I've given up on waiting for my Hk91 drum.

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May 30, 2007
At the Tulsa,OK gunshow last October 31, I saw a table that sold copies of the Hk91 drum for $225. The vendor said he bought an original Hk drum for 3k and since they did not copywrite it, reverse enginnered it. He even had several for sale and one on display.

I had always wanted one for my 91 and thought it would be much better than a Betamag 100 round drum. I was short of cash having just spent $3000 on a set of PVS14s, but had a flyer with the phone number of the company.

On the following monday I ordered one and was told they would ship in two weeks. Two weeks later I called to see if they were shipped only to be told they would ship at the end of the month. The end of November I call and was told they would ship in December. December 6th I call and was told they would ship on the 14th. Today on the 19th I call and was told they would ship next month and would I like a refund. I took the refund and was told they would send me a check, not refund my credit card.

Has anyone else bought one of these drums from Allied Armament? If so did you buy it up front or did you order it? How did it work? Should I have waited?
Don't feel alone. I paid up front for a MAC-11 drum from Stoneycreek Armoury. That was 10 months ago. When I do get a reply to an inquiry, I keep getting the yeah, yeah, yeah, two week bull ****, and requests for refund go unanswered. Others have been ripped off in the same way.

Stay away from Stoneycreek.
+1 on call your credit card, and do it before the 60 days are up. Contesting charges when merchandise was never received is the tactical nuke in the consumer warrior's armamentorium.
I didn't know they were working on this. IIRC, allied usually delivers--but they're generally optimistic on schedules. I've not personally dealt with them, but think that was the case when they were working on their ppsh...and remember hearing other folks say that wasn't unusual.

Good advice about cc chargebacks posted above, but still interesting enough to watch for.
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