendar, global climate change, or the pending nuclear bomb Iran may be building. Similarly, I will never be buying a croval. Mass hysteria has and will always be used to promote marketing of goods.

Reasons for my handguns purchases:
I have the money to buy guns and ammo.
I now have the time and places to shoot.
I weeded out some of my less enjoyable hobbies.

I live in a state with favorable gun laws. I do believe the fight for our second amendment rights is a never ending battle. However, I do not run to the LGS every time a politician tries to make political hay by saber rattling for more gun laws.
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