Is there going to be police-state legislation because of Katrina?

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Mar 7, 2005
I'm just wonder-worrying, will there be more police-state legislation coming from this, has it already been passed and no-one notice yet, anything like that?

Obviously police-state legislation works, they passed the Patriot Act and the Anthrax letters stopped, so cause-and-effect would suggest that passing some more 'empowering legislation' will cure all the problems in NO.
No, but they'll be huge government handouts as far as the eye can see. In about a year you'll hear about scams and flim-flams. All the while the Congressional Black Caucus will use the event to increase their power and influence. In the end, we'll just be a bigger welfare state and nobody will have learned anything.
Is there anywhere we can read the emergency funding bill? I can't find the site searching, but it had the word 'thomas' in the title, one site I remember that had legislation. Until I see otherwise I have to almost assume they snuck something through with that.
What worries me is that billions of dollars will be made available to a State government that by any measure is one of the most corrupt in the USA - certainly in the "worst 5", if you want to put it that way. How much of that aid will cling to sticky fingers on its way through the system? I hope that the Feds keep stringent controls on their funds, and do their best to ensure that it's well spent, and reaches those for whom it's intended.
I am sure there are some disaster relief agencies that need to renovate there offices. That being said, I have donated to local agencies here in Arkansas, with people I know that are helping refugees that are here.
What worries me is that billions of dollars will be made available to a State government that by any measure is one of the most corrupt in the USA
That's why governor crybaby hasn't declared a state of emergency, thereby exacerbating the "turf wars" mentioned elsewhere between locals and feds.

If she doesn't "Federalize" the situation she gets to control the money flow.

She is a piece of work!

Hey, I got flooded in 97 in Grand Forks, ND. I DEMAND free money be given to me. All I got was the trash picked up off my berm and a new levee system for the city. I want CASH dammit. :neener:
National ID CArd Guaranteed

This is the perfect excuse needed to justify the national ID card with your photo, fingerprint, medical history, criminal history, and all other vital stats tied to it.

The rhetoric will go something like this: "With so many unfortunate people needing assistance rebuilding their lives, the monumental task of identification, registration, and relocation could have been completely avoided using common inexpensive biometric devices. One swipe of a finger over the device and aid workers would have had instant access to the victim's medical history so that these poor unfortunates could receive the care and assistance they so urgently need..."

Congress will buy in, the media will buy in, the privacy advocates will be sneered at and called hysterical idiots, and everyone will love Big Brother.
Evidently the federales had its act put together better than state and local. I look for an emphasis to fix it.

I think the US has just had a dry run on what happens when you lose a city or two. All the lessons learned will help us when we lose a collection of cities due to nuke, chem, bio or whatever (more than likely coming from across the southern border, but that's another thread).

I hope we learn because our performance at the state level sucked.
This is the perfect excuse needed to justify the national ID card with your photo, fingerprint, medical history, criminal history, and all other vital stats tied to it.

The rhetoric will go something like this: "With so many unfortunate people needing assistance rebuilding their lives, the monumental task of identification, registration, and relocation could have been completely avoided using common inexpensive biometric devices. One swipe of a finger over the device and aid workers would have had instant access to the victim's medical history so that these poor unfortunates could receive the care and assistance they so urgently need..."

Congress will buy in, the media will buy in, the privacy advocates will be sneered at and called hysterical idiots, and everyone will love Big Brother.
National ID Card legislation has already been passed. It passed months ago, but it was kept under the radar of the MSM. That's why you never heard it. It goes by a different name, and was slipt into unrelated legislation.
With all the video of the thugs shooting at relief helicopters and "New Orleans PD's Finest" :rolleyes: with AK's, I'm sure we'll see another Assault Weapons Ban bill (without the expiration date) come across Bush's desk....

...and he'll sign it just like he promised. :cuss:

Lock & load, everyone. The political gunfight is heating up again... :banghead:
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And that legislation was what?
On May 11, President Bush signed the REAL ID Act into law, which for the first time in U.S. history establishes a national identification card and a corresponding central identification database. Attached to the War Supplemental Spending bill, the REAL ID Act was promoted in Congress as the solution to the serious problem of illegal aliens obtaining state driver’s licenses.
I feel bad for thinking of what laws will be passed, when people starve, but I can't help it.

I too wondered about AW ban, but all the media is about snipers and helicopters falling, and snipers and rescue workers, and snipers and snipers and snipers.

I'd say expect .50's listed as DD's in a couple of months. Maybe they know people will work around this, so perhaps they will ban every calibre and specify those that will remain legal. It's what I'd do if I was a prick.
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