Japan needs to ban assault knives

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Nov 19, 2007
Fresno ca
Caught a blip on yahoo news about a guy who drove his rented truck into a crowded mall, jumped out of the truck, then stabbed 17 people, 7 of which died in 3 minutes.

When police arrived, he dropped his knife when police armed with guns confronted him.

The camera showed a short samuri type knife.

Dammit, we have got to do something about those knives, no one has a need for an assault knife. Those knives have no purpose other than to kill.

Japan has sensible gun laws, only the police and the yakuza have guns, no one else. We need to apply these laws to assault knives.

Assault knives in urban areas are not only as deadly as assault weapons, but worse because assault knives don't run out of ammunition or jam.

Uma Thurman showed us how deadly assault knives really are. Do we need to see a real life Kill Bill massacre before we take action.

You don't need an assault knive to eat dinner or to cut meat. Hell, we shouldn't be eating meat anyway. Society would be better off anyway if we stopped being flesh eaters.

For the sake of the children we need to act.

In America we don't have a national knife association, we should act quickly to ban such weapons to prevent such a massacre here in the United States.

Our major cities such as New York, Washington DC, San Francisco and Los Angeles are at risk for such a attack.

What if coordinated terrorists did it, the bloodshed would be horrible.

Oh, what are we to do.


PS. For those of you who are super serious, I'm being very sarcastic.
If this had happened in one of the 40 ccw states, the guy would have been shot dead and the police would have arrived just in time to pick up the garbage.
Well this will probably be locked as was the case at the Legal Forum but I will get it in.

Another example if firearms are banned, people bent on murder and mayhem will find another tool.
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