"Joe Gun"

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ya, I know what yall mean, those phoney so called spec ops guys that think they have to remind you all the time.......As for me I was in the frog men in WWII and in Delta for awhile in vietnam, even saw some action in desert storm as a seal sniper had ol' saddam in my sights, but my C.O. refused to give the order. I trained the iraqi police force, been shot 12 times in the chest with a 12ga, rappeled down a dam to combat terrorists, saved my daughter from an ex-army buddy of mine, rescued the son of a african king from thier own people, one time even boarded and rescued an airliner hijacked with some sort of bomb on board, wait, wait, wait, wait,..wait, must have been a movie I saw, never mind

Spartan, didn't we work mall security together once?
Unless there's a saftey issue....

My philosophy is to ignore the Ignore the Ignorant. These people are a minority and it's not worth the effort to convert them....Essex

My wife shot back that I was the father of her children and I am more inclined to shoot people for being stupid than she is. That shamed the group into leaving.

sounds like you got a good woman

It's not the "Joes" I worry about. It's the "Canadians".:evil: Any waiters here know what I'm talking about.;) Try to tell those guys anything and you might get shot. I had a bad time once when about 20 of them came into the range. The indoor range only had six stalls. From then on when they came in I left. Now that was a year or so ago and have since said goodbye to city life and those "Little John" types.:D Now I live in the country and can shoot off my back porch. Be safe guy's and beware of the reckless "canadians".
What is this "public range" of which you all speak...

I built a shooting bench into my deck, right outside my front door, and created a 200 yard range from there...

I just got my tractor and front end loader back from the shop. Got to do some reinforcing to my berms soon!
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