Invaders from the Sky

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Dec 25, 2002
No Place Like Home
HEHEHE another WHAT IF Thread

If you saw little green men with blue helments parachuting out of planes....what would yah'll do.................

My tin foiled lined baseball cap is on :)

Golgo-13 I'm waiting for a good response :)
Sell the videotape and pictures I'll take to TV and the tabloids.

Why would interstellar travellers need to parachute from an airplane?

OK, I'll play. I'll lure them all into the nearest QuickeeMart and wait for them to reach the counter, at this point I'll have sneaked up to within 10' of them, pull out my pistola and yell "Freeze!". If anyone of them turns towards me, I'll plug the whole lotta 'em and explain to the cops that I was in fear for my life from the scumbags.
Little Green men with blue helmets.....Sounds like UN Peacekeepers to me. In which case I would honor the oath I took 20 years ago as a Marine.
Why are green men with blue helmets doing jumping out of 'airplanes'? Shouldn't they be jumping out of flying saucers? I smell a conspiracy....

1. Recover my suprise that I buried under the baseball diamond at the city park.
2. Use surplus .22 ammo, cigarettes and family members as bartering pieces for services and goods.
3. Turn off water supply immediately--there's fluoride in the stuff.

If you saw little green men with blue helments parachuting out of planes....what would yah'll do...............

I'd change to a better brand of tequila - this cheap stuff is giving me halucinations:D !
If they were of the violent nature i would wait till thier feet hit the ground before I shot them.

The Geneva convention prohibits me from shooting them on the way down.;)
Disarm them upon landing, house them in the county jail where they'd be resuited to orange or red, depending on their classification, and notify INS to get a hold on them.
I like the idea of leading them to the local Quicky-Mart since the would be hungry(as any soldier is at any given time) introduce them to Quicky-Mart dogs, Nachos and slurppies and once the brain freeze kicks in push them in to the Beer cooler for safe keeping.......:D
shoot them, stuff them, and sell them as teddy-bear-like stuffed animals at the local carnival.

According to the Law of Land Warfare, parachutists, that is forces who are assaulting an objective via an airborne insertion, are considered hostile and therefore may be fired upon while still in descent. However, aircrewmen bailing out of a stricken aircraft are not viable targets until they touch Terra Firma and commence to take hostile action such as draw a weapon. If they immediately surrender or attempt to escape and evade without taking hostile action, they are to be considered non-hostile and may not be engaged.

Well, if they were coming in across the road over the lake, I reckon I'd have to use steel shot, right?

Actually, I'd probably wait for them to land and find the trail of Reese's Pieces that I'd cleverly scattered to draw them into a kill zone.
Actually, I'd probably wait for them to land and find the trail of Reese's Pieces that I'd cleverly scattered to draw them into a kill zone.

Doesn't the TN Dept of Natural Resources consider that hunting over a baited area :D?

Offer up my neighbor for an anal probe in exchange for safe passage to planet moronica.

Note to self:
Don't forget to pickup more tin foil. Reception is fading.
"....Hey, looky here, Slim...a new-fangled 'sportin clays' game..."
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Just cuz I'm a sick puppy...

Turn on that disco song "it's raining men" before unlimbering all the copper jacketed fury available at my disposal.

That way I'll have a good insanity defense if I was wrong.:scrutiny:
Well, I'd say, "Welcome, you numbnuts, to the Peoples Republic of Oregon. Please sign up to pay parachute taxes immediately. While you are at it, why don't you get a drivers license like the other illegal aliens do?
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