It's time!

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Aug 24, 2008
All right guys, you've seen the polls, Barrack has a 6 point lead.
He is one of the most dedicated antis in America. He just said we can't protect ourselves, the government should do that (I'm watching live.) It's time to hit him and Biden hard. It's time to drop the bomb on gun control.
The point of this thread is to make him lose!

From HSO's message, quoting me from other threads:

On that last note, I think this is on-topic. I have reviewed catholic teaching, and found nothing about guns, but self defense is specifically allowed.(I don't think this includes deadly force for property though.) There is also a patron saint of swordsmiths, and one of hunting. However, Joe catholic probably doesn't know this. He probably thinks guns are evil, and that if we took away guns, it would stop crime. After all, why can't you just bowhunt instead?

so you could get the Gabriel Possenti people to speak against him
The gabriel Possenti society might come across as being one of those "cafeteria catholic" organizations, who disregard official church teaching. Working the gun angle, even explaining church teaching on self-defense, is NOT the angle you want to play. Ask Focus on the family and other Right-to-life organizations to design a grassroots flier against him. His positions on abortion, gay marriage and embreyonic(not adult) stem cell research should be highlighted, as all are against catholic teaching. The possenti society may be just the organization to make such a flier, but leave guns out of it, maybe don't even add the possenti society's name.
Abortion if often the #1 issue for voting catholics! Focus on the family and the Possenti society should be good, but no gun-related fliers, except maybe in pensylvania. Where you distribute these should also be carefully selected.
If you say he supports abortion to a bunch of hardcore catholics, he just lost their vote. If you say that in a planned parenthood office, you're essentially campaigning for the brady buch.

And eh if it is off-topic, could you please edit it to make it okay, then PM me a before-after example, I'm sorta confused about what's political and what's not!

Also, can the liberal members here and organizations like pink pistols get any dirt on him for distribution in stuff like gay bars and planned parenthood offices? We gun owners need to send a message, that you lose our vote if you ban guns. (These should also avoid the topic of guns, but stuff like he opposes empowering women and supports leaving gays defenceless against hate groups might get you somewhere. Just no guns, unless you're actually in a pink pistol rally.)

Good point, actually most of the shooters I know are catholic, but we should be careful not to alienate those who think guns are immoral. A little research would be a good thing, maybe those who are pro-gun just aren't very vocal. If we were to put out a catholic flier concerning guns we'd want bible verses, especially new testemant verses, some Catechasm(spelling>) of the catholic church verses, and some quotes by popes and saints. Guns will still not be the #1 issue, though, and I in fact vote based on religion before guns(But I've never had to choose ). Having known many other voting catholics, they usually talk about this issue the most, and it decides their votes, work the abortion angle, complete with:
Bible verses, CCC verses, and saint and pope quotes.
Read the forums at to get an dea of who your audience is. Yes, these actually do represent quite accurately the ones I've met(But then again that was the south.) And independantly verify any information there, as, according to a priest with over two decades experiance, lot's if it's not true. Also, no political discussion, they could lose tax-exemt status.

We need slogans, posters and, grassroots activism. Where can I get NRA fliers, I know a few people who also own guns, and want to distribute them.

And NO third party fliers, The purpose of this thread is to defeat Obama, he just said it himself, the stakes are too high.

The major swing states are florida, Pensylvania, Ohio, virginia, the carolinas,
and, this time, Michigan.

It's time to to CHANGE gun rights in this country. We can not let the most powerfull person in the world, be the brady bunch's pet, and deny a FUNDEMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT!

Let us unite, and DROP THE OBOMB!
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I have reviewed catholic teaching, and found nothing about guns, but self defense is specifically allowed.

Er, not quite.

Catholic theology is quite clear on the point:

Self defense is specifically REQUIRED.

Failure to defend the self is to squander the gifts of God. There is a loophole, however. One is allowed to sacrifice oneself if there's a reasonable expectation that the sacrifice will bring about some greater good, such as saving your family or larger number of strangers.
NO way am I voting for Bush III. That's all I can say.

I don't guess you own guns or pay taxes then so I can't blame you for that.

For those of us with jobs and firearms that would be a disaster.

All right guys, you've seen the polls, barrack has a 6 point lead.

Understand that those numbers are pulled out of people's hind parts.

He announced Biden and got a 2 point DROP. Coming out of his convention with a 6 point bump is dismal....

Don't let the celebrity and media fawning convince you that this is a "done deal".

To keep this on guns, though politics and guns are now, post Heller, intertwined in a way that makes that impossible, here are some links to NRA banners, fliers, all that stuff etc:

My favorite is:

Very nice texasrifleman!
I was thinking fliers though, like ones you could distribute door to door, grassroots style. The Ron Paul campaign inspired me.
The "Bitter gun owner and I vote" sign sends a message, but it doesn't seem like it will change votes.

To geekwitha.45:
Er, not quite.

Catholic theology is quite clear on the point:

Self defense is specifically REQUIRED.

Failure to defend the self is to squander the gifts of God. There is a loophole, however. One is allowed to sacrifice oneself if there's a reasonable expectation that the sacrifice will bring about some greater good, such as saving your family or larger number of strangers.
Ahh, it's good to be catholic!:D

So seriously, where can I get anti-obama grassroots fliers?
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Why doesn't someone start a Catholic gun ownership group? I will try to find a priest named Father Corapi and his story about defending himself as he was a target of someone trying to kill him, he is a .45 guy.
This will be a difficult thread to keep from drifting. If it does drift off the "What sort of actions can we take?" and into the political it won't last. Please stay focused and on topic because Activism and Activism Discussion have not turned onto a stealth Politics forum. Posts and threads that make the mistake of thinking it has will disappear.
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