Iraqi Constitution

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Article 17: It's an anti-right. It says Iraqis can NOT own, purchase or bear arms, unless the government gives them a license.

This is of course what is how US Politicians would re-write the US Constitution if they could (which is why a Constitutional Convention now would be a disaster).

Text is as follows:
"Article 17. It shall not be permitted to possess, bear, buy, or sell arms except on licensure issued in accordance with the law. "
I don't understand. From reading gun lists, isn't GWB a strong supporter of the second amend. He is using a clever strategy of supporting the AWB to get it to sunset. Thus, this measure in the Iraqi constitution must be his clever way of getting the right to keep and bear arms for the Iraqis.

Of course, all those folks are turning in their full auto AKs, RPGs, etc.
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