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JBT's in my neighborhood. Grrr!!!

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"just because you've got a permit doesn't mean we welcome it."

Where do you start with something like this? The guy was obeying the law but the cops don't like the law so they hassle and threaten him. They need to be brought up on charges then dismissed with all benefits forfeited as a lesson to other potential bad apples.
I want to keep my right to carry a firearm. But letting Jimbo with a front tooth missing and a swastika tatoo walk around town with a cannon on his hip to be photographed and put on the cover of TIME, Newsweek, and whoever else will buy the photo is not going to help my cause. Not alot of common sense being exercised on this thread. Most of the population does not want to see a gun strapped on Joebob in the supermarket- GET IT? If they see what they dont like, whether in person or on television or wherever, politicians will take advantage of it and I have less likelihood of staying armed. Thanks to you open carry fans. As someone who supports RKBA, carries concealed and wants to continue doing so, PLEASE DONT HELP. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Substitute "open carry" with "blacks" or "gays" and you might understand why your attitude may be offensive.

If you dont put RKBA at the same level of importance as civil rights then you're part of the problem. Worse really - as you're just like those blacks who said "Rosa, why couldnt you have just sat at the back of the bus? Why'd you have to go and make trouble for us?"

I know this may come as a big shock to you, but some of us really do consider RKBA to be that important, and are just as offended by the attitude that we should keep that right out of the public eye, so as not to offend the sensibilities of the stupid.

Nice - so those of us who dont want to be treated like criminals and forced to keep out of sight less someone from polite company see us are now the lunatic fringe?


It is you my friend who is suggesting that rather than convince others THROUGH OUR ACTIONS that the majority of gun owners are not slack-jawed, inbred, toothless cretins, that we remain in the dark and allow everyone else to remain blissful in their ignorance - and retain their incorrect stereotypes.

You are so waaaaay off it's not even funny. You sir, are part of the problem. The fact that you fail to see this, and yet you argue against those of us that truly support the 2A makes you dangerous.

Groveling for table scraps of acceptance through ignorance is no way to live as a free man. You're not "allowed" to "keep and bear arms", you have right to it. The government did not give you that right. I did not give you that right, you did not even give yourself that right. It's your right simply for being born and an American citizen. Are you familiar with the Constitution?

Like has been said, your attitude towards this is the same as the blacks that told Rosa to sit down, or MLK to shut up. It's the same as those women that stood against Susan B Anthony and told her that they don't care about civil rights, they don't want her causing no trouble.

Gay Marriage went through, partly because it was, in fact, in your face.

Women’s rights pushed through, largely because it was, right in the face of Joe-public and he was forced to deal with it.

The rights of blacks and other minorities have gotten where they are today exactly because it was, in fact, in the face of the nation, not tucked away in some holster underneath a shirt.

You don't acclimate a culture to something by hiding it from them. This is a basic and nearly universal truth. Acceptance comes from recognition, realization and reconciliation. If we hide our guns and ourselves, we will never gain any acceptance, but the more people see that men and women can walk public streets, armed, and that the world is not a dangerous place because of it, the more acceptance we may get. They may even come to realize what we already know, an armed society is, as a rule, much safer than an unarmed one.
The civil rights angle is not going to work.
Why not? Because its accurate and you have no valid response, or because you are incapable of understanding the parallel?
If you push the public on this then we will be disarmed. No thanks.
Oh really? Perhaps you will be my friend, but not people like me.

Additionally - and i do not say this to play keyboard kommando, but to point out a raw fact - how do you propose we would be disarmed? At what point do you think the state would run out of people willing to enforce the order to collect the guns?
Give up on this one, CARRY'IN is an anti at heart, he's just a lesser level of anti. And that's okay, everyone's got to have opinions and all. The term "anti", BTW, was not meant to offend. I am using it to refer someone that takes a stance against the second amendment.

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. If you advocate infringing on that right, in any way, shape or form, you're are not really a friend of the second amendment, now are you?

Disarmed? Molon Labe. :neener:
I dont think he's completely a lost cause NineseveN.

He's intelligent - which counts for something.

While he's dismissed it here, he may well consider what has been presented to him at some later date and realize he was wrong.

I've seen it work in the past, and i know it will work in the future. If it means I only change one mind at a time, so be it. Thats one more who stands on our side.
No doubt he's intelligent, and it counts for a lot. If you can change his mind, then you are a better man than I. Me, I'm content with just arguing a little with him. :D
My liberal tolerance makes more sense than your conservative genius.

I, too, tolerate liberals, and the fact that I'm conservative and a genius has little to do with the point I was making :neener:

I was attacked with a baseball bat several years ago. Am I now afraid of baseball bats? Nope. Why not? Because I'm intelligent enough to realize that the bat wasn't included in the decision-making process that led to my assault :rolleyes: Apparently "liberal tolerance" and common sense are mutually exclusive characteristics in your case. Forgive me if I put more faith in reason than in mindless fear.
Standing Wolf,
TI don't open carry like I said because idon't want to be hastled. Also, my girlfriend's a bit jumpy when I'm armed, she's not thrilled with weapons.
Third, and if SHTF, if nobody knows I'm armed I'm at an advantage because I know how the BGs are.
If you advocate infringing on that right, in any way, shape or form, you're are not really a friend of the second amendment, now are you?

Hmmm. You may want to think about that one. All there was to be had in the late 1700's was flintlock muzzleloaders, very big grenades, cannons, and specialty weapons like mortars and rockets. I would think the RKBA applies to the flintlocks. As for the rest I would guess those items were meant to be kept in an armory and not posessed privately. Taken on expeditions, yes, not kept in front of the homestead. How many muskets do you think a modern handgun equates to in terms of firepower? How many people could a madman massacre with a flintlock pistol? The world has changed. If you think any and all small arms should be allowed into the hands of private citizens is the only definition of "pro" and everything else is "anti", I guess I am not a friend of the second amendment. There has to be limits. If you are not willing to set those limits your fellow citizens will- by completely solving their "problem." I want to be able to defend myself and my family. I would rather do it with my Makarov than with a pocket knife. As for fighting a revolution and bringing down a tyrant in this day and age- I have no illusions about that. I think you do. Maybe I will change my mind, but I have not heard a single worthwhile argument in favor of open carry so far.
I got to agree with not wanting to see everyone strapping a sidearm. This is a modern day America. Not the old wild west. There is no place here for Joe Public to be walking through some mall with a Glock in a holster.

I don't care if it's legal or not. It's stupid. If frightens the sheeple and paints us as "nut jobs". Not to mention it invites trouble with the LE's. If the states allowed open carry and more and more of us started to open carry how long do you think it would be before the general public (GENERAL PUBLIC, not us gun nuts here) would start pushing through even tougher gun laws.

Name one other first world country out there that allows it's citizens to walk around with artillery strapped to them. Isreal doesn't count. They are under constant attack from their neighbors and only their soldier (plain clothes or not) can carry.

The US is not in the constant danger of being attacked by it's neighbors or "allah akaba" screaming fanatics. Why should we live in a state of war.

Beside, I carry concealed. If I were in a "situation" I wouldn't want to be singled out to be the first one to be shot cause I was packing. I want the element of suprise on my side when I whip out my mini vulcan "SBR pistol" and pump 6000 rounds into a bad guy. :evil: :evil:
"... Not alot of common sense being exercised on this thread...."


Does common sense being exercised only apply to those that share your opinion?

You mentioned that it is not 1870's Indian territory, or that there is no REASON to carry openly in our modern enlightened time (to paraphrase). I would suggest that there is more reason to carry in some cities than there ever was in much of the frontier.

I find it interesting that your handle on THR implies carrying a gun, but you find it distastfull that some choose to do so openly, and you find it necesary to make insulting comments about the intelligence and general character of those that would.

Mark Twain made an interesting comment about arguments, but I shall refrain from repeating it here.
"just because you've got a permit doesn't mean we welcome it."
thats not acceptable behavior and I agree with nicky, people with attitudes such as this do not need to be in a profession that mandates contact with the public..and the lack of safty in the poor gun handling skills by pointing it at bystanders innocently waiting in line? not professional in the least.

Ive seen folks fired for less than this. Id contact the depts internal affairs, itll trickle down to the chiefs desk.
"The US is not in the constant danger of being attacked by it's neighbors or "allah akaba" screaming fanatics. Why should we live in a state of war."

HEY! I don't know about you, but I've been suspicious of those Canadians for a long time. I think they've been eyeing our nice warm country for a long time now.
Isreal [sic] doesn't count. They are under constant attack from their neighbors and only their soldier (plain clothes or not) can carry.
No, not true. Bubba Joe Kosher taking the kindergarten class on a field trip is allowed to carry, and FA rifles, not jsut pea-shooters.

I would think the RKBA applies to the flintlocks.
Wow, Carry'in That is just about as anti 2a as I have ever seen on this board. I suppose you think this pic espouses a fringe gun nut idea, then?


Yeah. The 1st amendment only applies to quill pens on parchment, and the 2nd applies only to flintlocks. :rolleyes: Makes perfect sense, doesn't it.

As for the rest I would guess those items were meant to be kept in an armory and not posessed privately.
You would guess wrong. Rich guys owned battleships. Yes, privately.

I don't care if it's legal or not. It's stupid. If frightens the sheeple and paints us as "nut jobs". Not to mention it invites trouble with the LE's. If the states allowed open carry and more and more of us started to open carry how long do you think it would be before the general public (GENERAL PUBLIC, not us gun nuts here) would start pushing through even tougher gun laws.

There IS intelligent life here!
"The US is not in the constant danger of being attacked by it's neighbors or "allah akaba" screaming fanatics. Why should we live in a state of war."

HEY! I don't know about you, but I've been suspicious of those Canadians for a long time. I think they've been eyeing our nice warm country for a long time now.

Okay, you got me on the Canadians.....If it wasn't for their Bacon and syrup, they'd be as worthless as Viagra to a eunuchs

There IS intelligent life here!
Where!!!!!!!!!!! :scrutiny: :scrutiny:
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