Interior Dept to Allow Carry in National Parks

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So, I can carry in National Parks now? I can go to Big Bend with my Glock under my shirt and CCW legally? Holy cow!
OK, according to MSNBC this takes effect 30 days after it is published, which will happen in the next few days:

"The park rule will be published in the Federal Register next week and take effect 30 days later, well before Obama takes office Jan. 20. Overturning the rule could take months or even years, since it would require the new administration to restart the lengthy rule-making process."
My question is: Can the next Secretary of the Interior (appointed by Obama and confirmed by a Democratic Senate) just reverse it as easily?
My question is: Can the next Secretary of the Interior (appointed by Obama and confirmed by a Democratic Senate) just reverse it as easily?

I don't know how easy this has been, it seems like it has been a year between when it was proposed and when it was adopted. There is a rule-making process that must be adhered to. If a reversal was proposed, it would give us about a year to dump a world-sized steaming pile of **** on the NPS. I don't think they want the heat.
My question now is what about open carry? Do they mention concealed simply because it’s the paradigm, or are we restricted to carrying only concealed? In one part they mention that carry will be in accordance with the law of the state, but keep saying concealed. Concealed carry with a heavy pack sucks.
"Notwithstanding any other provision in this Chapter, persons may possess, carry, and transport concealed, loaded, and operable firearms within a national park area in accordance with the laws of the state in which the national park area, or that portion thereof, is located, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable federal law."

IANAL, It sounds like you can carry any gun in any fashion currently allowed by the state in which the park is located. Concealed is merely an option, not a limiting requirement.
lol +1

What has bush done for us?

Alito + Roberts = Heller

These guys didn't just fall out of the sky!

Secretary of the Interior = Dirk Kempthorne

Who do you think appointed him? (and every other cabinent Secretary?)

Do you really think this rule change would have made the agenda if the Secretary of the Interior opposed it?

Not to mention letting the AWB die and doing nothing about it.
VCDL will put the facts out soon. If you're not a VCDL (or your state pro-gun org) or NRA or GOA, what more incentive do you need! Would advise not to rush out just yet....let the changes get posted in the Federal Register....I'm sure this ruling hasn't quite gotten down to the guys on the street, in the field and in the offices that can still cause local pain! Thanks again VCDL!:)
This will last probably to Jan 20 2009

The rulemaking process required by law for regulatory changes will ensure it lasts a lot longer than that, even if Obama doesn't want it to. Obama is president, not emperor.

Here is how regulations are made, established by an Act of Congress. Notice that "Obama Said So" isn't one of the ways:

Of course Obama can have it changed, but even he needs to go through the process and it will take many months, minimum, just like it did for us. And during those months we get to rain **** down on the NPS and have the 51 Senators who wrote in favor of the change twist arms too.
I have copied an AP article and highlighted some of the important comments both for and against. It sounds like it would take a long time to overturn it if they tried. I also believe (perhaps over-optimistically) that any gun law legislation will be political suicide for the new administration. I will be very surprised to see them make gun control an issue if they can avoid it.

New rule eases ban on firearms in national parks

WASHINGTON -- People will now be able to carry concealed firearms in some national parks and wildlife refuges.

An Interior Department rule issued Friday allows an individual to carry a loaded weapon in a park or wildlife refuge -- but only if the person has a permit for a concealed weapon, and if the state where the park or refuge is located also allows loaded firearms in parks.

The rule overturns a Reagan-era regulation that has restricted loaded guns in parks and wildlife refuges. The previous regulations required that firearms be unloaded and placed somewhere that is not easily accessible, such as in a car trunk.

Assistant Interior Secretary Lyle Laverty said the new rule respects a long tradition of states and the federal government working together on natural resource issues.

The regulation allows individuals to carry concealed firearms in federal parks and wildlife refuges to the same extent they can lawfully do so under state law, Laverty said, adding that the approach is in line with rules adopted by the federal Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service. Those agencies let visitors carry weapons consistent with applicable federal and state laws.

The National Rifle Association hailed the rule change, which will take effect next month before President-elect Barack Obama takes office.

"We are pleased that the Interior Department recognizes the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families while enjoying America's national parks and wildlife refuges," said Chris W. Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist.

The rule will restore the rights of law-abiding gun owners on federal lands and make federal law consistent with the state where the lands are located, Cox said. The NRA led efforts to change gun regulations they called inconsistent and unclear.

A group representing park rangers, retirees and conservation organizations said the rule change will lead to confusion for visitors, rangers and other law enforcement agencies.

"Once again, political leaders in the Bush administration have ignored the preferences of the American public by succumbing to political pressure, in this case generated by the National Rifle Association," said Bill Wade, president of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees.

"This regulation will put visitors, employees and precious resources of the National Park System at risk. We will do everything possible to overturn it and return to a commonsense approach to guns in national parks that has been working for decades," Wade said.

The park rule will be published in the Federal Register next week and take effect 30 days later, well before Obama takes office Jan. 20. Overturning the rule could take months or even years, since it would require the new administration to restart the lengthy rule-making process.

Last year, I lingered in Dillon, MT deciding if I would pay $25 to the NPS and disarm myself so I could enter Yellowstone NP. Decided to wait for this ruling.

Now, Yellowstone and Glacier NP are on my list to visit.

Funny, now I can walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. That thing is fascinating. But, each end is embedded in a NP so there was no way I could legally touch the ground to start the walk.
So this opens up Philly and Independence Park??!!!!

Liberty Bell!
Declaration of Independence!
Independence Hall!

The Philly Police will stonewall this and absolutely Schitt themselves.....................

(PA resident and LTCF holder)

As well as Valley forge, Gettysburg,
So this opens up Philly and Independence Park??!!!!

Liberty Bell!
Declaration of Independence!
Independence Hall!

The Philly Police will stonewall this and absolutely Schitt themselves.....................

(PA resident and LTCF holder)

As well as Valley forge, Gettysburg,

And, considering that our prohibition against carrying in PA state parks falls on Dec. 17 (IIRC) there is MUCH rejoicing.

TexasRifleman said:
Even in California. National Parks and National Forests belong to the Federal gov, states have no jurisdiction there as far as I know (not a lawyer and all that crap).
I hate to argue publicly with a fellow Texas but, au contrare, mon frere. The rule specifically makes the laws of the state where the park is a part of the mix.

Notwithstanding any other provision in this Chapter, persons may possess, carry, and transport concealed, loaded, and operable firearms within a national park area in accordance with the laws of the state in which the national park area, or that portion thereof, is located, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable federal law.
(emphasis mine, C)
If it ain't legal in a Ca state park, it ain't gonna be legal in a national park (or portion thereof) in Ca.

Lone_Gunman said:
Let us hope that this stays under Obama's radar. Hopefully it won't be something he wants to spend any political capital on
If you really believe that, I can make you a SWEEEEEEETTT deal on some prime bottom land just 2 short miles from beautiful downtown South Padre Island. Guaranteed ocean front property. ;)

Burying your head in the sand only makes your a** a better target.
I hate to argue publicly with a fellow Texas but, au contrare, mon frere. The rule specifically makes the laws of the state where the park is a part of the mix.

Well that sucks. Like I said I didn't know if the states had jurisdiction there. Still doesn't say if they do but it looks like Fed is gonna defer to state law anyway.
Awesome! I'm not sure why this was even necessary, but it's good news.

Anybody that opposes this is basically telling me they hope I get eaten by a bear, and I do NOT appreciate that.
What has bush done for us?

1) Appointed gun friendly Supreme Court Justices that gave us Heller. DC residents can now own guns again.

2) Gun manufacturers are no longer being sued out of existence.

3) Expiration of the AWB.

4) No new gun control laws or executive orders.

GWB is probably the most pro-2nd Amendment president of my lifetime.
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