It is legal in all 50 states to live trap and exterminate feral cats?

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Sage &Teddy

OP was shooting feral cats, not shooting cats in their own yard. I will shoot most strays be they cats or dogs without feeling a bit of remorse. Threatening someones life for shooting your animal on someone elses land is your issue that you do not need to propagate here. Hint : to make it a non issue, keep your animals under control

I do not have the responsibility for verifying that a cat is feral or not on my own property. State law provides them no protection as strays. It will get tossed in the bone pit with all the other strays I shoot. I have my own animals to take care of, I do not need yours.

+1 to Biker about repaying the pets damages.

If you cute little pussikens kills some show chickens and chicks, and I put a bullet in it, are you going to compensate me for my losses when I hand you your dead cat and demand payment for my lost livestock?

If your first reaction is to grab a gun, all I can say is what a coincidence. I have handled getting compensation from people that cannot keep their pets under control, usually dogs though, it can get ugly and I will make it expensive.

For the record, I should make it clear that I've never intentionally killed a cat.
My dogs have killed a bunch that they caught in my fenced yard and that was the fault of the cat owners, not my dogs. I've trapped a number of them and called Animal Control to pick them up. What happened to them after that is beyond my control.
I've sent some over the fence with bruises but they lived to irritate another day.
My point is, I don't understand why cat owners - in general - seem to think that it is their God given *right* to allow their animals to roam the neighborhood.
I work hard for the things I have and take offense when folks just chuckle and say "Ah, they're just being cats". I *like* feeding the birds in my yard and get downright pissed when I see a neighbor's cat killing a Robin I invited in to my yard.
I get mad as a mofo when I see a cat digging up and pissing/crapping in my garden.
Tippin' a brew with ya would be my pleasure. I got lots o' stories - some of 'em are even true.


Animals do not understand property lines.
But BY LAW, their OWNERS are required to.

Keep YOUR pets on YOUR property, and barring excessive noise from barking dogs, etc., there won't be a problem.

Allow your pets to run free on MY property, and if the city/county won't do anything, they'll be abducted by aliens... or at least they might as well be to you.
I think the problem here is that Teddy didn't understand the topic. That's all.

Teddy, nobody is going to head over to your yard to hunt your cats. We're talking about feral cats (that's not a breed of cat). Your cats are domestic cats.
If you love your cat, put a collar on it.

I bet "accidental" pet shootings could be eliminated if there was a national database for missing pets. Is there one? Post the pet's picture.
There are two different issues in play here.

1. Controlling feral animal populations - an important issue for tree-huggers and rednecks alike.

2. Getting a thrill from killing an otherwise defenseless animal (compared to the hunter): this is completely and utterly insane. Seek help, anyone who finds himself getting a twinge of 'fun' from the act.
Most places you can't use a firearm within so many hundred yards of a dwelling. I can't imagine where you guys all live that it's okay to run around shooting cats or anything else.
There wouldn't be a problem if the cat-lovers took responsibility for their pets. If you enjoy your cats so much, enjoy the whole package and keep them from cr@pping in my garden. Cleaning up after them is part of the deal. Same goes for your dog. By the way, I've never caught a kid or a raptor cr@pping in my roses. If you have a feral problem, call PETA. They will kill them for you.

Peta killed 91% of their animals in 2005? wow.
"On multiple occasions CHS (Carthage Humane Society) employees were ordered to place kittens and cats in the freezer to euthanize them," the petition says, without providing more detail.

James Spradling, a Carthage lawyer representing the board, said the shelter does euthanize day-old kittens by freezing them, but not older animals. He said this was a more humane method for very young kittens than the gas chamber, which is used for grown animals.

"It's a humane way to do it, not an evil way," Spradling said.

I don't understand how the freezer could be more human for younger cats. Sounds like a crappy way to go. I'd much rather be shot if I'm going to die. And as they say "do unto others as you'd want others to do unto you". :D
I've heard from people around here that have lost five outdoor cats in a year. It's not people shooting them, it's coyotes. I think the local coyote population get more sustenance from eating pets than any of their 'natural' food sources.

People that let their cats roam free are either profoundly ignorant or simply don't have their animals best interests at heart.
A former lady friend used to trap them, have them spayed, and then release them. That, as far as I know, was legal.

I recently had a raccoon mommy take up residence in an inaccessible portion of my attic to bear her litter. I had to hire a professional trapper to catch mommy dearest, then the trapper and I had to partially disassemble the attic to get at the babies. Based on what he told me, in this state (and I'm not going on record in the open forum with which state I live in, so don't bother to ask) only licensed pest control contractors may legally exterminate trapped wildlife.

Shoot, shovel, and shut up.

He does have a conflict of interest. I'd make sure you see the actual law before trusting someone whose sole business is to do what you could do for free.
Most places you can't use a firearm within so many hundred yards of a dwelling. I can't imagine where you guys all live that it's okay to run around shooting cats or anything else.

I live out in the country. I can shoot my rifle beside my house, inside my house, outside my house, or wherever I care to.

I just wonder if you city folks that think shooting ferals is wrong have ever lived out in the country. I bet you would change your mind about this issue. We have a huge problem out here. Whenever somebody wants to get rid of their pet(s), they come out here and dump them, taking off the collar. The animal will either starve, get eaten, or become feral. If it is very lucky, it might get adopted by somebody.

That is why I have to shoot stray cats and dogs. I'd rather shoot the person that threw them out. I can't afford the fee to get every stray euthanized. A .22 round or .30-30 round is a whole lot cheaper, and it keeps my pets from getting diseases or injuries from fights with the ferals.
Originally posted by Wacki:
My official stance on homosexuality and far left liberalism is this:

I'm not gay. I think homosexuality is disgusting, a major health risk and certainly not something that goes on in a traditional marriage. Despite this I won't be campaigning to put peter puffers in jail. It's a free country and it should remain a free country. Just don't tell me how to live my life and I won't tell you how to live yours. If a lefty wants me to defend their rights they better damn sure respect mine. Leave my guns alone. I don't care what the statistics say about alcohol, premarital sex, homosexuality and especially guns. You live your life and you let me live mine.

That was the point I was trying to say.

Actually some forms of homosexual sex are safer than straight sex. Do you have any statistics showing how major a health risk it is? Why do you use negative adjectives such as "Peter Puffers" to describe people? That is pretty low road and had you read the terms of service you would know that you should not use those terms on this board.

When I think about this kind of stuff, I ask myself what would Jesus do? Would he call homosexuals names in public, call them disgusting, or not debate in a reasonable way, or would he just allow his blind fear to guide him?
And why is this thread going into homosexuality, etc.? That is going to get it locked...

We were discussing legality on controlling feral cats (and other animals).
Ditto with Avenger

I do not look for pets, they tend to find me. While my previous posts may seem fairly harsh, I do own and raise several strays that people have dropped off. These ones that I have claimed are mine. The rest of them are not mine and I bear no responsibility for them other then when they cross my path.

If you are going to own a pet, and then find you dont like that pet, at least have the moral courage to terminate it yourself rather than dumping it off in the country for either hunger,wild animals, or jerks like me to get rid of.

It is very heartless when you think about it. This animal has had nothing but your love and affection for its whole life, and because of some minor issue, say going #2 in the wrong place, it is getting thrown away like a piece of trash. It knows that the world is upside down when it is physically thrown from your vehicle in the countryside. Then it must either work to survive if it has the instincts for that, or find someone else to love it, feed it, and take care of it before it becomes a tasty little crunch in the night by one of the local predators, all the time wondering where the person that loved one time is.
It is very heartless when you think about it. This animal has had nothing but your love and affection for its whole life, and because of some minor issue, say going #2 in the wrong place, it is getting thrown away like a piece of trash. It knows that the world is upside down when it is physically thrown from your vehicle in the countryside. Then it must either work to survive if it has the instincts for that, or find someone else to love it, feed it, and take care of it before it becomes a tasty little crunch in the night by one of the local predators, all the time wondering where the person that loved one time is..

Awwww.... I promised myself I wouldn't cry... ;)
It's important that feral populations be controlled (coyotes seem to do this pretty well). Feral cats do a number on native birds, reptiles and ampibians. California is moving to mandatory spay and neuter with both cats and dogs. It's too bad this has to be government mandated, but people have proven too stupid and lazy to do it themselves. There are also feral cat programs in most counties that use different strategies to control the populations.

Unfortunately some people just like to kill cats for giggles and use the whole feral things as a smoke screen. This happens both in rural and suburban areas. I would advise those people to be careful, especially if they live near me...
I have dogs, and currently have no cats because of the large coyote population. Yet I find it rather telling and disturbing that many people are quick to make comments of murder and rage over a percieved threat to thier dog, yet actively promote the killing of other people's cats. An eye for an eye perhaps? Perhaps a dead cat desearves a dead dog? Poisoned cat deserves a poisoned doggy steak? Seriously think about your comments. Nobody needs to be harming other people's pets unless they are a threat to thier safety or make you feel in danger.

I would never harm anyone else's pet and I don't think very many here would either. An invasive feral animal is fair game though. I don't care if it's a rabbit, frog, dog or cat. If a little population control is needed to protect biodiversity then I'd actually encourage people to go out and do so.
Most places you can't use a firearm within so many hundred yards of a dwelling. I can't imagine where you guys all live that it's okay to run around shooting cats or anything else.

It might not be legally ok, but there are silent ways to deal with pests- .22 colibris, bow and arrow, traps. I can't say I've personally killed a cat, but I warned a neighbor of mine 2 house down after I chased his cat off that was stalking cardinals that nest on my property. He was cool about it and I never saw the cat again. Most of my neighbors are originally from rural areas, our backyards are borderd by a cornfield and miles of marsh, its very common to control pests such as rabbits, ground squirrels, and possums in my neighborhood by the means listed above.
If you love your cat, put a collar on it.

I bet "accidental" pet shootings could be eliminated if there was a national database for missing pets. Is there one? Post the pet's picture.

lol. I laughed pretty hard at this one.
And people who have fun killing cats are insane and should be put in a white straight jacket and thrown in a padded room until their desire to kill cats for fun is gone.


Would you say the same thing about deer and turkey hunters? Seriously what is the difference between a deer and a feral cat?
Cat is stringier and has less meat.
But the fur makes nice underwear :D

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