It can't happen here..can it??

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Dec 11, 2003
los angeles
Less Guns, More Crime
By Gene Healy
Published 1/20/2004 12:04:29 AM

WASHINGTON -- For nearly 30 years, the D.C. government has conducted a public policy experiment based on the theory that if you deprive citizens of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms, you'll reduce crime. Last week, federal district court judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, ruled that that experiment should continue. In his decision in Seegars v. Ashcroft, et al., Judge Walton rejected a Second Amendment challenge to the District’s comprehensive gun ban.

Of course, Judge Walton is under no illusions that depriving citizens of their right to keep and bear arms actually results in a safer city. Nor, interestingly enough, is the D.C. government attorney defending the ban in Seegars. During oral argument in the case last October, Walton and D.C. Corporation Counsel Daniel Rezneck had the following exchange:

Walton: These laws don't stop the bad guys from getting the guns.

Rezneck: No.

Walton: The bad guys are going to get the guns regardless.

Rezneck: I agree with that your honor.

As Rezneck and Walton admit, the D.C. government has done little or nothing to disarm violent criminals. It has, however, done a marvelous job of disarming law-abiding citizens who "work hard and play by the rules," as a certain Southerner used to put it. And as a result, the District is the most dangerous large city in America -- edging out Detroit for the 2003 murder capital of the U.S.

Having failed in this most basic duty of government -- protecting the citizens -- the District has responded, in characteristic fashion, by defining deviancy down. In 2002 D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey lowered his department's goals for solving homicides; where once D.C. aimed at a 65 percent clearance rate, Ramsey decided that solving around half of the city's murders was good enough for government work.

Explaining his decision to lower the homicide clearance goal to 50.9 percent, Chief Ramsey told the Washington Post, "It's more encouraging…. You get these stretch goals, and when you don't even come near it, you get hammered for it."

That's the police department District residents are supposed to depend on. If you live in the city and someone's breaking your door down, your only legal option is to call 911 and pray that the police arrive on time. And you'd better pray. According to City Council member Phil Mendelson, in 2002 nearly one in five 911 calls was abandoned for failure to get through promptly.

Many District residents, like the plaintiffs in Seegars, would like to have other options to protect themselves. Standing in their way is a gun control scheme of almost comic rigidity. You can't own a handgun without a registration certificate and you can't get a registration certificate, because the District stopped issuing them to ordinary citizens in 1976. If you do happen to own a pre-1976 handgun that you registered back when disco was king, you cannot lawfully carry it from room to room in your own house without a license. And you can't get a license.

You can register certain rifles and shotguns. You just can't legally use them when your life is threatened. District law requires all guns to be "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a triggerlock" at all times -- and it makes no exception for lawful self defense. If a burglar confronts you in your home, and you load your shotgun to defend yourself, you've just committed a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to a year in jail.

One might suppose that such a regulatory scheme constitutes an infringement on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, if anything does. But Judge Walton disagrees, declaring in the Seegars opinion that "the Second Amendment does not confer an individual right to possess firearms" but rather grants some vague, unenforceable collective right.

Walton's interpretation is, of course, at odds with the fairly clear text of the Constitution. The Framers were careful enough with language not to confuse the "right of the people" with the rights of a state. Just as in the First and Fourth Amendments, "the right of the people" in the Second Amendment is an individual right.

A growing number of legal scholars, including such unlikely gasbags as Laurence Tribe and Alan Dershowitz, are coming to recognize that the Second Amendment means what it says. So too have the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Emerson case and the Justice Department. Both have endorsed the view that the "right of the people" is, well, the right of the people. This trend is one more reason Judge Walton's decision came as such a crashing disappointment.

Gene Healy is senior editor at the Cato Institute, and one of four attorneys representing the plaintiffs in Parker v. District of Columbia, another challenge to the D.C. gun laws.

I'm no fan of this or similar decisions, and I think that judges like Walton should be impeached for violating their oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution...," but we must pursue this issue in the courts until we can no longer do so. Why? Because the alternative is so horrible. I know that it is frustrating - I feel the same way many times, but you can't have your first response be your strongest, any more than a nation can resort to the nuclear option at the slightest provocation.

Things are not totally going the wrong way - after all, well over 70% of the people know that the 2nd protects an individual right, and sooner or later that will show up in the make up of our government (and it already has, to an extent, since 1994). The longer that this continues, the more judges and justices will be appointed that are friendly to the Constitution (yeah, I know, Walton was a Bush appointee - one hopes that he's one of those that "got away"). Millions have concealed carry, and every year more states become shall issue.

That's not to say that everything is OK, either - this decision is evidence that something is VERY wrong. Were the tide to not turn quickly enough, were there to be a USSC decision that agreed with this case, for example, then all bets would be off. At that point I would expect newer and harsher laws to be passed against gun owners, and at some point a fair number of people will be pushed too far and will hit back. The counter-reaction will be so strong and draconian, IMHO, that even more will jump to the pro-liberty side, and so on, until the country is completely split. It is, however, my hope that such a thing can be avoided by working within the system, despite its very obvious and numerous flaws.
Our best hope is for the Supremes (under Bush or another Republican) to grant certorari and decide once and for all that the Second Amendment recognizes the right of the individual.
Any judge that does not uphold the constitution should not be impeached, they should be hung on poles and be displayed in public. The grand experiment of freedom in America should not tolerate dictators and tyrants.
As an aside....I thought that it was encouraging to hear the President talk about confronting "activist judges" and stopping them from enacting their personal agendas. Maybe once he decides to act on this, rather than just talking, we'll see less and less of this kind of crap....
Any judge that does not uphold the constitution should not be impeached, they should be hung on poles and be displayed in public. The grand experiment of freedom in America should not tolerate dictators and tyrants.

While I agree with that (and I wouldn't shed a single tear for any judge that received such treatment), it just isn't going to happen in this day and age - at least not until the USSC rules that the 2nd protects the right of the NG to have weapons, but not individuals. It might have 150 or 200 years ago, but not now. As I said before, if the Supremes ever rule that way, all bets are off - which is a good part of the reason, IMHO, why they haven't taken a 2nd Amendment case recently. They are too afraid of the implications either way.
As an aside....I thought that it was encouraging to hear the President talk about confronting "activist judges" and stopping them from enacting their personal agendas. Maybe once he decides to act on this, rather than just talking, we'll see less and less of this kind of crap....

If Bush had appointed a different judge than Walton, then perhaps the DC case would have turned out differently. I eagerly await the time when Bush stops pandering to the Left. Perhaps that started with the recess appointment of Pickering, and maybe we'll have to wait until after the election. Of course, then he'll be trying to assure "his place in the history books" ...
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