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Interior Dept to Allow Carry in National Parks

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Apr 27, 2007
posted on NRA's website

National Parks to Allow Right-to-Carry

Friday, December 05, 2008

Fairfax, Va. - The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), through the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has announced the final amended version of its changes to rules on carrying of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. DOI’s move will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners who wish to transport and carry firearms for lawful purposes on most DOI lands, and will make federal law consistent with the state law in which these public lands are located. The National Rifle Association (NRA) led the effort to amend the existing policy regarding the carrying and transportation of firearms on these federal lands.

“Today’s announcement by the U.S. Department of the Interior brings clarity and uniformity for law-abiding gun owners visiting our national parks,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “We are pleased that the Interior Department recognizes the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while enjoying America's National Parks and wildlife refuges.”

DOI announced the rule change today and will publish the new regulations in the Federal Register. The new regulations allow right-to-carry permit holders to exercise their Second Amendment rights on national park and wildlife refuges in those states that recognize such permits. The move will provide consistency across our nation’s federal lands and put an end to the patchwork of regulations that governed different lands managed by different federal agencies. In the past, Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands allowed the carrying of firearms, while lands managed by DOI did not.

The NRA has long held that amendments to those regulations were needed to reflect the changed legal situations with respect to state laws on carrying firearms. Earlier this year, fifty-one U.S. Senators sent a strong bipartisan letter to the DOI supporting the move to make state firearms laws applicable to national park lands and refuges.

“These changes respect the Second Amendment rights of honest citizens as they enjoy our public lands,” concluded Cox. “We applaud the Interior Department’s efforts to amend these out of date regulations.”


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. Nearly four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military.
I am stunned, just stunned. I wonder if Heller had anything to do with it. No I can hike in Rocky Mountain N.P. legally.
Watch and see if Osama Obama whips out some kind of executive order on this one.

But hay....

The Bush administration hasn't done anything for the RKBA community and the NRA never delivers any results for it's members, right? (sarcasim intended).
I am stunned also. I thought they were trying to delay this until Obama got in so they could simply say "We were leaning that way, but the arrival of the new administration has put the plans on hold pending review" or some crap like that.

I am awaiting the entertaining hand wringing that Brady and the NYTimes will give us immediately afterwards! :D
So this is effective now?

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Does this mean I can go hang out in my local NF today and not get arrested? Or will I want to wait on that a while?
This is the final rule PDF:

http://www.doi.gov/issues/Final Rule.pdf

Mostly, it is justification for changing the rule. The last two pages have the actual amendments to the federal rules. If you look at the second to last page, the rule change is very simple:

"Notwithstanding any other provision in this Chapter, persons may possess, carry, and transport concealed, loaded, and operable firearms within a national park area in accordance with the laws of the state in which the national park area, or that portion thereof, is located, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable federal law."

then they do it again but for wildlife refuges.

This is signed and dated on the last page. I'd say it is the rule right now. Will every ranger know this immediately? Not sure. I doubt they can get a conviction on you starting when this was signed earlier today. I'd say, carry a copy for a few months.
I know the DOI manages BLM land, but is BLM land included in in this new rule change?
IF your congressman was on that list and you wrote to that person. IMHO you should write a thank you Note also, I will be writing Two to my reps.
Even Sarha Palin wrote in a supporting letter, I realy like that woman!!
What has bush done for us?

Alito + Roberts = Heller

These guys didn't just fall out of the sky!

Secretary of the Interior = Dirk Kempthorne

Who do you think appointed him? (and every other cabinent Secretary?)

Do you really think this rule change would have made the agenda if the Secretary of the Interior opposed it?

Not to mention letting the AWB die and doing nothing about it.
I'll bet the text of the regulations use the word "person" instead of "Citizen" just like every federal law that is currently enforced upon Citizens. Citizens didn't need to wait for this change in regulations. Citizens took possession of this land in the 1700s-1800s and defeated all opposition. Why would descendants of those same citizens need to ask permission of a federal entity that didn't even exist when they gained ownership of the land, secured their rights, and defeated all opposition?
What does this mean for OC I live In a state that allows OC. Our CC laws Permit CC outside city Limits W/O a Permit.
Just for clarification - Army Corps of Engineers land is not included in this, right?

Bummer that I still can't carry on most lakes around here!

Edited to not sound ungrateful: Thanks for restoring our rights! (partially)
So where are the folks that claim NRA never does anything. They spent a lot of money on this one.

National Park and National Wildlife Refuges only. This does not apply anywhere else.

This ruling applies to those 2 yes. Some other areas were already OK for firearms. National Forests have been OK with it for years. It's a big step forward, this was really expected to go against us.

Even in California? I used to live there.

Even in California. National Parks and National Forests belong to the Federal gov, states have no jurisdiction there as far as I know (not a lawyer and all that crap).
I thought it was OK to carry in BLM land.

Yeah most BLM land is OK with shooting and guns in general.

From the BLM website:

BLM policy is to allow the safe use of firearms on public lands – for both hunting and shooting sports – as provided for in state law, and to cooperate with state authorities in the enforcement of firearms regulations. Individuals have BLM's permission to possess and use legal firearms on BLM-administered public lands, except when prohibited by other applicable laws and regulations. Both hunting and shooting are specifically prohibited near developed recreation sites and administratively closed areas on the public lands.


Shooting sports or target shooting is permitted on any public lands that have not been administratively closed to such activities, and where target shooting is not prohibited by other state law or statute.
BLM land has always gone by state law. If you read the ruling fully, you will see that a state (even one with CCW) still has the power to list a National Park as off limits to CCW, just as some make state parks off limits now. Most states won't do this, but I would watch for California to. Some other states that presently prohibit state park carry might also do this.
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