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Is 2A eventually doomed?

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It is not just the 2A that is eventually doomed, it is the rest of the country. This is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, (hmm, what can I use here without sounding Low Road) sissification, excessive "entitlements," the desire for panem et circenses, uncontrolled and unassimilated immigration, etc. It probably won't happen in our lifetimes, but it might in our grand- or great-grandchildren's. :(
*The AWB is Dead*
*Shall Issue carry permit policies are the norm
*There have been 2 circuit courts coming down on the individual rights side
*The executive via DOJ acknowledges 2A as an individual right
* The Democrats, who are the usual political champion of the forces of organized gun bigotry have paid heavy prices for that particular ideology, and have learned to keep their head down

Don't forget many States writing laws that guns cannot be confiscated in declaration of emergencies in response to Katrina confiscations.

Also many States have also recently passed Castle Doctrine laws reinforcing The People's right to self and property defense, as well as the defense of other people.

The first poster asked if there was more gun control now.what there is is more interest in the second.most gun owners ignored the battles.wordt part was the signal gun owners gave the pols that they did not care and the pols went where the loud mouths were.the 68 law was the worst after the 1934 control.got the camel under the tent."what do you need a machine gun for"that was what even the gun owners said.if you agree that guns are doomed why not lay down and die.I havent yet and I am older than most of you. :uhoh::banghead::cuss:
You think it's all about the right to go to the shooting range? You're obviously new and have a lot to learn.

No, I understand perfectly what it's about. I was just saying that if it becomes law, that I'm not gonna shoot it out with anyone to try and keep them. I know it's more than just some dude having fun with his new gun, it's about the RIGHT of that guy to have fun with it if he wants to. It's our heritage and part of what makes us American.

Now, that being said, if some law passes (which I don't think it ever will in such extreme forms) that sends police to confiscate my guns, then yup I'll hand them over. I won't be happy about it, but I want to keep living. HOWEVER, If the government is some insane dicatorship or something wacky like that, then I'll certainly be joining my local Red Dawn Wolverine squad. :D
I won't be happy about it, but I want to keep living. HOWEVER, If the government is some insane dicatorship or something wacky like that, then I'll certainly be joining my local Red Dawn Wolverine squad.

I would say that that when a government came around to collect the guns then said government IS an insane dictatorship or something wacky like that.
{ quote} ".... that sends police to confiscate my guns, then yup I'll hand them over. I won't be happy about it, but I want to keep living. HOWEVER, If the government is some insane dicatorship or something wacky like that, then I'll certainly be joining my local Red Dawn Wolverine squad. "

eltorrente, your post doesn't seem to make any sense. you say you'll hand over your guns if/when they come for them, yet you'll fight them if they're a "wacky dictatorship". if they come to take your guns they either ARE a wacky dicratorship, or have just removed the last significant obstacle toward becoming one.
^ So, you guys are gonna open up on them when they drive up? Like next week or something and this new law passes, you're gonna shoot em up?
Historically, the "natural lifespan" of a free republic is about 200 years. We have already exceeded that by some 31 years, but, that's really not outside the statiscal norm, since "about 200 years" is + or - some years either way.
The attacks on the 2nd amendment began 150 years ago with laws prohibiting blacks from being armed, or forcing them to puchase only the most expensive guns, which due to their impovershed status at the time, they generally could not afford. Then came New York's Sullivan Laws, the NFA of '34 and the GCA of '38. .... And so on ...
Yes in terms of conceal carry, we're better off in many ways than in past years. But one must ask what this really means. It's great if you're concern is defense of you and loved ones in the face of a criminal. But who here has delusions that if we should need to rise up against a tyrannical government, that the ability to carry a S&W .38 snubbie or a smallish 9mm. -- or ANY handgun, really, will be of much help???
We've already been nearly deprived of the use of full auto (I say nearly because I am aware you can obtain them in certain states if you pay the $200.00 and go through the paperwork hoops. That cuts down on the number of people who will own full auto right there) and a lot of the weapons that would be most useful in a revolution. Of course if we were to start one, that condition wouldn't obtain long as we found field-expedient weapons and collected battlefield pick-ups and procured important weapons in less than legal ways.

I am hoping we will not go down this road ... but with the increasing popularity of government solutions for our problems, such as Hillary-care for our health-care, and our increasing unwillingness to be personnally responsible for our own wellbeing in many ways, I am not only pessimistic about our ability to maintain freedom in this nation, but I am not even optimistic about the odds of a revolution of any kind or nature being successful in returning to this nation the freedoms we enjoyed during it's early hayday.
The 2nd amendment is attended to by too many "butt-minkeys." "I support the 2a, BUT, I think we need a firm NICS check...BUT people who've been accused of beating their spouses should be disarmed...BUT people who robbed a piece of candy from a five-and-dime in 1968 should loses their 2A rights...." and so on, and so on.
None among us is without some sin, and soon, ANY sin, no matter what, will be used to take our guns away.
Now, that being said, if some law passes (which I don't think it ever will in such extreme forms) that sends police to confiscate my guns, then yup I'll hand them over. I won't be happy about it, but I want to keep living.

That cuts down on the number of people who will own full auto right there) and a lot of the weapons that would be most useful in a revolution.

Yeah good thing the colonials had all those Mac-10's or this would still be West Britain.
Yeah good thing the colonials had all those Mac-10's or this would still be West Britain.

Certainly you are being less than serious; The essential arm of both the colonials and the Redcoats was a long-arm that fired one round before being reloaded. With roughly equal armament on each side the chances against the redcoats would be determined by other factors.

If you saw a phalanx of men armed with M-16s, MP-5s, and other NFA weapons, backed up by attack aircraft and armour, what do you think your chances would be if your rifle was a Pedersoli repro of a Kentucky longrifle?
Yeah good thing the colonials had all those Mac-10's or this would still be West Britain.

That's a strange argument. :scrutiny:

If the Redcoats were strapping uzi's, it would be a good parrallel.
Any evidence needed to convince that low-tech can be effective against high-tech can be found in Iraq.
If you saw a phalanx of men armed with M-16s, MP-5s, and other NFA weapons, backed up by attack aircraft and armour, what do you think your chances would be if your rifle was a Pedersoli repro of a Kentucky longrifle?

Less than zero. With any of my rifles. You don't need to go out in a hail of gunfire to destroy an oppressor. There are far more insidious ways.
as my copy of the constitution and bill of rights reads... the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED....... the second amendment was (is) NOT about hunting or target shooting or sport shooting........... the founding fathers i believe wanted the people to be able to live free from a government that might enslave them........ theres a reason why this is the only super power right now...................
Even the "Red Dawn" stuff that we all think about aint gonna work so well.

Imagine trying to escape from an ac-130 with night vision, or a pilotless drone sends an agm or lases your camp for a guided bomb. Trying to hide behind a brick wall as .50s and 120mm blasts around you. Holy crap, we better start training and getting organized right now - and stockpiling some serious weaponry.
coyote_jr said:
If you saw a phalanx of men armed with M-16s, MP-5s, and other NFA weapons, backed up by attack aircraft and armour, what do you think your chances would be if your rifle was a Pedersoli repro of a Kentucky longrifle?

Less than zero. With any of my rifles. You don't need to go out in a hail of gunfire to destroy an oppressor. There are far more insidious ways.

True ... but sooner or later fortunes shift and despite how devious and ingenious you've been, you might easily find yourself in that very condition.
Some days you get the bear ... some days the bear gets you.

Have the best gun for the job when it's the bear's turn.
^" So, you guys are gonna open up on them when they drive up? Like next week or something and this new law passes, you're gonna shoot em up?

So how about you? The law passes next week and the cops come rolling up you're driveway, are you gonna run to the hills or blow them away?"

dude, we weren't the ones saying we were gonna go join the wolverines, you did. we were just pointing out the inconsistency in your post.
p.s. not looking for a fight here,'sides i gotta run,won't be back till tomorrow.
lysander wrote
I'm not a doom/gloom type but one has to at least recognize the impact that technology is going to have on personal arms. Technology moves inexorably forward and when we reach the point where the next great paradigm shift in personal arms occurs...those weapons will likely be well out of the reach of the average person...both by law and by sheer economics.

Yep, and as others have said, this makes all the small arms we own about as useful as sharpened sticks. The up side is that the ghee-whizz technology gets cheaper and more available over time. This is the result of economic growth, and why we are not still using said sharpened sticks.

I find it encouraging that I can use Google Earth to spot things that governments spent millions to see just a few years ago.
This is a troubling subject.

I urge all of you to remember that these are open forums, and it may behoove us to be cautious of our words here: It would be prudent to assume they are monitored.

It is well and good to speak of dying in a hail of gunfire to protect your arms. I admire the sentiment, if not the effect. It is also good to point out that a an armed revolution no longer takes the form of pitched battles... we have long since passed the point where a citizen militia can hold its own in the field against the military forces of a nation-state.

The first and most important form of a revolution must be a peaceful one; a revolution of the ballot box. I know that the odds don't look good for this, these days, but it MUST be tried. It ill becomes us to turn too quickly to our arms as the means.

Here's a purely hypothetical exercise for you, and in no way do I advocate this. It is illegal. I merely present an interesting idea:

In the event that peaceful means are exhausted, and it appears there is no halting the oncoming totalitarianism, I maintain that there are different ways to wage a revolutionary war than visible defiance and pointless, violent death. The mainstay of modern guerrilla warfare is subtlety and patience. This is a largely urbanized nation, and the battlegrounds, such as they are, will be urban in such a conflict. I disagree that pistols and such are useless here. On the contrary, the concealable weapon provides a great advantage. It allows for surprise on the attack, and disappearance on the retreat. I detest "terrorism" as much as any man... war against civilians is NOT the way, not for anyone, for any cause. But there is a place for similar tactics in urban guerrilla warfare, against targets more appropriate to patriots... not fanatics and murderers. Infrastructure, command & control, communications, government/military installations, logistics... these are the targets that would be effective, in the event of such guerrilla warfare. And it would take years, if, indeed, results could ever be produced. And the attrition rate for the revolutionaries would be terrible. But, unlike the noble defiance of shouting "From my cold dead hands!" as the young men with badges and body armor burst through your door, the way I have described has at least a chance.

I do not in any way claim to encourage armed resistance to a lawful government, of course. The above is merely a hypothetical situation, for intellectual stimulation. I do not advocate this course.
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