Is PPC dead ??

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Oct 21, 2003
Do you think PPC shooting will ever come back in popularity in the USA ? I was looking through some old late 70's early 80's gun magazines the other day and I was happy to note several feature articles and columns dealing with PPC related topics. I recently moved back to the U.S. from several years in Canada and I'm disappointed over the lack of interest in this game. Seems like everybody is either IPSC or IDPA. I find it interesting that PPC clubs and leagues are still quite popular up north. They mostly follow the NRA rule book. Maybe if the NRA opened the game up to civilians (as they do in Canada), then it might pick up some interest. What do you think ?
I shoot PPC, as we have a league in North Carolina. About two years ago or so we stopped shooting the Match 1500- there were only about a dozen shooters, and a lack of interest from the league in general. To top it off match guns are scarce around here. Most states have leagues, and the national match is held in Miss.
I think any time you open up a game to a greater number of people it will increase interest. It seems ridiculous that PPC wouldn't be open to everyone. I'd shoot it if it didnt conflict with my uspsa sundays.
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