Interesting trip to Destin FL's Bass Pro Shop...

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Jan 5, 2007
MS and LA
As usual, my family spent Thanksgiving at my Father's Condo in Destin, FL. The trip was typical where I got to impotently watch my back account get drained as Jenn hit every sale to buy Christmas presents. I particularly LOVE those "Early Bird" sales that result in me being awakened at 4:30 AM.

At any rate, I spent a couple hours in Bass Pro Shop helping my father get ideas on a new cartridge for my mother.

[Don't even think about criticizing two men picking out a cartridge for a woman. We were SENT by my mother with that purpose. She frankly doesnt' care for this task as long as we understand her situation and she trusts our judgement. And she probably has more trigger time than most of the readers here.]

Moving along....

I spoke at length with a sales person about various calibers and platforms. He was a nice guy, and was a former Marine.

Through course of the conversation, I got a few gems of perspective:

I asked about whether they carried any bolt-action rifles in 7.62x39 (I kinda wanted to see one of those CZ bolt action7.62x39's I've read about on here.)

His reponse:

Bass Pro Shop doesn't carry anything in 7.62x39 for "PC" reasons. It is considered an "Assault" caliber. Even he rolled his eyes at this.

My response:

Uhm... and .223 isn't an assault caliber by that definition? I see tons of that here.

His response: (which was correct):

Ahh... but you see, that is .223, not 5.56. Not the same round.

My response:

OK.. true enough...(I'm not a 5.56 "guru" so I let it drop.) I pointed out that many people -- including me-- have used .308 commercial rounds in 7.62x51 champers for decades. And many "assault" rifles are actually marked with both 7.62 NATO AND .308. My Saiga 308 is marked as such.

We got in a debate over the safety of doing so, and he explained that it was just a matter of time before those folks blew up their rifles.

I dunno. Over a 25 year period, I have fired .308 commercial rounds in a HK-91, FAL and Saiga 308 literally thousands of times. I know all about the SAAMI differences and chamber pressures, but I've also seen a great deal of consistent usage. I'm not saying that I'd use hot .308's in Enfields, but even so, a lot have.

While I conceed his point on the differences in .308 and 7.62 NATO as well as .223 and 5.56 NATO, I was more interested in the "PC" attitude of Bass Pro Shop.

I suppose that no one ever considered 30-06 an "assault" caliber? My grandfather did quite a bit of "assaulting" with it on D-Day and in France.

What about 30-40 Krag? I think there was a rifle there in that caliber. They had dozens and dozens of 12 gauges. I suppose I shouldn't tell them about trench guns.... And what about 45. ACP and 9mm? No one seems to have heard about Thompsons and MP5's?

Interestingly enough, they carried both Glocks and Walthers in the handgun case. I thought that both of those were now considered "assault" handguns in the aftermath of VT.

In defense of BPS, they did carry ammunition for one "assault caliber." I saw several different makers of 7.62x39. Oddly enough, there were NO boxes of 5.56 NATO or 7.62 NATO. It seems that those who order ammunition think that .223 and .308 will suffice.

All in all, I enjoyed meeting and talking with the salesperson but the views of Bass Pro Shop as a company has ended any possibility that I would spend money there again. Well... that and the fact that they were sinfully overpriced on EVERY firearm there.

On a positive note, I got to play with the display of a Savage Accutrigger. I was very impressed with it.

But I am SICK of this PC crap. It's time to vote with my dollars.

-- John
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If you look closely you'll also notice they don't carry any small frame short-barrelled revolvers for the same "PC" reasons...Bass Pro is not into "self-defense".
Sounds like a store policy over a corporate policy.

Our Bass Pro in Auburn, NY carries 7.62x39, as well as small frame short barreled revolvers, and subcompact autos. I looked at a Glock 27 there a few weeks ago.

Heck, even our WalMart carries 7.62x39.
views of Bass Pro Shop as a company has ended any possibility that I would spend money there again

Keep in mind that most people who work retail for these large companies are no more aware of actual process and policies of corporate merchandise selection than a clerk at the 7-11 is aware the closed door negotiations to set the ton price from coffee beans. The difference being that if you ask the 7-11 clerk about corporate policy about shade grown coffee, he'll probably just shrugs, mumble "I dunno, man, I just work here", and go back to watching the hot dogs turning on the warmer. If you ask the sales guy at Bass Pro shops, however, you'll quickly find out that he is loathe to admit he doesn't know. His coworkers suffer from the same disposition. So, when confronted with the lack of 7.62x39 rifles, someone may have told from higher up, "We focus on hunting and there aren't many hunting rifles in that caliber." Now, what the person was really saying is, "Sales projections after a trial run at one store for rifles in that caliber resulted in weak numbers compared to stocking another option in the popular .300 Win Mag. Despite some consumer interest, the margins and volume for this rifle compared to other options make it unattractive." Of course, what the gun guy heard was, "We don't carry that caliber rifle because it ain't fer huntin', it's fer killin'!" And that's the message that has been handed down to every sales guy since.

Even if they didn't carry such weapons due to some policy, you can bet that they ran an analysis of what it would cost them in customer perception vs. any increased sales due to carrying it. Corporate decisions are very rarely made without considerations of the bottom line. Sales guys almost never have the full scoop and will admit to not knowing something. The combination leads to a lot of speculation and creative explanations for things.

But, if you want to find out if it is corporate policy or not, write the corporate office.
Our Bass Pro has PC guns for the most parts. Of course, there are the bigger semiauto pistols but not a G27 or a 642.

Sooo.... - go to Cabelas or Sportsmen's Warehouse - where you can get them all. Or Academy. Of course, shop for price.

Bass Pro is for the hook and birdie/deer crowd for the most part. Sports Authority in town dumped all their handguns. So we are safer!
They don't carry any semi-auto rifles, nor do that allow them on their rifle ranges. I'd never buy a gun there anyway, their prices reflect the overhead costs of a store with a live trout stream in it.
I've been to that Bass Pro once, and I'm not going back again. Way too much focused on salt water fishing for me. Too small of a woods/shooting/hunting section.

PILMAN, I stop by Jay's and window shop, but their prices are beyond ridiculous.
The Bass Pro In dania carries plenty of 7.62 x 39 and .223 ammo ! They have auto loaders as well ! I have not seen any AR or AK type rifles ! but plenty of short pump shotguns ! My only complaint is very few reloading supplies ! Kevin
I agree that Jay's is overpriced. I can buy a firearm off of the Internet; pay shipping; and a $20 FFL fee and still beat Jay's prices by 20%.
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