It ain't the pols, it's the press.

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Apr 28, 2004
"I knew a very wise man so much of Sir Christopher’s sentiment, that he believed if a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of a nation, and we find that most of the ancient legislators thought that they could not well reform the manners of any city without the help of a lyric, and sometimes of a dramatic poet."~ Andrew Fletcher
(Often paraphrased "let me write the songs of a nation and I care not who writes the laws")

To keep our rights we need to influence the press / media who influence the public.
"I knew a very wise man so much of Sir Christopher’s sentiment, that he believed if a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of a nation, and we find that most of the ancient legislators thought that they could not well reform the manners of any city without the help of a lyric, and sometimes of a dramatic poet."~ Andrew Fletcher
(Often paraphrased "let me write the songs of a nation and I care not who writes the laws")

To keep our rights we need to influence the press / media who influence the public.
Ah, the Pollyanna Principle hard at work. Jim Morrison (The Doors) said "Whoever controls the media, controls the minds". Currently 90% of the the press/media is owned by 6 media giants - ATT (bought Time Warner), CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp (the parent company of Fox News), and Viacom. Somewhere around 250 media executives control what you see and hear through the media. None of them are interested in our rights.

*in before the lock
If it doesn't fit the narrative, don't count on it being in the news or staying long in the news.....

Take for instance the woman in WV who shot the man who was attempting to shoot up the graduation party with an AR15. Normally the "evil black rifle" would be front page news and the press would be trodding through the fresh blood of the victims to get a story out there. Not this time however due to the fact the women used her concealed carry gun, and he was a felon with a lengthy criminal and prison history. That would destroy "good person with gun stopping bad person with gun" and the fallacy of criminals following the law...Also she was praised by local law enforcement.....can't have "common folk" getting positive press for decisive action.
The “free press” is a commercial press; they need riots, wildfires, political discord, war, etc. to survive. As long as they keep people riled up and waiting for more bad news, they’re going to keep stoking the fires..

They will quit beating the anti-gun drum when there is no more money in it.

Stay safe.
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